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Colony Proposal (Part III of III)

Posted on Wed Feb 20, 2019 @ 9:31pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Qinee & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni

1,672 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Geral Lasuma's yacht.
Timeline: MD 05 1030

Previously on Colony Proposal...

Making sure that no one was excluded from future plans, Geral said, "For now I offer my service in the management of a small store, a small lounge, and, partnering with Ms. Ibalin, a small bar. As things grow and needs change we can look at other facilities and service at that time."

The Klingon ambassador looked to Maritza, nodding, having noticed the change in Lasuma's expression and filed that away for the moment. He had already planned to speak to her about finding a place for some of his people or adding to the existing structures for a Klingon detachment, but that could wait for another time as well.

“So the rest of us are cut out?” Tianys asked, a bit offended. “Then why ask us to be here?”

And now the conclusion

“We can set up the establishment in the Ferengi sector,” Qinee offered. “For a price, of course,” she told Lasuma with a snaggle-toothed smile.

"I don't think you're the landlord," Yolanthe replied with a smile, turning a pale blue. "Are their rules against subletting?"

Alanna thought there should be, but she looked to Soran for the answer.

So much for combining proposal meetings, he thought to himself, looking to his guests. "Ms. Dalav'ni, no-one has been cut out. You were invited primarily for my supply proposal as outlined earlier, and to be included in the colony proposal for future reference. As the colony expands additional commercial opportunities may arise. By being included here in the initial request you can plan accordingly for the future. If you prefer, we can meet privately to discuss my earlier shipping offer to address any particular needs you may have."

Looking to the Ferengi, Geral said, "Ambassador, I have to agree with Miss. Ibalin. This is a Federation-managed colony and Commander Soran has the final say on placement of any facilities, should they be approve". Though I think a minor compensation could be worked out for the inconvenience of have to use any of the structures in the Ferengi zone. Again, if approved."

Qinee smirked. “Federation-managed for only so long as her people and others don’t mutiny because of stress and lack of outlets,” she said. “But I have told her so before. Carry on.”

"If they mutiny, I'm afraid that would revoke their right to settle and they would be removed from the planet," Alanna said quietly. She really didn't think they understood the purpose of the Pangaea colonies. This wasn't going to be business as usual. "Yes, we can discuss possibilities for the future, but we have to make sure what we have now is sustainable."

“And if they all go mad from boredom?” Qinee asked. “How does that make it sustainable? A happy crew is a hard working crew.”

Yolanthe looked to Tianys. Despite their personal sangfroid, business-wise, the Rowa'ni had been careful not to step on her toes business-wise. Yolanthe offered something bright and loud and rowdy and coarse and bacchanal. Tianys offered something calm and restrained, tasteful, and best savoured. Tianys didn't run a wild bar, and she didn't run live whores. But together, a little taster, down there, might make people more eager to go home for the full experience.

"People put down roots when they don't have to uproot themselves at the end of every day for a drink," the Bokkai said. "I give it less than seventy hours before there is a moonshine still somewhere down there if you don't let us open up. I think giving people a local bar would make things more sustainable, not less."

Soran looked at the colour changing alien and to the Ferengi ambassador and Rowa'ni matriarch. And then she glared at Geral. "Do you really think I should let the biggest troublemaker on the promenade and a madam set up a speakeasy in the middle of a scientific research centre?" she demanded icily.

Geral had already taken several deep breaths. By now his arms were across his chest and he was rubbing his brow, though the comment about the still was a good point. The only other male was the Klingon ambassador and his grin was visible from behind his drink as he took another drink, probably to keep from laughing.

"Ladies...Commander." He took another breath as he paused. "As one of the newer members to our little family, some would still say an outsider, I saw the...tension without even having to get the whole story. That was the very reason I offered my organization to manage the proposed facilities, a neutral party, as it were. While at the same time extending offers to the other merchants from whom experience and knowledge of the local needs could be utilized. Not only that, but also for others to share in any profits to be made. That way we all rise together.

"Commander, I understand your reservations. But, as was just brought up, there is a long precedent for people to engineer their own entertainment when not provided an outlet. You have my assurances that if you greenlight the initial proposal it will be limited and tasteful. After all, the mission comes first. And any growth will not outpace the growth of the research station and will be only with approval." He hoped that any trust he had developed with her was enough to overcome her distrust of the others.

"Look, I'm only in charge of the scientific areas, but I've spent plenty of time in research facilities and on backwater planets. We managed to find plenty to do without a bar or leisure facility," Alanna said. "I'm not talking about having a dry planet, but I do not think we need anything more than a dining facility. It can have some alcohol, but those who are coming to a research station will not expect the type of amenities you find elsewhere. If what we have now works, and we attain significant growth, we can revisit the subject."

Tianys looked over at Yolanthe and Qinee. “It seems their minds are made up,” the Rowa’ni said. “I am not sure what more is to be gained here.”

Yolanthe looked at her shoes for a moment, choosing her words. "Maybe you don't need anything now, but you should be planning for future expansion now. Otherwise it will run away from you. People watching a saloon being built are less likely to build a still of their own.”

Hadn't Alanna already mentioned that facilities would be added as the colony expanded? But what those were would depend on the growth ratio and the needs of the colonists. It was far too early to guarantee anything. And since they seemed to want guarantees, she said nothing.

The Klingon had sat silently as the women bantered back and forth, only glancing to his left as a tall dark man with the appearance of a fighter had entered and remained at the edge of the room, but know he spoke. "Commander, I must agree with our host and," he nodded to the colorful female he had spoke with earlier, "Ms. Ibalin. Even Klingon's, who find honor in the strict adherence to duty, will find a way to...entertain themselves. Which usually means fighting amongst themselves. Now you may have every confidence in Federation personnel, but do you really trust Cardassians or Ferengi not to set up some kind of underground establishment? Better to keep things honorable and out of the shadows. Mr. Lasuma's proposal seems to be not only minimalist in nature, but inclusive; something odd for a merchant. If he is honorable and true to his word his proposal is in the your people's interest and the interest of his fellow merchants."

Downing the last of his drink, the Klingon continued, "If anything, I would like to add to his proposal to include a Klingon detachment. While I didn't bring any scientists with me, I can provide warriors as a security detachment while I have researchers dispatched to the station."

Geral was grateful that the ambassador had spoken up when he did. Hopefully it did the trick. Bowing his head, he said, "Thank you, Mr. Ambassador. Well, everyone has much to consider. My fellow merchants have my shipping offer and the Commander has my proposal, and the Ambassador's amendment, to consider. Neither requires an immediate decision so, please, everyone enjoy the refreshments while you mull things over."

Soran stood up, trying very hard not to glare at Lasuma. "Ambassador Chargwl'IH is correct. Cardassian's and Ferengi may well think they can start their own entertainment projects. But they, like Federation citizens, will be in violation of their agreements. As you said, you don't require an immediate response, so I will take some time to discuss this with my Chief Science Officer and appraise you of our decision at a later date."

She looked to Alanna. Her science officer's opinion was the one she trusted in this. There were too many unknowns on Pangea still, some five months after it emerged.

Tianys just toyed with her glass of water, sipping it. Hopefully they had made an impact, though Commander Soran seemed about as inflexible as they came. “Very well,” she said simply.

Alanna stood and smiled politely at the others. "Thank you for your input. Mr. Lasuma, thank you for your hospitality." She would do them the courtesy of taking another look at the facilities on Pangaea with their suggestions in mind. She could not, however, promise anything. The integrity of the project and its future was too important to her.

With that, Charg stood and nodded to both the officer. He then turned to fill his glass and speak to Mr. Lasuma about how he came to find the vintage of bloodwine on his table.


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Tianys Dalav’ni
The Lotus Lounge

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Klingon Ambassador


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