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Let's Continue to Work Together

Posted on Tue Mar 17, 2020 @ 2:11am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross

1,357 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Security Suite
Timeline: Back post : Doors of Perception, MD18: 1400 Hrs

[Security Office]

Natalie steeped up to the Security Chief's office. She had meant to stop by earlier to introduce herself but the first several days aboard the station had been busy, and chaotic. She barely had time to have a shower or even have a meal. But, meeting the Chief Security Officer was important to her. On her last assignment, she worked closely with the Security Chief, and she expected that this would be the case here on the station as well. She chimed the door, and waited for permission to enter.

She didn't have any appointments that morning, but the nature of the position meant many visitors didn't have appointments.


Annora stood up from her chair as the door opened.
"What can I do for you Lieutenant?"

The wall behind her desk contained a copy of her Starfleet Academy Diploma as well as the various awards/ribbons she'd accumulated throughout her time in service. Eagle eyed visitors would notice several awards not currently in use by Starfleet, or outdated versions of current ribbons. A Federation flag was hung to the right of the other items. The side wall had recruiting posters from the various eras of Starfleet. Below that sat a display case showing the evolution of the type 2 phaser.

"Good day, Lieutenant." Natalie stated stepping into the office. The door closed behind her. Her focus on the Lieutenant standing behind her desk, but discreetly she was taking a count of her sounding, including the various awards, and ribbons hung on the wall. A trait that she learned to use well in her previous life. "I"m Lieutenant Cross. The new Chief Intelligence Officer. I wanted to stop by and introduce myself."

"Please have a seat. Nice to meet you Lieutenant Cross. I heard we were getting a replacement for Mr Haines but wasn't sure of the details."

Truthfully in the grand scheme of things, a new Intel officer wasn't high on her priority list. At a minimum her clearances would have to be updated by the security office anyway, and many officers and senior enlisted made it a point to stop by in person at some point.

"Any immediate concerns or questions you have for me?"

"It's nice to meet you as well, Lieutenant." Natalie took a seat in one of the empty chairs that sat in front of the desk. "I have been tasked to look into the the situation of my predecessor being taken from the station. I'd like anything that you and your team have gathered about this since it occurred. It would be of great help. Whatever I do find in my investigation, I will share with you if you so desire."

Station security had enough on their plate with internal investigations, but had looked into the disappearance of Jason.
"After Ensign Haines ignored orders and went off on his own during an away mission, he was demoted and relieved of his position as Intelligence Chief. Soon after he was transferred off the station. The orders from Captain Daniels transferring him to the USS Marseilles were a surprise, but appeared to be legitimate. From what I gather, the Commander tried to keep Mr Haines here on DS5 but was overruled. Later investigations revealed them to be falsified orders as there was no ship on active status with that name. If the Marseilles, or what masquerades as it, is out there they are keeping a low profile. Mr Haines has been officially declared MIA, barring any concrete evidence of his death. I'm sure after a while that will change to KIA. We have a visual on the man claiming to be Captain Daniels, and I have reached out to some contacts in case he shows up somewhere, but so far there's been no luck."

This was the first time that she had heard about him ignoring orders, and being relieved of his posting. It was not something that Commander Soran had shared with her, and Natalie had yet to look over Jason's file in depth.

"Why did Mr. Haines ignore orders?" She asked. Even reports neglected certain details. She preferred to interview individuals familiar with the situation to get the full picture, then compare that to what the report had to say.

"The mission had turned into a SNAFU and we were working on getting back to safety."

Annora didn't bother going into the whole backstory of the mission.

"The Lieutenant suddenly said he had to go rescue Lieutenant Wells before running off. He was able to find her, but got captured himself. Thankfully Commander Ryan and my security team were able to reach them in time. By heading off on his own, Mr Haines further jeopardized his life as well as that of Lieutenant Wells."

Natalie nodded as she listened. She had heard that Lieutenant Haines and Wells were involved. Earlier in her career, she would have been completely against such a relationship, but it wasn't against regulations, at least last time she checked. Over time she had soften her stance on the matter but still believed that the involved parties should never be sent on an away mission together, or put in situations where it might cloud ones judgement and put the mission and rest of the crew at risk.

"Lieutenant Haines sounds like a bit of a troublemaker." Natalie stated.

Despite his actions on the last mission, Annora wasn't about to completely throw him under the bus.

"Some of his techniques could be described as unorthodox, but so could some of mine. Until that incident I didn't have any reason to question his judgement. As for why he did what he did, I can't speak on his motives. Unfortunately he was assigned before I had a chance to ask. The Commander might have more information, you'd have to ask her."

Natalie nodded. "Thank you, I might do that. Do you have any questions for me?"

The Lieutenant's clearances were all updated in the system, which helped.
"No questions. Just be careful of the Radon Corporation. As a human they shouldn't give you too much trouble, but they're full of surprises."

"Thank you for the warning. Is there anything specific I should know about them?" Natalie asked. Radon Corporation was something she had on her list of things to look into. It had been mentioned several times to her now. Her interest was definitely peaked.

Annora handed over a data Padd with the relevant information.
"They remind me a lot of Terra Prime from the early days of Starfleet, they're quite xenophobic. Some of their scientists were involved in an illegal operation on the planet's surface. Gave us justification to raid their offices, but not enough to shut them down. Nothing specific for Intel, but certainly someone to keep an eye on."

Natalie accepted the PADD and looked over the information really quick. It required a detailed read and analysis. "I hope you don't mind if I take this with me. I want to take some time with it. I'll bring it back." Natalie looked over to Annora.

"Keep it. That's certainly not the only copy we have on file. Your predecessor and two subordinates provided us with Intel support in the mission. They had a better idea of what to look for, while we provided the muscle."

Annora was pretty sure the info was located somewhere in the Intel database, but this way Natalie didn't have to go hunting for it.

"Thank you." Natalie said. The PADD itself was more of a remainder of the conversation, and a remainder that she had action to take on this information. "Well, I won't bother you any further. Thank you for your time, and I will keep you updated with anything that should come up."

The security chief stood up as the conversation ended.
"Not a problem. If you ever need anything, feel free to reach out. Our two departments worked hand in hand under Haines, and I hope to continue that."

"Definitely. Have a good rest of the day." Natalie replied, and headed out.


Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


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