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Party Time, part II of III

Posted on Thu Oct 25, 2018 @ 9:29am by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Dorian Torel & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,011 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: South Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD01 0330

Previously in PartyTime

Closing his hand around hers firmly but gently he kissed it softly. "I would hate to come off as self absorbed if I listed off all my admirable qualities. But rest assured, in my hands you are completely safe."

She laughed, a deep and impossibly dirty chuckle. "What a pity."

As the music shifted again he look over to her and nodded his head to the empty dance floor. "Shall we?"

And now the continuation

From a metaphorical dance to literal one. Against her better judgement she was beginning to enjoy this. "Why not?" she agreed, and together they walked to the space set aside for it.

As they reached the center of the floor Dorian lifted her hand off his arm. Lifting it high he spun her twice, using his own body to stop her as his hand found the small of her back at the same instant.

She stopped in perfect time with him, her other hand landing on his shoulder. Oh, she knew how this was going to go. One of those dances that were equal parts fighting and fucking. She had danced several of those when she had served on the cruise ship Pride of Betazed. Though this was the first time shed had a partner tall enough to look her in the eye without him getting a crick in his neck. So he wanted to play this game, did he? Her skin turned from a warm pink to a pale cherry, her hair a more vivid shade or red. Oh, this was on!

His keen senses he could tell every eye was on them...not that he needed his senses for that.

Geral was with a small group of Yolanthe's people when one popped another in the arm, interrupting the conversation, and pointing to the dance floor. Turning he saw his man dancing closely with their employer. Not knowing his man's intentions, but mixing business and pleasure had pitfalls that could bring his plans to a crashing ends if things didn't work out...if there was anything developing between them at all. Look around at the other guests all where watching the pair; some smiling others concerned.

"Oh no," Said the one who's been nudged, a bajoran, with a d'ja pagh, swinging in his ear.

"Well, he's not Cardassian this time," The nudger, a pretty human young woman said.

"Yeah, it's been what? A year? since him?" Said a third, another young man, this one with long dark hair and long dark eyelashes who was very definitely pretty rather than handsome. "I mean, wouldn't you be...needy... by now?"

"Yeah," The young woman agreed, "Suppose I would. We can't all go down and get high with the Geisha at the Lotus Lounge on a regular basis can we?"

The pretty boy blushed to the same colour as his dancing employer, and looked down.

"Jessica." rumbled a deep disapproving tone. The huge gorn that served as bouncer was sprawled across the opposite sofa, a pretty girl, maybe waitresses, maybe dabo girls curled against each side. "That's an Ahjess comment."

Jessica looked guilty. "I know. Sorry Blake. I didn't mean... I just miss him."

Blake reached out and squeezed her hand
"Yeah, me too." He gave her a smile, "He'd be having a field day with that." He nodded towards where Yolanthe and Dorian were dancing, the air around the electric with tension.

Geral listened without comment to the conversation around him as he, along with everyone else, focused on the pair.

Their hands moved over each other sensually as the pair danced around each other and at times seeming to move through one another. When their eyes had locked at that first moment he had seen the challenge in her eyes and he had accepted.

Reaching up he took her chin in his hand briefly then his hand made its why to her hip as he pulled her into of a slow circling of each other then they switched direction moving further apart as they orbited one another. Once at arms length he pulled her back towards him only lift her into his arms as he spun, her outstretched arm slicing the air ahead of her.Coming out of the spin he released her from one arm allowing her momentum to carry her as he spiralled her around himself from one arm to the other lowering her to the floor as she went.

Oh he fancied himself, this one. She smiled, lips red as fresh human blood stretching into a predatory smirk. The main refrain began again, and they stepped together, but this time she moved far more aggressively, her feet between his, first fast, then slowly dragging her scarlet knee up the length of his inside leg, rising higher and higher still, her blank eyes holding his as she pressed into him. And before he could get any satisfaction, she pulled away, stepping back and forward, back then forward, so they rocked together, their bodies only just not touching.

She pulled him into a turn with just a hint of pressure, and he followed admirably, never showing that she had taken the lead, and he was now fairly chasing her across the floor. A few more turns and she span away to the end of his hand, then back, once, twice, and a half turn more so her back pressed to his chest for the barest instant. She dropped to a crouch, one long leg straight to the side, and as he drew her up again, she let her hips roll against him. She reached back and stroked her hand down the side of his face before turning back to face him with a snap of her heels on the floor.

His move.

To Be Continued

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

The staff of the Box of Delights
NPCs by Yolanthe Ibalin

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard/Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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