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On the run (Part III of

Posted on Tue Mar 17, 2020 @ 2:10am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Captain Maritza Soran & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian Dorian Torel

3,336 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Various, DS5
Timeline: Back post : Doors of Perception, MD15 1400

[Romulan Embassy]

The Centurion looked at the reports that had come in. He had received two inquiries concerning a Romulan seeking transport off the station. He had easily confirmed the whereabouts of all of their people on the station. So who was this mystery man??

His Sublieutenant spoke. "Sir. Shouldn't we inform the Ambassador?"

"Not as yet. If it's an official operation by the Tal'shiar they would either have not informed her and our discovery could put us and her at risk or they informed her and our informing her would put us at risk. Then again if we catch an agent of the Tal'shiar. His failure would only put him at risk and his capture, while an embarrassment, could be to our benefit.

"See that both of the docking areas are monitored discreetly".


(Merchant Docks)

Orozco and Zuniga slowed down as they approached the entrance to the Docks. Two of the Marines rounded the corner to join them.

"Do we know what we're looking for?"

Zuniga shook his head.

"Not exactly. Someone called in some suspicious activity, so we've been told to check it out."

[Crew Quarters - Deck 1102]

Well it was time to go. He had just over 30 minutes until the ship departed and given what happened last time he didn't want to board early. Just in case his diversions didn't time out properly.

Rising; he picked up the small bag, the pad and headed out. As he made his way, there was the expected acknowledgements of ranks. To these he smiled, nodded, and replied accordingly.

Entering a lift he nodded to another officer in blue. "Deck 592, outer docking ring, docking port 343."

From behind him. "Excuse me Commander, but you're catching the transport to Betazed. By chance are you being stationed their?"

Looking back he smiled. "I am. Ever been there before?"

"No. The closest I've ever gotten to Betazed was working with a Betazoid on the Venture. How about yourself?"

"This will be my second time there. I took shore leave there several years ago."

"Well then you should know a few good hangouts then."

He grinned. "I know a few."

Their conversation ebbed and flowed as the lift carried them towards the docking ring.

[Merchant Docks]

Dorian looked up as he endorsed the manifest for an outgoing transport. Looking up he saw the Romulans still trying to be covert and now two Marines showed up. They were looking for something and he would bet 10 to 1 that he knew what bait had been used.

Walking up to one of the Romulans. "Can I help you?"


"You guys have been hanging around here for hours. There are no Romulan merchants here nor are there any other Romulans here. So what are you waiting for?"

"We are looking for a..."

"Silence. What we are looking for is none of your concern. Know only that your vessel is of concern to the Romulan Empire."

"What? Wait a minute..." Dorian looked back at the transport. Romulans worried about this ship? Marines here...probably to watch the Romulans. The ship was set to depart soon. Something didn't add up. But then it click...What if the cleaner had gotten his hands on the departure schedule?

Looking to the Romulan. "You were told to monitor THIS ship?"


Dorian turned to the Marines. "What other ships are departing in the next 20 minutes?!"

Westenra pulled up a ship schedule on her Data Padd.
"In the next 20 minutes, there's a Klingon cruiser that arrived yesterday with personnel for the embassy. There's 2 Bolian freighters scheduled to leave soon. We also have a ship bound for Betazed. There's a merchant convoy leaving later, but not for at least another 2 hours. Why?"

Dorian looked back at the Marines with both his eyebrows raised. "Romulans staking out the merchant docks...Fleet personnel sent in to as well to watch them all while a transport prepares to leave...all in the middle of a station wide manhunt??? Sounds like a textbook distraction to me," he added shrugging.

"Sir we have personnel all over the station. I assure you that the cargo, crew and passengers on the departing ships will be screened before departure."

The Klingon ship was a bit trick diplomatically, for the other ships it was part of the cost of doing business on DS5.
..All personnel and the property under their control are subject to search.

Shaking his head. If either his boss or his bosses significant other hadn't been the target he would have left them to their own stupidity and let the guy get away. "I don't know who's more arrogant Romulans or Fleeters…" glancing to the Romulan guards, " offence."

Still speaking to the Romulans. "Let me guess. You got some lead on some activity, what it was, that led your superiors have the docks monitored." While there was no immediate reply the younger Romulans glance to his superior was confirmation enough.

Turning back to the Marine. "And the Romulans snooping around led your bosses to send you all down here. Marines doing a job for station security. Hmmm...why would you need to do their job? Maybe because, as you say, there are people 'all over the station'. Probably chasing their own tails. Suspicious activity here...a disturbance there."

As I told Lt. Tessaro, the guy everyone is looking for is VERY experienced and that he like to hide in the open and I highly doubt he'd ever bother with a Bolian freighter."

The Centurion stepped forward. It was no secret that there was a station wide search going on. "If it is as you believe why would someone hiding from so many go to a planet of telepaths?"

Having a less than reputable past he didn't have to think on his reply long. "Three reasons. First, regardless of the destination, they aren't looking for him. Second, it's a long trip and he'd probably get off at his first opportunity. Third, because no one would expect it."

"We're just helping security out sir. When the need arises, we have no problem giving them a hand."

[Outer Docking ring] ::T - 15 Minute::

Together with his new acquaintance they took a seat in the ships lounge. He was still grinning as they sat and with a subtle gesture he reached under the cuff of the uniform jacket and deactivated the bio-emitter that masked his biology with that of the officer whose identity he had assumed. They had been looking for him, which means someone on the station knew who he really was. That would have to be dealt with.

Looking across the table she couldn't help but smile herself. They had hit it off immediately. He had been totally charming, courteous, and had made her laugh. "What are you smiling about?"

"Was it obvious?"


"Maybe it's just the company?" He replied coyly

"Flatter." She bit he lower lip as the lounges waitress approached.

"I'll have a whiskey Sour."

"And for you miss?"

"An Afternoon Delight."

She had once again bit her lower lip as he subtly raised a brow. Not only was he going to be finally getting off the station, but it was going to be an enjoyable trip at that.

Petty Officers Spagnola and Yanez approached the ship that was headed for Betazed. Rumor had it the suspect had booked transport on it. Other teams were on their way, but they were to make first entry. Per protocol, they announced themselves upon entry.

"Starfleet security."

One of the transports crew stepped over to the officers as they came aboard. "Can I help you?"

"Yes ma'am. We have orders to search the ship for a murder suspect. We know you have to leave soon so the sooner we start the sooner you can launch."

Yanez flashed a Data Padd with the order, just in case the crewman decided to be difficult.

She got a little nervous at the idea of a killer hiding on the ship but complied. "Well as you know this is a long duration flight so we have a variety of service for our passengers. Several lounges, an observation deck, a holosuite, and a wide arrange of quarters. He could be an any one of these locations.

"Here take this chip it will grant you access to any place on the ship..." she trailed off before adding. "...You might want to not be so obvious by announcing yourselves at every turn."

::T - 10::

Yanez nodded.
"We've announced ourselves prior to boarding and that's what's required. We'll be as quick and discreet as possible. Thank you for the assistance."

First stop was the observation deck which as expected was sparsely populated. Not much sightseeing when docked at a station. From there they moved to the lounge where they began systematically checking the Identicards of everyone in the room.

Exiting the restroom he immediately took note of the uniformed male speaking to his...acquaintance. His own bravado was about to go on display when he saw the officer begin tapping at a padd.

Casually he slipped a finger under his sleeve to reactivate the bio-emitter as he approach, noting the other officer across the lounge. However as careful and meticulous as he was, he pressed the wrong button. "Afternoon Petty Officer..."

"Spagnola Sir."

The Xindi-Reptilian introduced herself.

"...Spagnola. Is there a problem? Another ID check, we were checked before boarding."

"Yes sir. I'm aware of that. Due to enhanced security measures we're double checking departing ships. Don't worry, we'll be quick and let you be on your way."

While she scanned the man's ID, Spangola also subtly double checked the man's biology match. An indicator on the tricorder informed him that several markers indicating a Trill were missing.

"I'm sorry sir. There seems to be a problem with your ID, you have a second one?"

The question was one that told him something was wrong and he prepared to act if need be. "A second ID?" He asked with a wry grin. "Of course not. You're not trying to entrap me are you?"

The question was rhetorical and he reached down towards the table to retrieve his padd. As he did he deposited a fast acting toxin onto the padd where it would be absorbed. Once it took effect that would prove the distraction he would need to escape and hide...again. "Here are my orders with thumb print endorsement and that can be verified easy enough."

"Thank you sir."

No sooner had Spangola taken hold of the PADD then she started to feel nauseous. A moment later she collapsed to the ground with a scream.

Upon hearing the scream, Yanez quickly handed back the ID of the Andorian he was checking and ran towards his partner. He didn't know what was wrong, but she was clearly in distress.

=/\= Petty Officer Yanez to Sickbay. Medical Emergency at the outer docking rings aboard the... =/\=

He paused to remember the name of the ship.
"The Avandar sir." filled in a helpful steward.

=/\= Aboard the Avandar. =/\=

Playing his role of the concerned senior officer he could make the command decision and carry her to the medical team and disappear or take the chance that her partner would either hep her and another team didn't take her place. He chose the first.

With the channel still open he made the call. =/\= She's having trouble breathing! Medical team, we will meet you in route! Track our signal. =/\=

Scooping her up her looked to Yanez. "Go ahead and clear the path!"

"Aye sir. Make a hole!"

Most the people in the lounge moved out the way without too much prompting.

Together they made their way and eventually they were met by a medical team. He moved to put her down and let them work on her but things took an unexpected turn.

"No no...let get her to medical. I can scan and treat on the move."

As the EMT began scanning, having no clue who he may have been, looking at the officer with a puzzled expression. "You're not a Trill..."

::T - 00 ::

He was exposed! Tossing the woman at the medic taking her weapon in the process. Firing at Yanez he missed as the medic knocked him back as he fell with his patient.

Bolting down the corridor he checked his bio-emitter and cursed. Resting it to maximum he used it to mask his bio-signs entirely and headed to the station core...and people.

Yanez tapped his comm badge as he started to give chase.
=/\=...I am in pursuit of a suspect. Male, Trill, about 6 feet tall. Short brown hair. Dressed in a science uniform with Lt Commander Pips. Suspect is armed and dangerous. =/\=

Being in uniform made things more difficult, but there shouldn't be too many people in the vicinity who fit the description. Two more guards searching a nearby ship soon joined him in pursuit.

Having ditched the real comm-badge and replacing it with a fake he moved quickly ducking into an open jefferies tube hatch he slid the ladder rails to the next deck, setting the phaser to overload and tossing it down a crawl space before heading down one more level.

Emerging he stepped from the alcove into a crowd of civilians, moving with them as they moved towards the heart of the station.

As security teams combed the area, Annora worked to coordinate the effort.
=/\=...We've locked down the turbolifts in a ten deck radius. No one gets in or out without explicit permission from Ops. Still a large area to comb, but it's considerably smaller than the whole station. =/\=

Carter listened to the security chatter as she moved through the station. Being undercover she wasn't in a position to make an arrest, but might be able to help track the suspects movements. The chatter got more intense as reports came in of an overloading phaser. It was an obvious ruse, but still effective as it all but demanded a response from the authorities.

"Excuse me." She said, almost bumping into a large Trill male. As they continued their opposite ways, she realized the person fit the description. Turning around, she tried to keep him in sight but keep a respectable distance. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a small communicator.
=/\= Carter to security, I just passed the suspect on Deck 648, he's heading past the civilian quarters and towards the observation lounges.=/\=

With that information, the primary response team was quickly rerouted to the mentioned deck. Ensign Criteser led the team with Petty Officers Balann, Tihr, and Zaron filling out the roster. Rifles at the ready, they moved with a sense of urgency.

Moving off from the crowd he entering a restroom near an observation lounge. As luck would have it there was a Bajorian washing his hands. Though the size was slightly off he incapacitated him, taking his earring, coat, and shoes.
Quickly depositing his victim and the uniform in a one of the larger stalls.

Peeling off the trill spots he washed his face quickly, put on the earring, and shifted his hair. He didn't have his kit so he couldn't add the nose ridges but with luck he could at least throw off his pursuers long enough to lose himself and find another way off the station. Picking up the man's bag he left the restroom and headed back along the curve of the station, backtracking slightly.

Carter placed the comm-badge under her jacket for concealment. If her cover was blown than so be it, but she didn't want to advertise her status.

"He's disappeared into the crowd, I've lost sight of him."

There was a brief moment of silence before Annora responded.
"Roger that. Another SRU team has arrived on the other end, and more security are on their way. If necessary we'll start sorting the population out one by one. In the meantime keep an eye out for anyone fitting the general description."

Cater nodded slightly to Criteser and his team as they passed her. Figuring their suspect wouldn't have time to drastically change their appearance, the team ignored the females and shorter males. A man with a Bajoran earring came towards them in somewhat of a hurry. As they got closer, Tizo noticed the lack of ridges on the man's nose. There was the occasional 'alien' who converted to the Bajoran faith, but it was rare.

"Excuse me sir, may I see some ID?"

He didn't get no near as far as he thought he might. His options were extremely limited as they were obviously closing in on him. He was no where near his safe house and without his kit he could alter his appearance enough to make a clean get away.

If he tried to fight, there would be more security by the time he eliminated those here. If he tried to run he would most likely take a phaser in the back, and taking a hostage was the act of the un imaginative and desperate. He had a few options, he would just have to wait.

Turning slowly he grinned as he shook head. ""

"In that case, you'll have to come with us for verification of your identity."

Criteser wasn't sure just what, but something about the man seemed off. Considering the circumstances he wasn't about to take any chances.

Looking puzzled, "Is there a problem?"

About that time a report came in about an unconscious Bajoran in a nearby bathroom. The injuries weren't life threatening, but a med team had been dispatched. Time would soon tell if it was related to their suspect. The others on the team moved to cover the 'Bajoran' as Criteser questioned him.
"We have reason to believe you're a person of interest in a recent criminal case. Therefore I am bringing you in for questioning."

Try to be disarming as to create an opportunity, "Sounds serious." He looked down the corridor in the direction he had been heading, noticing the other security but looking past them. "Do have an appointment but I will cooperate of course."

"Great. Officers Balann and Tihr will escort you to the offices. Should only take a few minutes to confirm your identity."

If he was innocent he'd be released with an apology, otherwise he'd be getting familiar with the brig.

Looking to the two members of the security team he politely.

"If you'll come us." They indicated the direction they would heading and it wasn't long before they were waiting on a lift.

"I'd ask what all the fuss was all about but probably one of thelose need to know issues. All hushes hush and all."

The lift doors opened and they stepped in and the officers told the lift to take the to security and then he was right back to jabbering.

"You know the last time I was in this area I was harassed by some Cardassians...not that you two gentlemen are harassing. You can't fault someone for just doing their job. Now the Cardassians..."

His rambling having the desired effect he lashed out one sending him hard into the lift wall. The other got his arm hyper-extended as his elbow was shattered before taking a palm strike to the chin.

Smoothing out his clothing and adjusting his hair he looked at the indicator and instructed the lift to stop near the promenade. As the lift came to a halt he stepped out only to take a phaser blast to the back.

Balann recovered enough from his collision with the turbolift wall to see their suspect start to walk out once the doors opened. Reaching to his equipment belt, the security guard pulled out the hand phaser and stunned the man. A security team on that deck same running at the sound of phaser fire.

"Take this man to the brig under heavy guard, and get a med team here on the double." Balann ordered as he tried to shake off the pain.


Assassin played by
Geral Lasuma

Various Security NPC's Played by
Annora Tessaro


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