
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Mon Apr 26, 2021 @ 9:47am

Civilian Livia Sagan

Name Livia May Sagan

Position Civilian - Please specify desired role.

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species human
Age 29
Date of Birth 11-1-2365

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 105 lbs.
Hair Color brown
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Livia stands all of five feet two inches in height. She has a short torso which is made up by the fact that she had legs that stretches for days. That was useful for her former dancing career and distracting a certain brand of man. Her hair was an uninspiring medium brown but her brown eyes are large and encourage people getting lost in her eyes.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Montcalm Sagan, deceased
Mother Floria Sagan, deceased
Sister(s) Camelia Sagan, age 25

Personality & Traits

General Overview Livia is social, gregarious, and a determined woman. She makes it a point to be friendly but she is a big believer in keeping a professional distance from just about everyone. Overall, Livia is solely determined to survive and is self reliant. She will do whatever it takes to advance herself and rarely takes on joint ventures or partners.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: brave, confident, charismatic, determined, intelligent, self-reliant, and opportunistic

Weaknesses: loner at heart, deceitful, cynical, greedy,
Ambitions To retire wealthy and have a group of loyal employees do all of her dirty work for her
Hobbies & Interests dancing, immersion in other cultures and societies, archaeology, reading, writing
Languages Federation Standard, Klingon, Romulan, Ferengi

Personal History Livia and Floria were survivors of a crash of colonists that were the second wave of colonists on Hodor III. Half of the crew was able to survive, but their parents failed to do so. As a result, Livia and Floria were raised by the remaining colonists. While the colonists worked hard to give the two girls a good life, colonization was hard work and the two were left to their own devices. As such, Livia found herself educating herself and Floria. With few other friends, Livia swore that as soon as she was able, she would find her way out to the stars and make a much better life for herself. Consequently, the moment she hit 18, she left Hodor with the few credits she had to try and make a life for herself.

Unfortunately, opportunities for an inexperienced 18 year old with no traditional education were few and far between. Eventually, she found herself where so many young girls end up when they have no hope: a strip club. There, Livia was taught to use her body and dance. She had the perfect legs to grip poles and twirl around them. When men asked for favors, she learned which ones to charge more for and which for less. Eventually, she would work her way to classier clubs where ambassadors and influential businessmen would appear.

At age 21, she met Nidor, an important Ferengi businessman. He wanted to buy her. However, she was able to negotiate an agreement with him where she would become his employee. Nidor eventually became the Ferengi Ambassador to Faltan Station in 2389 and she accompanied him. By then, she had learned how to negotiate deals like a Ferengi and executed a number for Nidor with several loopholes that Nidor could exploit. However, when Nidor had taken on a Trill associate, she felt spurned and started looking for her own opportunities.

In 2391, she had saved enough latinum to buy her own ship. It was not much, but it was warp capable. She loves her ship more than anything, being her first purchase of value. She called it the Libertas for the Roman God of freedom but is not completely satisfied with the name. However, she has not changed it either. Since then, Livia has been making a living on trading cutting edge merchandise. Because she does not want her liberty curtailed, she tries to make sure that there are no laws forbidding what she does but she will always construe laws most liberally in her favor.
Service Record See above

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