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Sun Apr 11, 2021 @ 9:54pm

Major Mot Rixx

Name Mot Rixx

Position Retired NPC

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bolian
Age 39
Date of Birth 16 October 2355

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 201 lbs
Hair Color None
Eye Color Aquamarine
Physical Description Like all male Bolians, he is bald. He also possesses the bifurcating (cartilaginous) ridge running vertically along his head that is synonymous with his species.

While a little stockier than a human of the same dimensions, Mot should by no means be considered out of shape by SFMC physical fitness standards.

Mot is known to have a soft smile on his face most of the time, which tends to put others around him at ease when he is nearby.

He has several tribal tattoos covering his chest, back and upper arms. These tattoos are a tradition with the people from his part of the Bolarus homeworld. Each tattoo is representative of an event that holds special meaning for him.

He also possess scars on his hands and feet, from when he was crucified while a prisoner of the Tal Shi'ar.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Zipok Rixx (71 yrs)
Mother Alana Rixx (69 yrs)
Brother(s) Maro Rixx (oldest)(b.2344)
Cator Rixx (second child)(b.2347)
Daro Rixx (sixth child)(b.2354)
Mot Rixx (seventh child)(b.2355)
Korvin Rixx (twelfth child)(b.2367)
Sister(s) Alba Rixx (third child)(b.2349)
Darzana Rixx (fourth child)(b.2350)
Halora Rixx (fifth child)(b.2352)
Mitena Rixx (eight child)(b.2358)
Syldra Rixx (ninth child)(b.2360)
Vada Rixx (tenth child-twin)(b.2363)
Hada Rixx (eleventh child-twin)(b. 2363)
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Being the seventh of a twelve child family, Mot has certainly learned how to work well in a group to achieve goals. He is always willing to help others when he sees that they are struggling. No matter how difficult that given task may be, Mot seems to possess an unending eternal wellspring of energy and optimism. It is exceptionally rare to see him without a slight grin on his face, or hear a happy tone in his words.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Very friendly and outgoing
+Diligent in his duties
+Seemingly unending reserves of energy
+As a sniper, he has qualified at near perfect levels

-Has issues with being alone
-Possesses slight fear of heights
-Will easily forget to take care of himself when helping others
Ambitions All his life, Mot wanted to become a Marine Sniper. Now that he has attained that initial goal, he wants to be the best Marine he can be, in support of both the Corps and the United Federation of Planets.
Hobbies & Interests Swimming, deep sea diving, shooting, and attempting to overcome his fear of heights.
Languages Bolanese, Federation Standard, Klingonese(High and Common), Trillious, some Ferengi

Personal History Born on the Terran calendar of 16 October, 2355, Mot is the seventh child in a family of twelve children. He was born on the small island country of Linmos, on the Bolian homeword of Bolarus IX. His father is an electrical engineer in the local area and his mother runs the family bar and restaurant, “The Open Clam.”

Growing up on a Federation member world, Mot would constantly see the the various personnel, from around the Federation, that served in uniform, both in Starfleet and in the Starfleet Marine Corps. By the time he was eight years old, he had decided what he wanted to be when he grew up...a Marine in Starfleet.

During grade school, he excelled in his studies and managed to graduate, with honors, from his local high school. Two days later, he walked into the SFMC recruiters officer, located in the capitol in Bokito, on the main island country of Rasara, and enlisted immediately. The next day, he shipped out to Earth, to attend his basic training at MCRD San Diego.

During his training, his instructors discovered that he had an uncanny ability with firearms, especially long rifles. Upon graduation from basic training, he was sent to the historic Marine training facility, Camp Parris Island, to continue his advanced infantry training. While there, he also began training to be a sniper.

After graduating from Parris Island, Private Rixx was given orders to attend Ranger School at Camp Amazon, located in the South American continent on Earth. He found the training both difficult, yet vastly rewarding. He was forced to recycle through the training rotations when he broke his leg while helping a fellow trainee who had slipped while rappelling. During the assist, Private Rixx’s harness snapped, and he fell nearly seven meters into the jungle below. After an investigation, it was discovered that the accident was not the Private’s fault in any way. A defect in the material was found that had previously been missed by quality control checkers. After his recovery and resulting physical training, Private Rixx re-entered the training cycle two classes after his original class.

After graduating from the Ranger School, Private Rixx was assigned to one of the in-house units located at the camp. his unit would act as the opposing force against visiting units that transferred in from the fleet to train at Camp Amazon. He would remain here until he received orders reassigning him to Starbase 80, which was being resupplied with fresh troops and materiel.

Along with his transfer orders, he was also assigned to a fellow sniper who was also heading to Starbase 80 as his sniper spotter.

During the trip out to Starbase 80, the ship he was on was ambushed by Tal Shi'ar renegades that were hunting ships along travel routes to the station. The old Miranda Class vessel put up a good fight, but, in the end, was defeated. The ship was boarded and most of the crew was taken prisoner.

Moved to an unknown planet, deep in territory that once belonged to the Romulan Star Empire, the Tal Shi'ar Interrogators began their work of breaking down the wills and minds of their prisoners. Their goal was either gain actionable intel, or turn the prisoners into double agents for their cause. For the next seven years, several prisoners either died from their injuries, lived by becoming traitors, became sleeper agents sent back to Federation space or, like Mot, refused to surrender and continued to suffer at the hands of their captors.

During his time in captivity, Mot continued to struggle against his captors. He was subjected to uncounted interrogations, never breaking his oath of enlistment. Slowly, his steadfast defiance began to embolden his fellow prisoners.

In March of 2380, he led an escape attempt from the prison. He and the twelve other prisoners form his cell all made it out of the complex and into the shuttlebaarea. As Mot directed his fellow prisoners through the jungle that surrounded the prison, they were set upon by the native flora and fauna.

Poisonous and carnivorous plants, pack hunting wild animals, even the ground itself, with sinkholes and areas of quicksand all fought to consume Mot and his fellow prisoners.

After nearly three weeks in hiding, the Romulans finally found Mot and the remaining eight prisoners. After killing three more, the rest were recaptured and returned to the prison.

After it was determined that Mot was the leader of the escape, the Romulans decided to make an example of him. After breaking his arms and legs, he was crucified and put on display in the middle of the prison courtyard.

Mot hung there, slowly dying, for three days. On the fourth day, the planet came under attack by a klingon scout force. After the Tal Shi'ar were defeated, the Klingons liberated the prison. Mot, on the verge of death, was freed and given immediate medical attention. Shortly thereafter, the freed prisoners were transported to the nearest Starfleet installation.

Then, after receiving more immediate care, he was transported to the Starfleet Medical Facility Phlox, located on his homeworld. He quickly was surrounded by his family and he began the long process of recovery. For the next two years, he had numerous surgeries needed to rebuild his body.

Finally, once he was certified healed and ready for service, SFMCHQ, in recognition of his actions, he was granted a field commission to 2nd Lieutenant. He was also put into the inactive reserves, with the option to return to active service in three years.

In one year, he decided that he wanted to get back out to the fleet and serve the greater good of the UFP.

Upon his reactivation, he was sent to the SFMC's Officer's Academy, in Quantico, on Earth. He was scheduled for accelerated course studies to teach him the finer points of how to be an officer.

Upon graduation, Mot was assigned to a refurbished Springfield Class Cruiser, USS Gettysburg, as the platoon leader of 3rd Platoon, Alpha Detachment, 3rd Ranger Battalion, 4th MEU.

During the next three years, Rixx took part in several different missions, hunting pirates, battling renegades and helping disaster survivors rebuild their homes. During this time, after earning the trust and support of his superiors, he was not only promoted to First Lieutenant, but also elevated u into the MXO position.

Towards the end of 2390, Rixx was transferred off of the USS Gettysburg, and moved to the newly christened SFMC heavy transport/through deck shuttle carrier, USS Victorious, as the MXO of Alpha Company, 1st Ranger Battalion, 4th MEU.

Three months into their maiden voyage, the USS Victorious took part in the brief UFP/Kzinti War. He saw some combat during the war, but, as the Visctorious was stationed on the outer reaches of Kzinti space, those periods of combat were few and short, however, during the one of the battles, his commanding officer was killed and Mot was given a field promotion to captain. He then led his new unit of Marines to victory in the waining months of the war.

Shortly into the beginning of 2394, in recognition of his service, Mot was promoted to the rank of Major and reassigned to Deep Space Five, an outlying post in orbit of the planet, Pangaea. A planet which, until five years ago, had not existed. It had simply popped into this universe from another realm. Starfleet had been given the new task of both protecting the world, and studying it. Scientists from all over the UFP were invited to come and learn what could be discovered.

Along with his promotion, Mot was assigned as MXO of the marine unit attached to Deep Space 5.

What happens next, is up to Fate...
Service Record 10 October, 2373: E nlists in Starfleet Marine Corps

15 October, 2373 - 31 January 2374: Attends Marine Boot Camp and MCRD San Diego, Earth

2 February 2374 - 5 February 2374: Attends SOI at SFMC Parris Island, Earth

7 February 2374 - 15 September 2374: Attends Ranger School at Camp Amazon, Earth

16 September 2374 - 15 D3cember 2377: Assigned to Bravo Company, 1st Ranger Battalion, Camp Amazon, Earth

20 December 2377: Assigned to 2nd Troop/103rd Aero-Assault Battaliom, as Scout Sniper Spotter
(Captured by Romulan Tal Shi'ar renegades. Held captive for the next five years)

5 February 2382 - 7 April 2384: (Following rescue) Admitted to SFMF Phlox, Bolarus IX, for Recovery and Physical Therapy.

7 April 2384 - 7 April 2385: Inactive Reserves

8 April 2385 - 12 April 2387: (Following field commission, assigned to accelerated Officer Training Courses), SFMC Officer's Academy, Quantico, Earth(2nd Lieutenant)

15 April 2387 - 2 December 2390: Assigned, USS Gettysburg, Alpha Detachment, 3rd Marine Ranger Battalion, 4th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Platoon Leader, MXO)(2nd Lt-1st Lt)

5 December 2390 - 11 February 2394: Assigned, USS Victorious, Alpha Company, 1st Ranger Battalion, 4th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MXO)(1st Lt-Captain)

14 February 2394 - PRESENT: Assigned, USS Elysium, 6th Combined Operations Group, 21st Marine Expeditionary Unit, 9th Marine Division (MXO)(Major)

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Serial Number Bravo-niner-niner-echo-sierra-zero
Duty Shift Alpha

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]