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Mending Bridges

Posted on Tue Feb 19, 2019 @ 1:08am by Civilian Jason Haines

542 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Lt. Haines's Quarters
Timeline: MD 6, 1800 Hrs


Jason was getting ready for his date with Allana when the door chimed. He went to the door and opened it. He was surprised to see Petty Officer Grank Tezak standing there.

“Good evening Petty Officer”, Jason said. “What can I do for you?”

“May I come in?” he asked.

Jason nodded, stepped out of the way and extended his hand for the Tellarite to come in.

“I’ve been doing some thinking and I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day in the Intelligence Office”, he said. “It was insubordinate and unacceptable.”

“Apology accepted”, Jason said. “There is an old Earth saying, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.”

Grank snorted with a bit of a chuckle, “Indeed. You know sir…”

“We are off duty, Jason will do”, Jason said.

“Jason”, Grank said. “You are the first officer under the rank of Lieutenant who truly stood up to me after something like that. You can’t push a full Lieutenant around, as most of them have earned their stripes. Ensigns and some ‘jay-gees’ give in really easy and try to use wishy-washy, feel good command crap that Starfleet is pushing nowadays.”

“Well Grank”, Jason said. “My father was spec forces and an intel agent during the Dominion War, my mother a fiery Irish doctor who would smack you if you chose to bleed in her operating room, and my previous Captain could drop a diamond if you stuck a lump of coal up his butt, so I am not in any way a pushover as none of them let me be. Plus, stereotypes exist for a reason.”

“What do you mean sir?” Grank asked.

“Tellarites have a reputation for being cranky, feisty, and a bit rude”, Jason replied. “from time to time that is. I know I am still what might be considered wet behind the ears, but I do know people and psychology. I saw your stunt for what it was, well I was ninety-nine percent sure anyways.”

Grank nodded and then said, “Sir, at some point, if you have time to think about it, I would like to come back and work in your department.”

Jason smirked and replied, “Oh, really? Well, it just so happens I have an opening. Starting tomorrow, you are going to be my Foreign Interests and Political specialist. I want to be kept aware of all happenings surrounding all the politicians and various business leaders stationed here and any politics in general that could impact the station, such as the situation with the Xi’Cadians.”

“Aye sir”, the Petty Officer said.

“Now, unless you have anything else, I have a date with a pretty woman that I need to get ready for”, Jason said.

“You sure two hours is going to be long enough sir?”, Grank said. “You may take a bit more work if you are trying to impress an actual pretty woman.”

“Get out of here Grank, before I change my mind and let operations keep you”, Jason replied, shaking his head, and laughing a little bit as the Tellarite left his quarters.


Lieutenant(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Petty Officer Grank Tezak (npc)
Intel Foreign Interests and Political Specialist

Deep Space 5


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