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Can We Make a Deal? (Part I of II)

Posted on Fri Sep 18, 2020 @ 9:43am by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Sha'rae Astare & Civilian Livia Sagan
Edited on on Fri Sep 18, 2020 @ 2:53pm

1,743 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Geral's Apartment/Shop
Timeline: MD06, 0800


Livia's ship was not large, but it was hers. Over the years she had been dumping more and more money into it to enlarge it and improve its capabilities for storing cargo and finding nooks and crannies to hide less savory cargo (at least for official eyes). But today was a special day. Today, she was arriving at DS5. While she was human, not Ferengi, her lobes (as her former employer would say) told her that there was something special about this place. Pangaea was unique and if she could open up trading routes not only to DS5 but to other worlds through Pangaea, she could potentially be very rich, very soon. After all, Rule 9 was very clear: opportunity plus instinct equalled profit.

Since this was a new territory for Livia, she decided that playing it safe with the locals would be the best plan. She had a tailor create apparel in the latest style of Onyx Apparel. Of course, it was not the genuine article but the knock off was remarkably close in design and materials. Livia had decided that she would sell it under the name of Onix Apparel for 80 percent of what Onyx was selling their merchandise. People would leap at it because rule 10 was clear: greed was eternal. Certainly, it would not be HER fault if customers did not happen to notice the slight difference. And if they did, she would still sell the clothing at a profit.

The only name she had at DS5 was a Bajoran, Geral Lasuma. His name had been floated on the wind. And Rule 74 said that knowledge equaled profit. Knowing his name, she knew that she would have a contact to sell her wares, or at least set up a temporary shop to do so. So, when her ship was cleared for docking and she did so, Livia strutted confidently out of her ship, dressed in a red dress that had a neckline that drooped down low enough to show the top of her breasts, hinting at what treasures lay lower. The dress also had a long slit up the left side of her leg, so that her long legs could be seen when she desired to make an extra impression. She had matching high heels that raised her height two inches from her tiny 5'2" in height.

A map gave her directions and soon she was at Lasuma's shop. She started browsing.

Geral looked out over the lower level from his office. To anyone below the wall looked no different the the rest but from his side it allowed him to keep an eye on those that attracted his attention. "So that's her?"

"Yes. Her ship docked not long ago and this was her first stop."

"Interesting." He was always looking for addition ships and with the Teralis deal he could certainly use another capable crew. He returned to his desk and opaqued the wall.

"Why don't you invite her up. Let's see what she has to offer."

Sha'rae nodded and made her way to the lower level. It wasn't long and Sha'rar was watching the stranger as she appeared to be casually making her way through the shop. "Captain Livia isn't it?"

"If you are going to call me Captain, Captain Sagan would be more appropriate. However, I am nothing but a humble merchant with her own ship, so you may call me Livia," she gave Sha'rae a coy smile. "And who might I call you?" she asked.

"I work for Geral Lasuma and he would like to meet you. If you are available that is."

Livia did not like that the individual stating that he worked for Geral did not give a name, but at least she had been correct in finding the location. "I am available for him. Please, lead the way."

Motioning towards the café the pair walked through to the back where they waited for the lift. "Apologies, for not answering your earlier question, my name is Sha'rae. I am Geral's assistant, valet..."

A valet? He is well off indeed. "Your apology is accepted," Livia replied casually. "It is nice to meet you Sha'rae. Is that your full name or are you just called Sha'rae?" she asked as she continue to be led towards the café.

As the lift doors opened Sha'rae stepped in. "My full name if Sha'rae Astare, I just go by Sha'rae." The ride was over almost as it began and the doors opened to the office level of Lasuma's shop. Stepping out into the foyer Sha'rae turned to her right and the door to opened before her. With a smile she gestured, "Right this way."

Livia continued to follow Sha'rae trying to take in all of the sights, sounds, and smells. You never knew what might be helpful later on in a negotiation. "Thank you, Sha'rae. I appreciate your chaperoning."

Geral was just inside the door, at the credenza mixing himself a drink. "Ahhh Ms. Sagan. Come in, come in. Can I get you anything?"

"That all depends upon what you're serving, Mr. Lasuma. Or would it be more appropriate to call you Geral?" Livia wondered aloud. The fact that she had been chaperoned here so quickly meant that she was expected, which could be good or bad. He clearly had interest in her and that boded well. After all, Rule 190 said, "Hear all, trust nothing." So, she decided that Geral leading the conversation would be better for the moment. Since she had not been invited to do anything, she remained standing, taking in all of the scenery of this room.

"Lasuma.I have a wide variety wine and spirits available. If I don't have what you prefer here I'm sure I have it in my stores. This..." holding up his glass " a 100 year old bourbon from Britnah 6. Would you like some?"

Rule 47 suddenly came to mind. While he was not wearing a better suit than her, so to speak, he clearly had more money, despite his willingness to play it down. She would have to definitely be careful with this one. "Who am I to refuse such a generous offer?" Livia replied sweetly. OK, Livia, remember all of your assets and see how you can turn this into your advantage.

He knew that once word of his windfall had spread there would be others seeking to get a piece of it for themselves. An idea began to take shape but he need to see could be brought into the fold and if she would be worthy of his trust.

Placing her drink on her side of the desk, he moved around to his side and took a seat. "So what brings you to Deep Space 5; adventure, some kind of trouble with, or are you just looking for profit out in the far reaches?"

"I have merchandise to sell. This is as good of a stop as any, I should think," Livia responded casually. "You were a name that blew across my bow. It seems that the wind blew you to me, as well." She smiled politely at Lasuma and returned the volley towards him. "May I ask what brought you here?"

Taking another sip he replied as he set the glass down. "It was a... disciplinary matter. I had an employee that needed to be dealt with so I came out personally, made sure things were taken care of and ended up staying. It was good that I did to for it has been extremely profitable.

"But enough about me, tell me about for cargo. What is this merchandise? Do you have a regular supply? If not are you looking for work?"

Lasuma was a smooth one. He kept trying to focus his attention on Livia. He has some sort of interest in me. Why? How do I turn this into latinum? She internally grinned. A desperate customer was good for business. That meant she could raise her rates. "I have some clothing that I brought with me. The Onix line. Very prestigious. No doubt you have heard of it. Once it is sold, or perhaps even before, I will take on some other merchandise or job."

"Well I do have a clothier below. I can have my people look over you cargo; if it's actual Onyx line goods we can market it for you and if not well...we can find a place for it to. As to future opportunities; that all depends. What are my people going to find in your cargo hold; the real thing or knock offs?"

He definitely knew his business, Livia admitted. Best not to make enemies with a rich, influential man. Not now, anyways. "While I generally consider that question to be rude, I will tell you as a first time courtesy that they are my own personal knock off line." She stood up and twirled. "Fabulous, no?" Her tone turned more serious, "But of course, that information remains between us."

Geral smiled. "Sometimes the direct approach is the profitable approach. Now while very creative, I can't market a knock off here on the station. Too high a possibility of exposure, and Lasuma's only markets the highest quality original merchandise. However, I just so happen to have an exclusive trade agreement with a system outside controlled space. Everything from their system, their client systems, and everything from this side of the border flows through me. I have no doubt a quality, limited edition, clothing line would sell extraordinarily well and for much more than you could have made on the station.

"With all the merchants currently trying to get a piece of that action you would be one of many." Finishing off his drink he clapped his hands together leaning back. "Assuming that is satisfactory for you, what would you like to do now? If you want a freight run I can definitely use a capable ship's captain and crew."

"I don't have much of a crew but depending on the freight and the details regarding the shipment, I might be interested. With regard to the clothing, I shall have to think on that. I have heard some rather glorious promises from you but little in the amount of details. That is not to say that I do not believe that you are well intended; however, one cannot be too careful with new customers," Livia told Geral, paraphrasing Rule 203.

[To Be Continued]

Livia Sagan
Exquisite Entrepreneur

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises


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