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Fri Mar 18, 2022 @ 8:01am

Captain Tam "Demon" Haican

Name Tam "Demon" Haican

Position Commander of the Air Group

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Tam is average in his build. He is, however, perfectly proportional for life as a fighter pilot. He has no scars on his body. He does, however, have one tattoo. Located on his back, centered on his spine just above his shoulder blades, he has a tattoo of his starfighter pilot wings.


Spouse 1Lt Verena Haican (K.I.A.)
Children Daughter: Sebina (14 years)
Son: Revin (5 years - killed)
Father Amenin Sulano (deceased)
Mother Elestra Sulano (deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Deceased

Personality & Traits

General Overview Despite the horrors that befell his home world, Tam possessed a happy spirit. He will always help someone in need. He is indefatigable in his quest to ensure that both his family and the Federation stay safe. Unfortunately, now that both his wife and son are dead, he has put all parental and protective focus on his daughter. While she doesn't see it, Tam now works and fights like a man possessed, with but a single goal. Keep Selina safe.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Strong analytical mind
+Can focus on several things at once.
+Highly intelligent
+Extremely cool head under fire.
+Natural born leader.

-Afraid of spiders
-Will often give more of himself helping others than he has.
-Blames himself for the death of his wife and son.
Ambitions First and foremost, to be the best father to his daughter Sebina. After that, to be the finest starfighter pilot in the fleet, perhaps one day heading up SFMCHQ's Starfighter division.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: swimming, mountain climbing, parachuting and playing chess

Interests: Spending every free moment with his daughter. Learning about and mastering each and every friend/foe starfighter.
Languages Betazed, Federation Standard, Klingonese, Bolanese, some Vulcanese

Personal History Born on Betazed on 10 June 2354, to Elestra and Amenin Sulano. He was a miracle baby. His parents had been told repeatedly that the chances of conceiving and carrying a baby to term were extremely low. After ten years of trying and several miscarriages, Tam was finally conceived. After a short, worry-filled nine month pregnancy, he was born prematurely. The first week of his life was a tense one. Due to the fact that he was premature a full month, he had to be placed into an incubator because his lungs had not fully matured and inflated.

Finally, after surviving those first few tense weeks, he was given a clean bill of health and his parents were allowed to take him home. Over the next several years, Tam's parents showered him with love and affection. He wasn't spoiled, but he was given every opportunity available to him to learn and grow. His life changed forever on his sixth birthday when he was introduced to an eight year old girl by the name of Verena Haican. His parents and hers had followed in Betazed tradition with agreeing to an arranged marriage between the two children.

Thankfully, the two children became fast friends. Whenever the families got together, Tam couldn't be pulled away from Verena's side. Life was good for the young man. He did well in school, excelling in math. During his junior year of high school, he took Verena to go watch an airshow with him. The show was being put on by the local SFMC garrison. It was during that afternoon, that the pair decided what they wanted to do with their lives, become SFMC fighter pilots.

He spent the rest of his time at school getting his mind and body as prepared for the rigors of flight school that he had read about. He became obsessed with becoming the best recruit hopeful that he could.
After he graduated, he went down to the local recruiter and tried to apply for flight school. Unfortunately, the school was heavily backlogged with applicants. The recruiter informed him that his best option would be to enlist and later, apply again. He enlisted on the spot. However, he didn't want to leave Verena without knowing that she would be cared for, so, three weeks before he was to ship out for Earth, the couple were married.

After Tam graduated from SFMC boot camp, he was assigned to an infantry line company stationed on Earth. Over the next two years, he was promoted to Corporal and trained very hard. He attended and completed the Jungle, Desert, and Arctic environmental survival schools, earning the prestigious Pathfinder tab. He also graduated from the Zero-G School.

His world was rocked heavily when, in 2374, Dominion forces conquered his home world. He lost all contact with his parents, and more importantly, Verena. When word came around that a liberation force was being put together, Tam begged to be on it. His request was granted. Over the next year, Tam experienced some of the heaviest fighting of his short career. In 2375, the liberation force finally reached Betazed. The Marines gave the local freedom fighters the much needed assistance in finally driving the Dominion forces off of the planet and out of the system.

Tam returned to his place of birth to find not peace and beauty, but death and despair. It took him three long days to find his bride, Verena. Understandably, the reunion was a highly emotional one. It was also during this time that he found out that both of his parents had been killed during the initial attacks. Having no other family except for Verena, Tam swore that he would never leave her again. He requested and was given a transfer to the SFMC garrison that was left on the scarred planet.

Tams dreams of becoming a fighter pilot seemed to be gone forever. To fulfill it, he would have to return to Earth to attend OCS and flight school. However, to do this, he would have to leave Verena. This was something that he refused to do. Before the war, Verena had elected to wait for an open slot in flight school instead of following Tam and enlisting first. Finally, after their long wait, they both got orders to report to Earth to attend flight school immediately.

In 2377, Tam and Verena left Betazed and traveled to Earth. They both dove into their studies at OCS, located at Quantico. After ten long weeks, they graduated and were given the ranks of second lieutenant and first lieutenant. Tam had been given the higher rank in recognition of his prior enlisted service. Next, they continued their training at the Basic School, a required twenty-six week course for every SFMC officer.

Once these were done, the Haican's moved onto flight school. The next six months saw them both being very busy with their studies. He would visit Verena ever chance he got. Thankfully, in recognition of their homeworld nearly being destroyed, SFMC Command had billeted the couple together for their studies.

After flight school, their next challenge was Advanced Flight School. While Verena sailed through the course in six months, it took Tam seven months to finish. He still managed to graduate in the top five percent, just barely, of his class, while Verena graduated third. This achievement meant that they were selected to attend a further six weeks of hard training in the Advanced Fighter Tactics Course. It was during this time, that 1LT Haican received the call sign, "Demon".

Finally, in 2380, they had finished all of their training and were given their orders to report to Starbase 11 immediately. Due to the situation on Betazed, SFHQ had made policy that all Betazoid couples who had been married prior to the war would be given permission to serve together, providing there was an opening for the both of them. Fortunately, Starbase 11 was such a place. The young couple then moved there and for the first time in nearly eight years, began living as husband and wife.

The next few years saw some mild action. They both flew several sorties against pirates and Klingon renegades. Though 2380 was busy and filled with a certain level of danger at times, it still had its share of wonders, for it was when they had their first child, a daughter that they named Sebina. The couple was overjoyed in their new little addition. Tam himself was every part the happy father.

This happiness was expanded upon when, in 2382, they had another child. A son that they named Revin. Tam truly felt like a blessed man. He had a beautiful, loving wife, who was also his best friend. He also had two beautiful children that he adored. He felt that everything in his life was moving along perfectly.

Everything, that is, except for his career. He had been a SFMC combat pilot for several years now, and it seemed that he was starting to stagnate. The year was now 2385, and he was still only a first lieutenant. He had graduated from SERE school on the station, however, as stable and safe as station life was, if he wanted to advance, he would have to get a starship assignment

He brought his thoughts to Verena. At first, she was extremely hesitant to the idea. She had the safety of the children in mind.

Finally, A few weeks into 2384, he finally convinced her. They searched for any open posts and were lucky in finding one soon into their search. The Galaxy class starship, USS Pegasus, had recently been recommissioned and was looking for a Flight Group Leader and several combat fighter pilots. The couple applied immediately and were accepted.

Shortly after Revin's fifth birthday on 2387, the USS Pegasus picked up a distress call from a civilian freighter convoy. The signal was automated and seemed to originate near Beta Langal, a small planet located near Starbase 105. The Pegasus was the closest ship, so they went to investigate and lend any assistance.

Upon entering the system, the Pegasus could find no trace of the convoy. Suddenly, a Vor'Cha Class Heavy Cruiser and a B'rel Class Bird of Prey decloaked and commenced firing. The Pegasus' s commanding officer, realizing the the distress call had been faked to lure them there, immediatly launched all fighters and attempted to retreat to a safe distance to separate the saucer section, filled with the families and civilians on board. Afterwards, the star drive section returned to the fight. Unfortunatly, the starfighters that had been launched had been all but annihilated. Only four remained, Tam's, Verena's, and two other fighters.

Tam's fighter was heavily damaged and he was unconcious. Verena and her wingman were providing cover while the fourth fighter towed Tam to safety. Upon reentering the fight, the Pegasus destroyed the Bird of Prey and then set it's sights on the damaged Vor'Cha.

Feeling the odds changing out of their favor, the Klingons jumped to warp, however, not before firing it's main disruptor cannon at the retreating fighters. Verena and her wingman were vaporized instantly, while Tam was towed safely aboard the Pegasus. Almost immediatly, the Pegasus's saucer section began screaming for help. Apparently, the Vor'Cha had dropped out of warp and started attacking the much softer target.

The star drive section immediatly sped to the rescue only to find scattered debris and a handful of escape pods. After retrieving the pods, the Pegasus jumped to emergency warp directly to Starbase 105 for repairs and medical attention.

Tam was in a coma for the next three weeks. When he did finally awaken, he had no memory of the battle and refused to believe the doctor when she told him that his wife, and son, had both been killed in the attack. Tam had Sebina brought to him and only when he saw the look in her eyes and felt the blackness in her heart, did he believe it.

After he was released from sickbay, Tam immediatly put in a transfer to a planetary installation. He wanted his daughter to be as safe as possible. However, the only opening for someone of his rank and experience was on Starbase 116. He reluctantly took the assignment and moved himself and Sebina to another system. He then buried himself in his work, ensuring that his daughter remained safe. Unfortunately, he focused so much on his job, that he soon became an absent father to ten year old Sebina. This, of course, had a negative effect on Sebina, as she began to fall in with the wrong crowd and grew farther apart from her father. Numerous times, he would be forced to make his way down to the brig to get her released after she had commited a crime here, a computer stunt there. Finally, he decided to take her to another location.

Over the next four years, the pair moved from Starbase to starship and back to starbase. They usually were only in one location for a short time, basically just long enough for Sebina to get in semi - serious trouble.

Finally, after coming to Deep Space Five, things started to look as if things between father and daughter would start to mend. Unfortunately, as usual, Tam's work took him away. But, before he left on a mission to escort a prisoner exchange, he promised his daughter that, following his return, he would take a three week leave and they would go and do whatever Sebina desired.

Fate is a fickle mistress however. During the mission, an emergency arises back at DS5. While not knowing what or why, he did sense that Sabina was in danger. So, against orders, he abandoned the detail to the rest of his pilots, and sped back to the station.

Upon his arrival, a massive battle was taking place. He immediately joined in and fought, like his namesake, and helped save the station.

As both a punishment and recognition of his actions, SFMCHQ pulled him from DS5, and sent him back to Earth, to teach an Ethics course at the Marine Officer's Academy. This assignment would keep him away from all forms of flying for one year.

Once his probation was finished, his flight status was reinstated and was reassigned back to DS5, but this time, as CAG.

What happens next, is up to fate...
Service Record 2372: enlisted in SFMC
2372-2374: Assigned to infantry line company on Earth.
2375: part of the liberation force that freed Betazed.
2375-2377: Assigned to SFMC garrison on Betazed.
2377-2380: Attended OCS, Flight School, Advanced Flight School and Advanced Fighter Training. Promoted to 1LT
2380-2385: Assigned to Starbase 11. Promoted to 1LT(2385)
2385-2387: Assigned to USS Pegasus.
2387-2392: Moved to various assignments in an effort to keep daughter safe, and out of trouble.
2392- 2393: Assigned to Deep Space Five, as Bravo Assault Wing Commander. Promoted to Captain. (2392)
2393-2394: Instructor of Ethics, SFMC Officer's Academy, Earth (temporary probation)
2394-PRESENT: Reassigned back to Deep Space Five, assigned as new station CAG. (Captain)

Awards and Decorations:
Pathfinder Tab
Betazed Liberation Medal
Good Conduct Medal (x4)
Combat Ribbon (x3)
Combat Landing Force Ribbon (x1)
Purple Heart

Schools Graduated from:
SFMC Boot Camp, Camp Lejune, Earth
Desert training, Camp Sirius, Vulcan
Jungle training, Camp Amazon, Earth
Arctic training, Camp Kumar, Andoria
SERE training, Starbase 11
Zero-G training, Earth
OCS, Quantico, Earth
Basic School, Quantico, Earth
Flight School, Jacksonville, Earth
Advanced Flight School, Mildenhall, Earth
Advanced Starfighter Tactics, Miramar, Earth

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Serial Number DB - 370 - 4830 - CTQ
Security Clearance Level 4
Duty Shift Alpha

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters 25 - 7 North