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Olive Branch Broken - Love on the Rocks part 12

Posted on Wed Sep 16, 2020 @ 2:59am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,653 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Maritza's quarters
Timeline: MD 07 2100

Previously in Inferno

"You insufferable... Anatole's has a dress code! I would be dressing up for anyone in there. I'd expect you to use your pig-headed brain!"

"I'm in sufferable!? You tried and convicted me all on the word of the underworld thug!"

"His word and his latinum," she threw back. "And it seems it was justified since now you're acting like a prehistoric cave-man and I'm not-"

Oh hell with it! He thought to himself. In the middle of her retort he took her face in his hands and kissed her firmly.

And now the continuation

The roar inside her snapped silent, his touch shorting out her brain and for a moment her world was still.

And then it all came surging back, and she felt on fire with the need for him. It felt like drowning, and he'd thrown her life line. Her own hands came around him, chasing his kiss with hungry demands of her own, pulling at his jacket, his shirt, anything. She wanted to touch him. Needed it. Burned for it.

He had undone her hair, ripped open her jacket and pulled it off her arms; tossing it aside their mouths still locked together. As his pants fell away he grabbing the base of her tunic and pulled it over her head and as he dropped it he looked down into her eyes.

The fraction of a second seems to stretch into an eternity.

Picking her up, their bodies pressing together, he hungrily kissed at her neck and ear as he pressed her up against the nearest wall.

She didn't let go, and sucked a bruise onto his neck with a fevered desperation, fumbling with her fly to get out of her own pants. She needed them out the way and she needed them out of the way right now.

Letting her down to regain her footing he helped relieve her of her trousers. Pushing them down over her hips he knelt to pull off her boots. Tossing one aside after the other he ran his fingernails up the back of her legs. One hand went between her legs lifting her left leg to his shoulder as his other hand slid up her abs biting her inner thigh.

She yelped, and grabbed him by the hair to haul him back up. She didn't want to wait any longer, if he didn't' touch her now she was going to burst. a pressure was building inside her only he could release. "Geral." She didn't know if she was asking, or ordering or begging.

As he rose he took her with him, his hands gripping her ass. Standing with her wrapped around him he sucked at her neck as he thrust into her. Items on a nearby shelf rattled as they repeatedly pound up against the wall. The frustration and anger turned to heated passion and he ignored the clattering as items fell to the floor.

With her legs wrapped around him and his body holding her to the bulkhead he took her arms from around his neck, pinning her wrists to the wall above her head.

Her head fell back against the wall, eyes closed as bliss rolled over her, "Geral." The press of him against her, the scent of him on her skin, musk and wood smoke and spice. "Please." She didn't really know exactly what she was asking for, only that the last few days had been hell and he could wipe it all away. She didn't want to think any more, just feel him. "Please."

Her pleas only served to drive him on. Releasing her wrist he grabbed her hair pulling her head to the side as he worked his way up her neck towards her ear. His heavy breathing sending chills down her flesh.

She clung to him like she was drowning. All she could do was hang on as the sensations filled her. Her brain stopped, filled with a single utter, desperate need for him. Touching him was a relief that boarded on the ecstatic.

Her fingers dug in, scoring bright crescents into his shoulders. The unbearable pressure of her end was building up, and his lips on her throat, his hand wrapped around her loose braids, his body against hers, was driving her relentlessly towards it.

After, they collapsed on the sofa, hearts pounding, breathing heavy. He looked down at her as his breathing returned to normal. Then pulling her up they sat there together as he reached up stroking her cheek. "By all the Prophets, I've missed you."

She curled against him, letting his warmth seep into her, faced pressed against his shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Wrapping her in his arms he took a deep breath, enjoying the feel of her against him. "Me too."

He held her some time, then he remembered the wine he had brought. Tucking his head to the side as he looked down at her. "I got an idea. How about I set us up a nice hot bath, we can open that bottle of wine and have a good soak while we just hold each other. Besides I have a couple of surprises to tell you about."

She nodded, not really ready for words. She felt quite wrung out. But lovely as a bath sounded, there was still work for tomorrow, regardless what the evil witch in counseling said. She grabbed a padd from the coffee table to check her breifings.

The expected ones were there, team selections, ship readiness, latest intel on Xeod. But there was one she couldn't place. Rule 208. There was no preview. She opened it.

Summary of Intelligence gathering on Lasuma Geral, Bajoran, age 46, born stardate 26695.

Lasuma's business dealings appear legitimate, but closer inspection raises a number of flags that bare further investigations. Informants describe a man comfortable using any means necessary to achieve his goals, from violence, to fraud, to seduction.

Maritza dropped the padd. She shouldn't read it. She should concentrate on tomorrow.

And then she was picking it up again and flicking through.

During the occupation, Lasuma would, on multiple occasions, seduce Cardassian women in positions of power to gain access to resources and intelligence favorable to his ends.
Informants described him as charming, and with an uncanny ability to turn set backs into advantage.

Maritza turned the padd off. She was such an idiot. Of course she wasn't a one off. Old habits died hard. Morbid stupidity made her turn it back on.

Merrian Taro, wife of Gul Arrobyn Taro, was one high profile target. Merrian was something of a trophy wife, who followed her husband to the occupation out of duty. Out of her social circles, she was isolated and lonely. Lasuma used a combination of flattery and romantic gestures and quickly insinuated himself into her bed. By making himself a sympathetic listener he soon managed to gather intel on numerous aspects of the occupation.

Isolated and lonely. It looked like Lasuma had a type. Wasn't that where they’d begun. She needed someone she could talk too. She was an idiot. A naive gullible idiot. He always told her what she wanted to hear. She shoved the padd back on the coffee table.

The water ready and wine poured. When he returned to the room, glasses in hand; "All set, you know I really thing your cr...". He saw that something was wrong, his concern was immediate. "What's wrong?"

"I need you to leave." She got up, and headed to her bedroom, grabbing her grey silk robe from behind the door. "Now." She wrapped her self up and tied the belt to save her from looking at him.

Now he was confused. He knew there wasn't an official situation, having not heard any communications and she wasn't getting into her uniform, so what was going on? Setting the glasses down he began to move towards her. "Maritza, what is it?"

She stepped back away from him. "You need to leave. Tomorrow is going to be bad. I need to sleep."

Something was definitely wrong, but she wasn't irate so whatever it was he was a part of it somehow. He appeased her by grabbing his close. After pulling on his shirt he moved towards he again. "I know something has upset you. We just..." he took the rising frustration out of his tone and replaced it with that of genuine concern. "...will you just talk to me. Whatever it is we..."

Her hand moved faster than either of them expected. The slap cracked like whip against his face, and her fingers went red with the force of it, and the pain was... a relief. Something to feel after a moment of numbness. "Out. Before I call security."

His face stinging from the unexpected blow. He slowly turned back to face her. His expression was blank and there wasn't anger in his eyes but a sadness of someone that had been wound. Nodding he pick up the last of his things tipping over one of the glasses as he did.

Without a word he walked out the door where Dorian had been waiting.

Dorian saw the outline of a hand on Geral's face from the slap he had obviously taken. From the hall he looked into the room as his boss walked passed. Seeing the Captain in a robe looking more distraught than a mess, though she was that as was the room. Whatever had happened hadn't ended well. Looking away and towards Geral he turned to follow and catch up.

The door whispered shut, and only when Maritza was sure they were gone, did she let herself collapse to the floor, and cry.


Captain Maritza Soran

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Toral
Bodyguard and Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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