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Bottoms up

Posted on Thu Mar 4, 2021 @ 12:30am by Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Major Mot Rixx & Second Lieutenant Sh'Zera & Master Sergeant Miranda Schultz & Master Sergeant Jian Zhao & Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson

4,201 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Box of Delight
Timeline: MD 1, 2100


Har'silar, Harry to his friends (few) and lady acquaintances (many), had a the sort of subtle aura that only came with two hundred plus kilos of muscles and a good suit. Usually on the door of The Box of Delights, it was all that was needed, and he rarely had to back it up with actual use of said muscle. Her Ladyship could usually manage the trouble makers just fine by herself, he was just crowd control.

But tonight, looking up the Prom to the large group of some well known faces, he knew that the the aura was going to be put to the test tonight, one way or the other. He reached to the small communicator /earbud in his left ear, and linked into the group frequency that all the stff used. "Heads up, lads and ladies. We have marines in bound. They look particularly thirsty tonight."

Means was already in leaning back against the bar. He had been 'reconing' the place for a while. Seeing the first batch of Marines arriving he turned to the staff behind the bar and called out. "Miss..." as he waved her over.

The statuesque purple woman handed a tray of drinks off to a pretty young man with red hair to his shoulders, and then moved over to the marine officer. "Welcome to the Box of Delights. What's your poison?"

Smiling at the friendly but typical question from his shapely hostess. "I'll take another bourbon, straight." He glanced to the approaching Marines, "Oh and for the next 4 hours the first drink, and only the first, for any Marine is on me."

"Really?" She asked, reaching under the bar for a padd to set up the tab. "And who should I tell them is providing such bounty?"

He smirked. "Oh they know. I'm their new CO. The names Means, Nicholas Means, but you can call me Nick. I gave them a big job to do, little time to do it, and I promised that if they work hard they'd be able to play hard."

The purple of the woman's skins turned from purple to royal blue. "Well, Nick. I'm going to have to tell you, you're not just paying for the first drink. I have an existing contract with the marine corp that covers all standard menu items at all times, plus considerations for birthdays and promotions." She found the relevant document and presented the padd. "Bottoms up, old chap." she said sweetly.

He smiled, and was intrigued by me color shift. "Well if the Corps is picking up the tab...make mine a double. Though if one of my Marines orders something not covered, be sure to send me the bill for their first non-standard item."

Private Peter Pahrtz walked in and looked around. He'd heard a lot of stories about this place, but he'd always favored the lower decks as he was just a grunt. This place was...impressive.

Sgt Zhao beckoned him over to the table several others were gathered around, filling a beer glass from the large pitcher on the table. "Drink up, Pahrtz, we can't get the pretty waitress back until we're looking empty." He then started to make inroads into his own pint.

Peter was eager to oblige. The only thing better than good beer was free beer. "Thanks, Sarge," he said, taking a drink. Yeah, that was good.

Corporal Snyder lifted her own mug. "Speak for yourself, sarge. I'll be more than happy with any of the pretty pretty boys." She nodded at one waiter, short ice white hair framing sharp cheekbones. "I'd hit that."

Zhao grunted. "Snyder, you'd hit anything with a pulse and a tongue."

"Maybe," she grinned back. "Means my chances of getting lucky are higher than yours."

Drink in hand the one eyed Marine began making his rounds of the bar. Not just to make himself seen but to see what he might pick up on before being seen. Grinning at the conversation he continued, now visible to the group.

Parhtz didn't want that kind of trouble, so he was happy to slowly get drunk and then sleep it off.

Seeing the private try to hide at his appearance he smiled to himself remembering when he had done that very thing. "Evening Marines. Mind if I join you for a bit?"

"No, sir." Zhao said. "Can't lure a pretty barmaid if the barrels are still full." He pushed the pitcher towards his CO.

"Sir, no sir," Parhtz said automatically.

Taking a seat Means saw the pitcher with just over a glass left in it. "Well we need to get her over here then don't we. Setting his bourbon aside he took the pitcher in hand and drank from it.

Pete glanced at the lieutenant colonel and then went back to his drink, unimpressed.

A group of Falkirk Marines walked passed Pausing as their new CO downed the pitcher. Cheering him on.

"GO go go go..."

"Now that's my kind of CO..."

"They're going to need another couple a pitchers over here..."

With an "Ahhhhh", Means set the now empty pitcher on the table. "So. Tell me about yourselves."

Zhao finished his own pint, and looked around for a waitress. "Been here just after the Emergence, before that I had postings mostly on the larger ships doing Peacekeeping along the Cardassian DMZ."

Nodding as he fined his story Means looked at the next. "How about you."

"Me?" Parhtz asked. "I'm a grunt, mostly. I've been on three ships and now a starbase. I saw a Borg ship once, 'fore it was blown up. Other than that, I just go where they tell me."

Continuing around the table he gestured to the next.

Schultz was sitting a little away from the others, drinking a glass of lemonade. If the others were drinking, she needed to be sober. "I worked on a ship based near Romulan territory. We were always on standby, but never saw action. I've seen more since I got here than I have everywhere else."

He noticed that the WM seemed to be drinking something other than alcohol. It obviously wasn't a beer, nor did look like a mixed stirrer in the glass or on the table. He could be wrong but he would keep an eye out. Very sensible it he was right. "Well hopefully with a full compliment of Marines on station the unruly elements will think twice before acting up."

Terry came into the Box a bit later than he wanted to. His shift in sickbay went longer than expected. He was wrapping things up in sickbay He saw some of his fellow Marines at a table and he walked over to them.

"Room for one more here?", he asked.

"Hey, doc!" Peter said, slurring his words a bit. "Always room for you. Have a beer." He waved at the pitcher. "Plenty for everyone."

Schultz looked up and smiled. "Hi, Terry," she said, glancing at Peter. "Don't mind him."

Means raised a brow at the slur starting already. "Please join us. Your comrades were letting me know a little about themselves."

Terry got a beer and took a sip and then said with a chuckle, "Well sir, I say this with pride that I am the laziest combat medic you will command. I'd rather pull the trigger on my phaser once and shoot the enemy than work on this lot in sickbay. They cry about the simplest things. You should hear them after a run. 'I've got a blister', 'Ooh, I think I'm going to faint'. And for heaven's sake, Pete's going to be sliding on the infirmary floor tomorrow morning saying, 'Oooh, doc whatcha got for a hangover.' However, I'll stand with them anywhere, against anyone."

Chuckling as he scanned the faces of those at the table. "That's good to know but their would be time for sickbay tomorrow morning...didn't I mention the 16k run first thing tomorrow morning."

"Glad I am rotating posts then", Terry replied with a smile.

The pretty Risan waitress with the very long legs, crossed their table, bending low to collect the pitchers and empties. "Same again, boys, or do you want something a little harder?"

Handing her his empty tumble, his double bourbon long gone. "A double Crown Apple sour Miss....?"

"Coming right up. And I'll get some chasers to go with. Don't go running off now," she gave him a wink, and then sauntered off, hips swinging

Zhou watched her leave. "That is one lady I want to know better." he sighed.

Schultz had enough. She didn't want to stick around and watch the men hit on the waitresses. She finished her drink and left a tip as she walked out of the bar.

Means rose to follow, catching her near the door. "Top, a moment please."

(Top is a nickname used to address a Master Sergeant. But only used in unofficial circumstances and if lower in rank...only with permission.)

Miranda turned. "Sir?"

It wasn't the first time men had failed to take their female counterparts into consideration, and it wouldn't be the last. However as CO he couldn't allow himself to do so not could be fail to react when one of his people had a problem.

"I knew would arise eventually...just didn't think it would be my first day on the station. Even though off duty, Zhou should have been more... appropriate in his comments. Especially in mixed company. I will see that he is...refreshed on his SAPR (Sexual Awareness Prevention Response) training.

"Permission to speak freely?" she asked.

He nodded.

"With all due respect, with Zhou's attitude, the only woman who'd give him a second look is someone he pays to do it. The WMs already know what he's like when he drinks. That doesn't excuse his behavior, but don't go after him on my account. Do it for the waitress."

Smirking at the dig he was sure this one could hold her own but the may be other aboard not so confident. "He doesn't need to know the who, but I can't have a staff NCO acting like a horny boot private...Drunk or not. Please pass the word to rest of our female Marines that if they ever have an issue, there is no 'good ol boys club' under my command."

"Yes, sir." She smiled, a wicked twinkle in her eye. "May I also suggest they carry salt peter tablets, just in case?"

Means laughed. "I will keep that in mind...g'night." After watching her turn to head off to whatever her destination was he looked back to the Box but headed of to check out his new surroundings before returning to the festivities.

::Later that evening::

Dorian walking in on the Box to find the place even louder than normal. It everyone know there were new Marines on the station and did take long to see that they were living it up already. It reminded him of a few gatherings he had attended during the war...they had been some good times.

A quick scan of the bar and he found his quarry and made his way to the bar near her. Taking a seat as one of Yolanthe's girls nodded and got him is usual.

The woman he'd come to see was further down the bar, where a group of marines had gathered rounds as shots were lined up. And set on fire. As she reached over onesmirked and said "Nice rack."

Yolanthe said "thank you," but her skin turned from violet to a dark mustard. The marines then demonstrated how new to the station they were, with a chorus of surprised sounds. "Cool trick." said one. "yeah," said the one who'd commented on her chests "Do you do that a lot?"

"All the time."

"Can i get to find out what colour you go when you come."

She gave him an arch look, the yellow getting brighter. "Not in this lifetime."

"Aww, don't be like that darling, give a man chance."

"Fair enough," She lit another shot. "When you see one, point him out to me."

The marines crowed with laughter, the speaker had gone quiet. "Don't be too hard on him boys." She chided his friends. "When a man gets to his age without seeing a women come, he's got to try every chance he gets." The marines howled and the the target of her ire ground his teeth as his face flamed.

She lit the last of the shots. "Now, drink up boys. You need to get your boy hear home so his mommy can tuck him in bed and read him his story."

The marines nearly died of laughter. Dorian nearly sprayed his drink as she quite expertly shot down and verbally eviscerated the Marine. Obviously he was new to the station and with the roaring laughter at his expense only made him redder.

Leaving them to it, she worked her way over to Torel, the yellow turning to blue with every step. "Hello sexy."

Dorian saw the group watching them in a reflection and kept his smirk to himself playing his role in the continuation of the poor guys torture. Taking her hand in his he pulled in to his mouth kissing the back of her hand slowly. Lowering it, "Evening beautiful, so what time do you get off?"

She gave him a sad look. "Boss put me on the close. She's a right bitch."

"You poor thang...but I have the perfect remedy. I can pick you up at close and carry you off to a hot bath, surrounded by scented candles to soak away the day. All while I massage the memory of the shift from feet...", glancing down her frame for show, "...and legs."

"Sounds good. Certainly better than the other offers I had tonight."

"Well I will see you then..." Reach up he took her chin in his hand, "...beautiful."

He watched her saunter off and tossed back the rest of his drink before head off himself. The group of Marines were still staring there, with the one who had been shot down standing in the middle.

Dorian stopped as they failed to part and let him pass. He scanned the group stopping the tall and fit Marine that had been shot down. He took a breath. "You don't wanna go there..."

"I think I do."

"Listen here devil pup. You..." And that's when the big guy took a swing. Dorian slipped it easy enough as he ducked and landed an elbow into each set of ribs. As he staggered back trying to breath he buddies jumped him and all hell broke loose.

Peter got up from the table, intent on leaving before he got punched. But then the amount of beer he'd consumed got the better of him, and he threw up all over the floor.

The lurian that had been passing got splattered with the spray. He glared at Parhtz with rage, "You little..." he hauled off and clobbered the private with a meaty hook that took him in the face.

Parhtz reeled back, and threw up all over the lurian.

"You're going to get it now!" the Lurian roared, rushing forward with murderous intent.

His face met Zhao's fist, a sharply executed jab that left his puglike nose gushing red. Which is when is two friends went for the other human.

Peter was feeling slightly better, but not at all in the mood to fight. So he tripped the first man, which tripped the second. "Two for one!" And then Parhtz passed out.

The marine that Yolanthe had shut down went for Dorian, grabbing him by the collar and making to hurl him against the bar.

Having already incapacitated his two comrades Dorian had been seized by Mr. Suave. Very few knew he was actually Angosian so he feigned to be effected to a greater degree than he actually was. However he wasn't going to be tossed anywhere by anyone.

Grabbing the Marine by his biscuits he squeezed...hard. As the Marines hands came off his collar a right cross sent the Marine to the deck. With a quick glance at Yolanthe he shot her a wink and but as he turned to see who might be next a bottle came crashing into the side of his head.

The bottle to the head knocked Dorian of balance and a body slammed into him sending the pair to the floor as they tripped over an unconscious Marine. Crashing into the base of the bar Dorian blocked the elbow headed towards him, wrapping the Marine up in a sleeper hold.

"Alright, break it up." Yolanthe was bright as sunflowers as she slipped round the bar. Across the floor, Harry could be see making a beeline for the fight, other patrons getting out of his way with haste.

The Marines ignored her, one aiming a swift kick at Torel's kidneys to force him to let go of their comrade.

Dorian took the kick, his Angosian physiology absorbing it with ease, however he rolled towards the bar using the Marine in his grip as a shield.

Means had left the party a little while ago but had sprinted from the lift to the box as soon as word had reached him of the fight. Standing in the door he looked at the chaos. Bellowing, "MARINES! FALL IN...NOW!!"

As the area around the Box of Delight seemed to attract trouble for various regions, security did their best to keep a team somewhere on the deck at all times. Morehouse and Petronela were talking with a merchant down the corridor when the sounds of a ruckus reached them.

"Sorry Ma'am. We'll have to get back to you."

As they headed towards the establishment, Petronela called for more security teams. =/\= We need more teams at the Box of Delights. It appears a few patrons have gotten out of hand.=/\=

They reached the entrance to the Box at the same time as Criteser & Žaneta beamed in to provide extra help. They paused briefly to take in the scene, which appeared to be your normal brawl.

"All right people, standard procedure. We separate anyone trading blows and sort this all out afterwards. If they resist, stun 'em."

With directions from Morehouse, the four of them moved forward pulling sparing partners off each other. One Marine, caught up in the moment, threw a punch at Žaneta. The Tellarite snorted as he blocked the punch.

"Nice try. Next time pick your targets better."

Means, as security rushed passed, seeing that his order had been ignored began pulling people off one another. Grabbing one and tossing him to go a freshly arrive security officer.

Another was trying kick at someone against the bar. Spinning the Marine he took him by the collar and pulled him to his face, "I said FALL IN!", spital flying. Throwing him towards the door as well.

The melee was subsiding and the man on floor released the Marine he had been subduing with a chokehold. Security took hold of them both escorting both out until they could sort things out.

Looking around he took a deep breath. "Not even a day and already a brawl...the Captain is going to love this."

The bartender had one of his marines in an armlock that looked like it would take his arm out of the socket if he twitched wrong, or she got grumpy. She looked over to him. "This one's barred."

The Gorn had one marine around the neck huge hand closed around the man's throat the way a normal human could close their hand around a bottle neck, a second marine in a neck lock under his armpit, and a third had just been smacked down with his meaty tail. "Let em go now boss, or take out the trash?"

Yolanthe looked to Means, wanting to see what he'd do.

To be honest Means had to keep himself from laughing when he saw the Gorn bouncer. "No reason he can't finish what he started...just don't do any permanent damage." Nodding to the security teams.

"Kick them out now." She decided, not prepared to put up with such ridiculously territorial pissings in her bar. "But don't break anything on the way out. Including them"

Security continued to separate fighting parties from each other, regardless of their rank or status. As it was clear Means was in a position of authority over the Marines, Morehouse approached the Colonel.

"If you're in agreement sir. We can release the Marines to your custody once we sort things out. Otherwise they can cool their heels in a holding cell until for a bit."

"Actions have consequences Petty Officer, let them 'cool their heels' and I will come get them tomorrow morning."

Either option worked for the Rigelion security officer, "Sounds good Sir. We'll hold them for twenty four hours or when you come to get them. Whichever comes first."

"Sounds good. I will stop by to deal with them tomorrow morning. After I clear things up with the owner here...and the Captain."

With that sorted out, he motioned to his comrades to prepare to transport those responsible for the ruckus.

As the security teams began beaming away his people he took a deep breath, shook his head and headed back into the bar thinking to himself...~Hope this isn't an indicator of how this assignment was going to go.~

From behind Means, a man cleared his throat. "Uh, Colonel, did I miss out on my welcome aboard party?"

Means chuckled, but only slightly. "Things had been running smoothly when I was here earlier but then everything went to hell."

The Bolian dressed in Marine green, with the rank of Major on his collar stepped forward and extended his hand in greeting. Major Mot Rixx, Sir, reporting as ordered to be your new X-O."

Taking his hand shaking it firmly. "Kind a late for reporting in, but since you're here...."

Yolanthe raised a pale yellow eyebrow, "You've brought trouble to my house, Colonel. I'm not sure I want more of your little perishers here tonight."

Dorian had escaped the security round up and was at the bar nursing the headache from the multiple kicks he had take but turn to see who was in charge of the Marines.

Looking past the man to the hostess. "My apologies ma'am. This won't happen again and once I get my hands on those responsible I guarantee a most creative punishment."

"You've hurt one of mine." She told him darkly, pointing to where Pel was offering Torel an ice pack. "I want something more substantial than 'creative'."

Rixx put his scarred left hand on Means' right shoulder. "If I may, Sir?" He then took a step closer to the woman, who was clearly the owner of the establishment, and bowed slightly. "Begging your pardon, Ma'am. My name is Major Mot Rixx, as I'm sure you probably heard, I have just arrived on the station, so I do not know anyone here yet. May I have your name, please?" His voice was calm and perfectly smooth, though quite sincere.

"I'm Yolanthe." her body language did not look friendly, "That trash belong to you?"

Placing his right hand over his heart, the circular scar from when he was crucified clearly visible, Mot bowed his head a little lower said, "My dear Lady, please accept the word of this man that proper restitution will be meted out on all of the responsible individuals that fall under my command. I hope that we may rebuild the level of trust that you once held us in. May the Goddesess watch over you and yours."

Means held back a raised a brow at his new XO's performance, he was definitely curious as to how she would react.

The bar owner raised an eyebrow, and the bright yellow darkened down to an ochre, "I like groveling. Groveling is good." She folded her arms. "Still light on detail though. What you consider proper resitution and what I do may not be the same thing."

Mot gave a slight grin. "For starters, each one of the Marines that were aggressors in the fight will be sent to you, during their off-duty time, and for four hours a day, eight on their weekends, they will perform whatever tasks you require. This will last for the next two weeks, beginning immediately. After that time, and you are satisfied by their service, then it'll be my turn to met out their punishment." He paused, before continuing. "I hope you find that agreeable?"

"I accept." She said, with unabashed glee, and the ochre turned to a cornflower blue. She had plans.

Dipping his head again, Mot responded. "Very well, Miss..." he extended his right hand to her.

She took it. "And after that, they're barred."

Means nodded approvingly as he thought, ~On the job for only a few minutes and already negotiating peace accords...~.



Lt. Colonel Nicholas Means
CO - 21st MEU

Maj Mot Rixx
XO - 21st MEU

Staff Sergeant Miranda Schultz

Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson
Combat Medic

Private Peter Parhtz

Various Security Guard NPCs
Station Security


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