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Can We Make a Deal? (Part II of II)

Posted on Fri Sep 18, 2020 @ 9:44am by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Livia Sagan
Edited on on Fri Sep 18, 2020 @ 2:54pm

1,707 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Geral's Apartment/Shop
Timeline: MD06, 0800


Geral smiled. "Sometimes the direct approach is the profitable approach. Now while very creative, I can't market a knock off here on the station. Too high a possibility of exposure, and Lasuma's only markets the highest quality original merchandise. However, I just so happen to have an exclusive trade agreement with a system outside controlled space. Everything from their system, their client systems, and everything from this side of the border flows through me. I have no doubt a quality, limited edition, clothing line would sell extraordinarily well and for much more than you could have made on the station.

"With all the merchants currently trying to get a piece of that action you would be one of many." Finishing off his drink he clapped his hands together leaning back. "Assuming that is satisfactory for you, what would you like to do now? If you want a freight run I can definitely use a capable ship's captain and crew."

"I don't have much of a crew but depending on the freight and the details regarding the shipment, I might be interested. With regard to the clothing, I shall have to think on that. I have heard some rather glorious promises from you but little in the amount of details. That is not to say that I do not believe that you are well intended; however, one cannot be too careful with new customers," Livia told Geral, paraphrasing Rule 203.


"I would have thought you a poor businesswoman if you had accepted my offer solely on my word and without those details you mention. So, we need to determine a price for your clothing, to include the acquisition and export expenses for such a unique product line. More importantly we need to craft a story to justify the cost for such rare and 'prestigious' clothing. Fortunately the Terelian people are so pompous and self-serving; if they hear that almost noone in the Federation can get these items they will probably pay any price we name.

"But that aside for a moment. I have supply routes throughout the quadrant in Federation, Klingon, and Romulan space. My ships move merchandise to and from a lot of different worlds. I have also absorbed the majority of the shipping supplying the merchants here on the station. Most of all this is routine, with the periodic custom request.

"The majority of my crews are direct employees, while some are independent contractors. Just based on first impressions, I'd guess that if we were to become affiliated, you'd prefer to remain the later. Correct?"

"At this time," Livia hedged. Geral was definitely smooth, as smooth as she was, and that worried her. She earned her freedom from the Ferengi ambassador. She bought her ship. She continued to build her business and Geral thought she was an asset. Of course, Rule 48 made it clear that the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife. What was he hiding? How'd he get all of these connections? What was his story? She definitely did not want to be in his debt, as Rule 111 would make her exploitable. "I'm certain that you can understand that we have just met and I think it would be best if we were to discover each other's worth. Don't you?"

"Completely understandable. You need to see results. Allow me to acquire a third of your stock. I will guarantee 75 percent of the price that the Onyx equivalent would have brought in and upon the arrival of the receipts, split anything over that 50-50. My question to you is how do you intend to prove your worth?"

"You have a job. That is what you said. If it is freight, so be it. You clearly need a ship with someone that you can trust. Tell me what it is that you wish to ship and to where and on what deadline. I will get it there timely and intact for a reasonable fee. Obviously, if there is an issue, there will have to be appropriate deductions and I am willing to negotiate those as well. Your terms regarding my clothing are acceptable."

Smiling with genuine humor he ribbed her a bit. "What no haggling? Maybe you aren't as sharp as I thought you were."

Geral was starting to get on Livia's nerves. "Why haggle when one has achieved one's end without effort?" She gave him a cutting smile and then added a wink to soften the blow.

Chuckling and smiling warmly. "Isn't there some rule of accusation about getting more profit when you are offered what you want?" Waving off the rhetorical question he rose.

"Come, let me show you my little home away from home here on DS5. Needless to say I will have my people check into your background. Barring any issues we can then discuss that any shipping agreements."

He's definitely one to watch. Learn what you can and watch for the knife, Livia. "I'm sure that your people will find everything up to their standards and then some. I would enjoy you showing me this home away from home, but tell me, where is your actual home?"

Grinning, her questions were subtle but so far nothing that wasn't public knowledge. "Well here; I have quarters on the station. I used to live on my yacht but it was damaged during a station power outage. Though my new yacht should be here in a week or so. Though I think the answer you are looking for is Bajor. I have a permanent residence there, along with my corporate headquarters."

"A power outage on the station?" Livia asked. "How did that happen and why was your yacht damaged by a loss of power?" Something did not add up for Livia. A simple loss of power should not physically damage a yacht. Was it of poor design or was there some outside entity that damaged it. Did she need some sort of security for her ship?

As they talked they moved through the shop as he showed her the area. The main store, clothier and cafe. "It wad docked in one of the larger bays on the station. When the power failed the bay lost not only gravity but the atmospheric force field. The emergency bulkheads sealed the bay but before everything in the bay got tossed around and into each other. It was repaired and is still space worthy, but it gave me an excuse to get a newer yacht. As a matter of fact both of them should be here in about a week."

OK. So, he likes to live a lavish lifestyle and conspicuously consumes his latinum. But something more did not add up. "Did the base not have redundancies to avoid a blackout?"

"I don't know a ship or facility that doesn't have redundancies but from what i found out the was some kind of artificial growth took out those systems. Just one of the adventures of living out here on the edge of the unknown. But as profitable as this area has been a power outage is a small price to pay."

"The greater the risk, the greater the profit," Lavina replied with a shrug. It was at the core of Ferengi beliefs.

Nodding his head. "That tends to be true more times than not. Come let's go to the lower promenade and I will show you our new shop."

Our new shop? Was that the royal 'our' or is he intending to include me as a partner in some way, shape, or form? "Lead on," Livia replied with a smile.

It didn't take long and they were standing before the lower level of the up and coming expansion space for Lasuma Enterprises. Between the two levels was the shop name Lasuma's: Beyond the Veil. "Here we are, two floors mostly dedicated to goods from the Terelis system and their client systems. I have similar expansions going on throughout all my mercantile locations."

"I see...." Livia then wondered aloud, "And how are your competitors faring?"

"Some are surviving while others aren't, it all depends on their location, market, and products they sell. However none of them have access to the Teralian products."

"Really?" Livia asked interested. She would have to check into that more. "Why is that?"

An eyebrow arched ever so slightly as they entered the space. Final touches were still being made and he directed her to the left and the entered what was a lounge area. "That exclusive trade agreement I mentioned earlier. Everything from their space flows through Lasuma does everything from our side of the border."

What kind of leverage did he have to pull that off? Could I somehow break that monopoly? Dare I risk it? No. Not yet. Right now, you need to learn the territory. You need to learn who is who and what is what. There is plenty of time for profit on your own. "Well, it looks like you have set up quite the shop. I will be looking forward to working with you on it."

He turned, smiling graciously but all the while the wheels were turning. "Thank you, as do I. Send me the details on your ship and I will be sure we find you some work worthy if your talents. In the meantime I will have my people market that clothing for you."

He was going to leave it at that, but he brought up one more thing. "Ohh...a word of warning. Don't use your ship's transporter to beam anything or anyone within the station. They monitor for things like that."

"I appreciate the advice," Livia told Geral. However, that was something that she had figured out. If you wanted to bring any items that might be borderline, you did not want to leave a transporter trace which could come back to you. First rule of being a good business person, don't allow a sale to be revoked for any reason. "My ship details will come to you forthwith. My ship is constantly being expanded, though. In the meantime, it has been a pleasure doing business with you."

Nodding. "Hopefully this is just the beginning of a profitable relationship."


Livia Sagan
Exquisite Entrepreneur

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises


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