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Home Front - Part III

Posted on Fri Mar 12, 2021 @ 10:20pm by Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Dorian Torel & Civilian Sha'rae Astare

2,767 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: DS5, various
Timeline: MD 04 0500

Previously in

“The Bajorans think the Prophets will protect them,” Jessica said. “And…” She looked over at Travis.

“We’ve suspected that with the recent troubles with the Cardassians, some elements of the Bajoran community on the station may have hidden a weapons cache in the temple,” Travis said. “They may be thinking of forming up a resistance. Even after this long, there are plenty of young Bajorans who missed out on the occupation and are fired up by the tales their parents and grandparents tell.”

The last thing they needed was a bunch of civilians taking matters into their own hands.
"Normally I wouldn't violate the sanctity of a temple, but if they're hiding weapons inside they lose all protection. Let's go see what we can do."

And now the continuation

Main Promenade

A large male Bolian jogged up then and gave a brief salute. “Sir!” Petty Officer Bocero said, attempting to catch his breath. He was the runner stationed on this level, standing guard at the turbolifts for any orders. “Ops thinks there are saboteurs on station, Upper Torpedo Control, and a report of a firefight with a Cardassian infiltration team near Starfighter Command. Commander Ryan wants all Cardassian and Xi’Cadian civilians rounded up and sequestered in a cargo hold, sir! And Security teams to sweep for infiltrators.”

Of course, before they could deal with the Bajoran fanatics, a greater threat exposed itself with the report from Bocero. Ethical concerns aside, Annora wasn't sure about the logistics of rounding up every Cardassian and Xi'Cadian on board the station. In the end, she made a compromise and would worry about the career implications later.

"I'm not about to search every shelter and personal quarters for any Cardassians or Xi'Cadians. However, if anyone at this point is not where they should be, I'd say that's enough reason to detain them until the crisis is over. I'll reach out to the SRU teams to head towards the targeted areas. Mr. Bocero, see if there are any other security teams or Marines on nearby decks. If so, make sure they know about the reports of saboteurs. At the moment I'm heading towards the Bajoran temple if you need me."

“Yes, sir!” the large Bolian said, running off back toward the turbolifts.

Jessica and Travis fell in beside Annora. “They could be useful,” Jessica pointed out to her superior. “If the Cardassians do try to board the station, we’ll need all the help we can get.”

While the idea of deputizing civilians in an emergency was usually controversial, there were plenty of examples of resistance groups providing assistance in combat situations.

"Perhaps. Let's go talk to them before making any final decision."

Bajoran Temple

Upon approaching the group of Bajorans, Annora addressed them as a whole.
"The station is under a state of emergency, all civilians are supposed to be in emergency shelters. If you remain here, I can't guarantee your safety."

“We aren’t going to let the spoonheads take our homes and families again,” one of the Bajoran men said. “We laid down and let them occupy our world for decades. That won’t happen again.”

After beaming Maritza to see to her station, Geral had had Sha'rea beam Dorian and himself to the Promenade near his new, yet to open, shop. As they materialized, he saw the station's security chief and grinned. "I know, I know...I used a transporter on the station. You can throw me in the brig after we get rid of these Cardassians." He glanced to his fellow Bajorans before looking back at the Lieutenant. "I will take care of them. I think you have bigger concerns."

"Considering the circumstances, I think we'll overlook it this time. Just don't make a habit of it."

She turned her attention back to the gathering group.
"I'm not going to force you into a shelter, but if you choose to take up arms you do so at your own risk."

With that situation taken care of, she moved to deal with the reports of hostiles near the fighter bays.

After she had gone, Geral stood before the group of Bajorans. "I have two ships and several freighters docked and ready to evacuate anyone that wants to get off the station...just in case."

“We weren’t thinking of leaving,” one of the Bajoran men said. “We’ll fight the Cardies like our parents did!”

“Maybe just the children,” Tera said, “and their mothers?”

Someone shoved Tera. “Shut your mouth, collaborator! Why don’t you go suck a spoonhead on your knees!” they sneered, and someone hit her with the butt of a phaser rifle.

Geral throat punched the fool, taking the weapon, and handed it to Dorian, who shook his head slowly at the others, and Sha'rae helped the woman up.

"We aren't going to accomplish anything by fighting each other! I was there during the occupation...and gung ho will get you killed. Right now the Federation is the target. If the station is taken, we can best help them by fighting behind the scenes.

"Those of you that work for me know what to do. Those of you that don't, and you want to leave, go with her." He nodded to Sha'rae. She moved off, leading a handful back towards the Lasuma docking bays.

"Right now hopefully the Federation holds the station. If things go bad there will be more evacuations. Those of us that stay will use the temple to meet at first. My corporation has dealings with every government in the quadrant, so I will use that as our cover. Hopefully that won't be needed."

He scanned the group of his people again. "Stay calm," he looked at the hot head, still holding his throat, "and don't be stupid."

Lasuma turned to Dorian. "You know the drill better than anyone. If things go bad, you will need to disappear."

"Joy. Always did love crawling through jefferies tubes."

"Maritza said she had left her comm badge in her quarters. It's doubtful she had time to get it."

Dorian was nodding with a grin. "I go grab it and use it to play cat and mouse games, should the need arise."

"That's right. Go get it. Deactivate it and meet me back at the shop."

Lasuma looked to the wrinkled vedic. "Twice in the same lifetime..."

The vedic smiled and gave a slight bow, then looked with concern at Tera’s swelling face and the subdued, but still hostile, crowd.

Tera let herself be led away by Sha’rae, still clutching her bruised and maybe broken jaw. “Thank you,” she managed, ducking under the glares of the other Bajorans.

Main sick Bay, Deck 54

Maritza materialized into organized chaos as staff in the medical center made it to their posts. The first people so badly injured that a beam out was a risk worth taking were appearing, mostly with disruptor burns that needed urgent tissue replacement, and various nurses and doctors were moving to handle the emergencies and move out the less urgent to the auxiliary medical enter on the Promenade fifty decks below

She quickly exited the transporter pads. Beaming from Geral's shuttle had got her almost all the way. Only four hundred odd meters to go now, vertically. Dashing across to the nearest turbolifts, she called for the nearest car. The control panel next to it showed her a wait time of two minutes. She swore. She needed to be in Ops, and she was a lifetime away from it. And going by jefferies tubes wouldn't be any quicker.

She'd underestimated Turvan. She'd completely miscalculated the scale of his ambition. This wasn't petty tit for tat skirmishing. This was a completely different game, and the stakes were far higher than she'd ever imagined he'd be willing to play for. He was making her deal with his bruised ego when she should be grieving her father. He'd better rot in hell for this.

And until then, she was waiting for a turbolift.

As she waited, a female Klingon, dressed in Starfleet Marine green, moved to her side. "Captain,"the woman snapped to attention and gave a sharp salute. "Sergeant Fel'tora. Major Rixx sent word out that if any of us found you, we were to stick to you like a Ferengi to gold-pressed latinum. So, until the crisis is over, Ma'am, I'm your shadow."

Soran looked the Klingon over. She hadnt realised Means had one amongst his men. That was interesting. Somthing to dig into another time. "Allright, seargeant, but understand this. i outrank everyone on this station. So if I need you to do something, I don't care what your Major said, you do it. Even if it meeans leaving me behind. Got it?"

The Klingon said nothing, but nodded once. What she didn't say, was that she would take a general court martial, or worse, if it meant that she did everything in her power to keep the Captain safe. Even disobeying Soran's order to leave her.

Ferengi Embassy

Qinee had dressed, slipping into one of her preferred garish gowns, and now sat behind her desk with a stimulating cup of tea at her elbow and a bevy of young underlings before her.

“Time for some old-fashioned communications,” Qinee spoke. She was glad she had instituted a fitness regime as part of working in the embassy. It wasn’t required, but it was noted on progress reports, and young Ferengi aimed to please, if nothing else. It kept health care costs down, and the compensatory savings could be given out as a pay raise. So she had no fat Ferengi on her staff that she couldn’t send running off with messages.

“Ynas, run down to my yacht. See if we can establish communications with Grand Proxy Rikava. Ozam, run up to Ops. It’s probably secure, so hold up a sign saying I want to speak to Captain Soran about being a neutral liaison in this situation and wish to offer whatever help I can. Yanazoc, seal the embassy. Call in all Enforcers to stand by, but do not leave the embassy compound,” Qinee ordered.

Dilithium Chamber

"Let's go! Everybody please proceed to the marked exits! You must all leave the facility!" the security guard announced over his comm unit that was tied directly to the Dilithium Chamber's intercom system. The sound of the red alert klaxons continued to blare loudly throughout the entertainment complex within the Promenade.

Fortunately, there was not a large crowd of visitors at this time of morning, so the evacuation was not going to be too cumbersome. However, it was always an issue trying to move any large number of people out of an area in an orderly and safe manner.

"Why...why...WHY! Does an emergency have to occur right when I'm about to get off my shift and finally get some sleep?" Jhene Waugh, the Assistant Operations Officer for the entertainment complex said aloud to herself as she made her way down the staircase and towards the designated exit corridor for Raddon Corporation employees.

"Well, m'dear, life just wouldn't be interesting if things always went according to our plans," Melvyn Raddon said as he appeared beside her and walked alongside her down the corridor. The elder executive had just arrived in preparation for a board holo-conference when he heard the klaxons going off, indicating a station-wide emergency.

"I'm certain the authorities have everything under control and we all can get back to our days in no time," Melvyn said with that paternal smile he was known for giving to his friends, family, and even close staff.

"Good, because if I don't get some sleep soon, I'm likely to murde--" Jhene's words were cut off as a disruptor blast lanced out across the corridor and tore through the wall across from her. "What the hell!?" she screamed reflexively as she pushed herself and Mr. Raddon to the ground for cover.

Another shot rang out just several meters ahead as she tried to look out to see what was happening. She listened carefully to the sounds of the disruptors. She knew they were not Starfleet or even Federation. She knew the sound well enough to know that they were Cardassian disruptors. She looked around the corner and saw a group of Cardassians, flanked by Xi'Cadians, pouring out from two access tubes, weapons drawn and firing indiscriminately.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" she yelled as she ducked back down and looked towards Melvyn. "Spoonheads and Xi'Cadians!" she said as she tried to think of the nearest exit. "What the hell are they doing? How'd they get onto the station?" she wondered aloud.

"I'm sure we can figure all of that out at a later time. For now, let's get to safety before they see us," Melvyn said as he turned and began to hurry in the opposite direction. However, his attempt at fleeing was stopped short by the butt of a Cardassian disruptor.

"Take another step and it will be your last, Raddon," the Xi'Cadian Guardsmen said, keeping the disruptor level with the much older Human's face. Jhene was just a few paces behind when she saw the Xi'Cadian cutting them off from their point of exit.

"I HAVE RADDON AND THE WOMAN!" the Xi'Cadian shouted from the upper level down to the assault team that had forced their way into the entertainment facility.

"Good! Seal the doors shut and set up the transporter inhibitors," the lead Cardassian shouted to the group. The rest of the crew kept their weapons trained on the group of seventeen civilians that had not been able to escape from the facility before the attackers had rushed in. The Cardassian saw a quick movement out of the corner of his eye and quickly turned, dropping to one knee and firing.

The disruptor blast caught the Raddon security consultant in the chest just as he fired an errant shot. The slight distraction gave two other security consultants the chance to rush and tackle a nearby Xi'Cadian, and they tried to wrestle the weapon away. The three rolled on the ground before the Xi'Cadian was able to kick one consultant off of him while he used his momentum to roll over on top of the other Human.

" the best that Raddon has to offer?" Elot'oX grunted as he proceeded to slam the man's skull into the hard deck surface repeatedly, blood beginning to pool around the back of his head. Finally, with a final thrust, the man's skull hit the deck with an audible THUNK before his body went limp.

Just as the second consultant attempted to grab the Xi'Cadian again, he was met with a dagger directly into his chest. The Human looked down at the blood seeping from his tunic with a mixture of surprise, anger, and then fear. The Xi'Cadian merely stared into his eyes without any sympathy as life slowly drained away from the Human's eyes. Finally, he shoved the Human's body onto the ground and stood up, looking to see if any other attackers were coming.

"Elot'oX, go and secure Raddon and the woman. You and your men are to get them to give you the access information to activate the device. Use any means necessary. Our window is closing. We have to be ready by the time Gul Vashur launches her assault on the station," Glinn Remtok said in that standard voice that could only come from someone used to giving commands to others.

Elot'oX did not need to be directed on what to do, especially since he had helped formulate this part of the plan in the first place. "You just ensure that your men can hold off the Starfleet Security and Marine force that is on their way here," he said ruefully. He had received word from his reconnaissance team that such a large group had learned of the disruptor fire and were making their way towards the facility.

Time was running short.

To be Continued…

Petty Officer Bocero
Security officer

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security officer

Petty Officer Travis Nottingham
Security officer

Thereen Tera
Bajoran shop owner
Ten Thousand Worlds

Ferengi ambassador

Xi'Cadian Guardsmen
NPC - Thom

Cardassian Assault Team
NPC - Thom

Raddon Corporations Employees
NPC - Thom

Gerald Lasuma
Owner - Mazuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard/Henchman for Geral Lasuma

Sha'rae Astare
Personal Assistant to Geral Lasuma

Sergeant Fel'tora
NPC- Haican


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