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Party Time, part III of III

Posted on Thu Oct 25, 2018 @ 9:31am by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Dorian Torel & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,097 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: South Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD01 0330

Previously in PartyTime

She pulled him into a turn with just a hint of pressure, and he followed admirably, never showing that she had taken the lead, and he was now fairly chasing her across the floor. A few more turns and she span away to the end of his hand, then back, once, twice, and a half turn more so her back pressed to his chest for the barest instant. She dropped to a crouch, one long leg straight to the side, and as he drew her up again, she let her hips roll against him. She reached back and stroked her hand down the side of his face before turning back to face him with a snap of her heels on the floor.

His move.

And now the conclusion

There was a smirk on his face as she faced him and the lead changed again. Things were moving faster and faster as there legs intertwined one between the other. The pair engaged and disengaged as they taunted each other until he snapped her back into an embrace. Once again he had her back pressing against him, his face moved slowly tracing her neck and shoulder mere millimetres from her skin. At the same time his left hand was low on her abdomen as her leg came back wrapping around his.

They thrusted apart only to pull themselves together again. Repeating their parting and merging several time as they moved about the floor. Even the music seemed to beat harder and harder as the pair moved about and as it crescendoed the pair merged a final time. Yolanthe arching back and Dorian took her into a rapid dip, Dorian catching her leg mid thigh as it shot up to his waist, his face hovering over the deep cut of her dress. He held her there a moment the curve of her breasts rose and fell as they breathed, his own breath blowing against her bright skin. Slowly he straightened, pulling her up with him, his hand moving to her neck and cheek, their faces centimeters apart.

The room erupted in applause.

Yolanthe watched her partner, only out of breath enough that her evening gown moved in interesting ways. Her skin was turning to azure. That had been fun. Dorian still held her close as the shouts and claps and wolf whistles erupted around him and she smirked at him. Whatever the fight, whatever the arena, there was always one rule. Win or lose, always please the crowd. And if there was crowd she knew how to please? it was her staff.

She leant into him, breath warm against his throat, fingers stroking at the back of his neck, enjoying the solidity of him pressed against her. "Not bad, but I've never thrown a match." Her hands slipped from his neck down his back, "And I'm not going to start now." To emphasise the point she gave his arse a firm squeeze. And walked away.

Bowing at the waist he smiled knowing. Let her relish in her win but she would find out soon enough who had this match. He headed to a table to get a drink.

At the table were several dabo girls, and as he came over he was greeted by a series of waves and giggles from a group of waitresses, though whether they were with him or at him, he couldn't tell. As he arrived, they parted before him like a river, eyeing him openly,

The glances between the ladies as he approached the table was unavoidable and he smiled genuinely enough. "Excuse me ladies," reaching past a pair to grab whatever was available.

"Do we have to?" Asked one, with a giggle. "Do you think he's ready to go again," said another to her friend, who gave a cackle of laughter. "He does look a bit... thirsty," the friend replied, and then they both sniggered.

He took their jibes and their figures in stride with a friendly grin and a defensive quip of his own. "Oh not to worry ladies. I am genetically endowed with a prolonged endurance. Perhaps..."

Geral approached, looking through the group to Dorian.

Dorian nodded, putting his glass down and tossing his coat over his shoulder. "...Sorry ladies, duty calls."

They gave him some pouting little whines of disappointment, followed by gales of laughter.

Moments latter Geral and Dorian where in a lift to get Geral back to his quarters. Lean against the lift Dorian pulled out a dagger, he began rolling, spinning, and flipping it. The balance was excellent.

Geral watched and asked. "Where did you get that?"

Dorian grinned. "My dance partner."

The pair locked eyes. Geral whistled and shook his head smiling. He had never interfered in the relationships of his employees, but he would see what develped here before talking with him.

In the observation lounge, Yolanthe dropped to a sofa where her staff had gathered and took the wine glass Blake passed to her.

She became aware they were all looking at her expectant. She sipped her wine before saying, "What?"

Pel looked at her. "Are you sure you know what you're doing, taunting him like that?"

"It's just a dance," she gave a wave of hand in dismissal. "Besides, I taunted Tharek, and he ended up warming my bed for months."

The bajoran rolled his eyes. "That's my point. People have gone to a lot of effort to hurt you lately. How do you know Lasuma isn't dangling him in front of you to try and get you on your own, and do something." Pel paused trying to think how to phrase it. "He's rather big."

"Oh bless." She gave him an affectionate look. "I can handle him." Pel looked at the dress with its long skirts with a doubtful, worried frown. "Even in this. Look." She parted the skirts and pulled the top of the slit up her thigh to reveal a black strap. And an empty scabbard.

Her fingers brushed over it, and she realised the weapon was missing. In moments she went yellow, shocking pink, and then pale peach. "Bastard took my knife." She'd never even felt it. He'd been slick. With a sigh she leant back against the sofa. "I take it back. I'm obviously going to have to watch that one very carefully."


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

The staff of the Box of Delights
NPCs by Yolanthe Ibalin

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard/Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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