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On The Run (Part II of

Posted on Fri Jan 31, 2020 @ 11:41pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,637 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Various
Timeline: MD15 1400

Previously on

Handing back the padd Charg offered a possibility. "I wouldn't be surprised if there were other transmissions buried within the stations communications system."

"It's likely, we're working on identifying other transmissions but the one to your office was the most prominent." Said Annora

While his alibi made sense, that didn't automatically rule him out. Wouldn't be the first time someone had cooperated with the authorities to remove suspicion from themselves. At the same time, the transmission itself was not enough evidence to charge the Ambassador with anything. "If you don't mind, I'll have Petty Officer Ainsworth examine your database. He won't be digging into privileged information, just that message.

And now the continuation

(Front Office)

As Dorian entered the offices, Salopeck intercepted him.

"Can I help you sir?"

Dorian slowed his roll and let the fleeter stop him, it was their show after all. "I have information for Lieutenant Tessaro."

"I'm sorry sir, she's meeting with the Klingon Ambassador. If you take a seat, I'll let her know you're here."


Petty Officer Carter hadn't donned a uniform in 14 months. What started off as a short term assignment had turned into full time work. Her main role was to be discreet eyes and ears for the security department. Occasionally she'd been swept up in security sweeps to help maintain her cover. Carter was in the middle of a card game when her sub-dermal transponder notified her of the APB. She hadn't noticed anyone matching that description, but as her seat faced the entrance she'd keep an eye out. Without missing a beat, she glanced at her cards before sliding a small pile of chips to the table center.

"I'm in, and I raise you 30 credits."

[Elsewhere on the Promenade]

One option off the station was to use those in the stations underworld. They already had the means to smuggle him out and questions could be minimized with latinum. Sipping his Kali-fal he rejected that idea for now.

He already had the means to create any disguise needed, and forging documents and hacking the personnel system would be easy enough. The odds of someone of similar height being transferred wasn't too far fetched. If there was such a person he could take their place and walk right onto an outgoing ship. Why hide in the shadows when he could remain in plain sight right under the Federation's nose.

Paying his bill he left to find his ticket off the station. Passing a Romulan couple, he nodded. "Jolan-tru."


Charg's hybrid hearing, just as sharp as ever, picked up the conversation outside the office. "There is someone else here to see you."

"Yes there is. It's Mr. Torel. I'll talk to him when we're finished here. Obviously I can't hold you on the station, but it would be helpful if you remained onboard while we sort things out. Unless you have anything else Ambassador, that's all I wanted. Thank you again for your time."

Rising he passed Lasuma's bodyguard stopping before him. "Mr. Torel, I owe you thanks. You saved the life of a dear friend. If their is anything I can do for you..."

Dorian nodded to the Ambassador. " 'The honor is to serve' Mr. Ambassador. However if the day comes, it is good to know I can count one someone of your caliber."

Charg tilted his head slightly in curiosity. " You know of me?"

"Three time bat'leth champion...perhaps we could spar from time to time."

A grin spread over his feature. "Done. Name the date, but for now I believe the Lieutenant is waiting for you."

Dorian bowed his head slightly and watched the Ambassador leave. It wasn't every day you have an Ambassador in your debt...that was definitely a chip to hold onto.

The exchange between the two men was fascinating to watch. Either the Ambassador was highly skilled at 'playing nice' ,or that message was meant to throw them off the trail.

"Mr Torel, come on in. What can I do for you today?"

He didn't sit but got straight to it. He knew that she may think he stepped into her job be it. "I just wanted to pass on some information. I have, less official, sources that wouldn't open up to the authorities or that might not show up on your sensors. Your lawyer is an assassin...a bit of a cleaner really. He is a former doctor that specialized in reconstructive surgery. He uses those talents to alter his appearance." Under normal circumstances he would have looked for this guy himself but with Starfleet in the middle of things...

Reconstructive surgery wasn't unheard of, but the common criminal didnt have the resources for it. Even so, there was evidence beyond physical descriptions. The challenge was finding them .

"I see, any other evidence to help us find him?"

Leaning against the door frame he glanced from one lady to the other. "Well not evidence per say more like experience. During the war I was on the infiltration side of things, the exact details of which are still classified so don't ask. But anyway. Look at the situation. A failed assassination attempt in which the would be assassin is eliminated. Then this person who walked into a Federation security and detention center has his escape foiled by a station wide alert where everyone is looking for him so he has to get off the station. Unless he was prepared for the possibility of things going south he is very like still on the station waiting for things to cool down.

"He has no doubt altered his appearance and is probably hiding in plain sight."

Anorra nodded.
"Makes sense, but complicates the APB."

"Finding him should be too hard at all. There are only so many people, organizations, or governments on the station that could get him out of here. Keep an eye on them and start scanning."

Going after other governments would be tricky, but the other shady corporations on the station would be easierthe m
His expression got a little smug, but he managed to keep it slight. "He can alter his appearance...he can't alter his DNA."

That much was obvious, changing one's appearance was considerably easier than DNA.
"Right. Thanks."

Giving it some thought, she went with a two-pronged approach. Pull the security guards back to deal with a fake disturbance and dispatch some officers to check out the places that had the resources to change a person's appearance.


Carter listened to the new instructions. She knew of a place that was willing to change a person's apperance, no questions asked, provided the price was right Then she could go check out Variam's shop.

Tossing her cards down, Carter bowed out of the game.
"I fold. See you all later."

Heading down the corridor, she passed several people heading in the other direction. They seemed in a hurry so she turned around and followed them. She stopped short just around the corner as the crowd bunched up. She could hear a commotion but couldn't see what was occurring.

"What's happening?" She inquired of an Andorian standing next to her.

"Not sure." He peered over the crowd. "Looks like a Xindi Insectoid and Bolian are having it out with each other"

Suppressing a chuckle, Carter headed in the opposite direction. She saw both of them head in that general direction just a few minutes prior. Both were working undercover for security. Not surprisingly, several uniformed guards headed towards the disturbance.

A level down she reached the shop of Variam. The Andorian clerk at the front counter gave her a questioning look.
"Can I help you?"

Carter gave a sly smile.
"Yes. I need to see Variam, I've run into a bit of trouble and wish her help."

[Crew Quarters - Deck 1102]

Smiling in the mirror he inspected his work with satisfaction and but the last of his implements away. To anyone passing by he would look like any other Trill. Giving a tug at the uniform jacket he turned to finalize things. While at a kiosk on the promenade he had made arrangements with both a Ferengi merchant and one of Lasuma's transport captains to take a nameless Romulan from the station to various destinations.

The conversations were purposefully crafted to leave suspicions with each and he was certain the Ferengi would betray their arrangement if he could turn a profit from any reward.

Taking a seat on the sofa he looked down at the body Lieutenant Commander he was impersonating. His transfer orders had come in two days ago and his transport would be departing in three hours. All he had to do was wait.

[Transport Wjan]

"I don't like it, why would a Romulan want to book passage on on a freighter unless he was hiding from someone?"

"You think he might be trying to defect?"

Gev used to have them smuggle people from time to time but now they worked, officially anyway, for Lasuma Enterprises. "Maybe...once he's aboard we will just have to have a conversation with him."

"Shouldn't we let Gev know?"

"Nahhh, if our quest makes if worth our while we will have some extra latinum in our pocket. If not we will just see if the Romulans are interested in him."

"Remember the last time we delt with a Romulan patrol way. We could check with the Romulans on the station, see if they know who this guy is."

The last thing he needed to deal with was a nervous crew. "Fine, see what you can find out."

To Be Continued...

Lieutenat Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer
Deep Space Five

Charghwl'ih Son of Soval
Klingon Ambassador

Dorian Torel
Henchman and bodyguard for Geral Lasuma


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