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Cats out of the bag

Posted on Thu Feb 21, 2019 @ 5:29pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

1,655 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Main Security
Timeline: MD 05 0815

[Docking bay 157]

Calling out to his yachts computer, "Computer, transport my guest to Commander Soran's quarters within DS5."


Leaning back in his chair Velez sipped his coffee as he anticipated another boring day of monitoring. No sooner had he began lifting the cup for another sip than his station sounded and he shot up, nearly spilling his coffee.

It didn't take long to realize the new security measures had detected an unauthorized transport from within the station. Who or what had been beamed had been transported to just outside command quarters and and originated in one of the docking bays. Finally something to do, he thought to himself.

Calling out he summoned the Chief. "L T we have an unauthorized transport."

It wasn't good news that there was an unauthorized transport, but at least their sensors were working well enough to inform them of the incident. Not too many people would beam onto the station without seeking permission, at least not those with good intentions. Walking into the control with a fast pace, Annora sought more information.

"Do you have information on the location? At least their destination if not also the point of origin?"

Smiling confidently, "All the above. Transport originated in docking bay 157 from a private vessel belonging to...Geral Lasuma. Have you been to his place on the prom...great food.
Pricey, but well worth it. Oh but this is the second time he's done this too. Destination was the command ring, outside Commander Soran's quarters. No report of anything out of the ordinary."

Most likely he didn't have any ill intent, but she didn't want to take any chances. "Probably nothing, but let's send someone to check it out anyway Chief. Notify the nearest security patrol. Have them pick up Mr Lasuma for questioning."

"Roger that." After a quick check of the surrounding area he found a patrol and rerouted them to the docking bay.

[Docking bay 157]

A few moments later, having freshened up, Geral was heading out to meet with a few potential clients when two security officers approached him as he was securing his yacht.

"Geral Lasuma?"

"Yes, can I help you?"

"You are under arrest.  Please come with us."

Not being the first time he'd dealt with Federation security he knew it was easier to just go with the flow. "Certainly."

Sha'rae watched security escort Geral off and she when to the comm panel to call Maritza.


With the security team reporting the suspect in custody, a civilian by the name of Geral Lasuma, Annora directed them to bring the man to the security office.

"Sir you do realize site to site transport is not authorized for civilians barring an emergency?"

Standing comfortably before the young officer he nodded. "Yes. I was made aware of the stations rule in that area."

He admitted to knowing the rules, that was a start.
"If you are aware of the rules, why are you not following them?"

The wording and tone of his answer would determine what happened next.

Taking a seat he leaned to one side casually. "I was asked to."

That was a weak response, and she as much said so.
"You were asked to?" She asked in disbelief with a bit of sarcasm mixed in.

"That's an excuse I'd expect to hear from a grade school student, not a grown adult. With few exceptions, the law does not excuse illegal actions simply because someone else asked you to do so. Care to tell me who asked you?"

Geral's smile never left his face, though it morphed into a bit of a smirk. He knew Maritza was, concerned, about her crew perception of her and didn't want to reveal her request if he didn't have to. He would just have to see how hard this Chief was going to be. "Law?:, He questioned honestly. "My understanding the transport ban was station policy...which doesn't negate it's importance...but hardly makes it a law. As to who made the request; it would be compromising for me to say."

"On the station, regulations and policies carry the same weight as long as they don't contradict Federation Law. We can't allow Genetic engineering for example, but things such as restricting point to point transports is fully within our jurisdiction."

Reaching for a Padd, she pulled up the relevant information before handing it over to Geral. Most civilians seemed to understand the policy, but there were those few who needed a reminder.

"To not have that ability would make our job near impossible. Looking at our records, this is your second offense for unauthorized transport use. That coupled with the lack of a legitimate reason for the usage has won you an overnight stay in our holding cells. Any further violations will result in harsher penalties."

Geral nodded at her explanation. "I completely understand the need for enforcement and would never think of impeding you or your staff in the performance of your duty. However I was never officially....uhhh....counseled on the first offense. So can that really be held against me? As to the reason for the second incident, you did note the destination of the transport...yes?"

She wondered how a merchant of his standing could get this far without understanding how station policies work.
"Again, ignorance of a regulation is rarely a legitimate defense. As for your location, there are several implications I can think of. None of them are positive."

The top three were he was either sneaking around the Command Ring for nefarious reasons, someone who resided there was an accomplice, or he was trying to use his location as simply a red herring.

"You record's otherwise clean, and there's been no evidence of foul play as a result of your violations. That works in your favor. I can let you go with a formal reprimand, but that will be reflected in the daily security log. If you continue to ignore the regulation, penalties can include several days in the brig or even banishment from the station. If I find evidence linking your transports to criminal activity, I will drop the hammer. Do we understand?"

He didn't remember claiming ignorance; just that her nor her people hadn't addressed his previous...infraction. "Perfectly. I assure you that their was nothing nefarious in either instance, but banishment, really? Such an action would require not only due process but the Commanders authorization." Holding his hands open in front of his chest. "Not that I have any intention of pushing things."

Giving a slight smile, Annora answered his question. "Like I said, multiple violations of station safety regulations would be required. They would be well documented and JAG and Command Staff approval would be required to permanently ban someone from the station. However, the recommendation of the Security Chief does carry a lot of weight. Stay out of trouble, and we won't have to worry about it."

Geral stood assuming he was free to go. Nodding his head towards the officer. "Understood. No breaking the problems." Reminded him of similar conversation he had had with another person on the station; same sentiments opposite ends of the spectrum.

He turned his head as the doors behind him opened, the corner of he mouth up turned as Maritza entered. Knowing her concerns for the crew's impression of her he spoke first to prove a little cover. "Good morning Commander. The Lieutenant and I had just cleared up a little misunderstanding. I hope nothing serious brings you here so earlier in the day."

Sharae's rather frantic communique had made Soran smile, just a little. It was good to see security doing their jobs, finally. And then the implications of an early morning beam sunk in. Just because they hadn't... didn't mean anyone would believe otherwise, and she was out of her seat before it had a chance to warm up. She hesitated seeing Annora. "Mr Lasuma. Ms Tessaro. Is there a problem here?"

"Exactly, and if in doubt. Feel free to ask anyone from security. Enjoy your day Mr Lasuma."

Before he could leave, the door opened to reveal Commander Soran. Annora rose from her seat in deference to her rank & position. That tradition seemed to have more or less gone by the wayside but old habits died hard.

"Morning Ma'am. No problem here, everything's five by five. Just had a few questions for Mr Lasuma, which he has answered for me. He's free to go."

"Oh. Well. Excellent." She looked from one to the others, trying to smooth the fluster out of her features. "Carry on, Ms Tessaro. Mr Lasuma."

Turning back to face the Lieutenant. "Thank you for your...understanding. As a show off good faith I will have my staff write a subroutine into my ship computer to prevent unauthorized transport within the station. We wouldn't want to have any further; misunderstandings."

As he moved to leave, his back to the other office, he faced Mariza with a smirk as mouthed the words, you owe me.

Maritza tried not to look at him. "Have a good day, Mr Lasuma." She wondered what he would want for this.

He simply nodded as he departed. As he headed down the corridor he contacted Sha'rae even as Dorian stepped out to meet him, together they headed to the promenade as they laughed amongst themselves.

"Anything I can do for you Commander?"

Since Soran was there, Annora figured she'd ask.

Soran shook her head. "No, no. Just wanted to say well done for diligence on duty. Carry on, Lieutenant."

"Yes ma'am. Thank you ma'am."

It seemed a bit odd for the Commander to stop by and comment on a fairly routine case, but at the present Annora wasn't going to give it much thought.


Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer- DS5

Commander Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Face


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