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Allies and Foes

Posted on Fri Oct 26, 2018 @ 1:34am by Civilian Hydel Turvan & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,482 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Warship Nuvor
Timeline: MD01 1000


CSS Tzekalla approached the Nuvor at a gentle pace, preparing to dock. On the bridge, Pro-consul Zariyah Limm watched the giant ship grow closer in the view screen. "Open hailing frequencies, and forward our orders to Legate Turvan. Lets see how well he takes this."

Gul Kalena Veshur sat firmly planted in her Command Chair onboard the bridge of the Warship Nuvor. Her vessel had been tracking the Tzekalla since it had entered the sector. They had been expecting its arrival for days now. The Gul was certain that there would be fireworks once the Tzekall arrived.

"Glinn Mandrell, you have the Bridge." Gul Veshur said as she rose. "I will be in the conference room with the Ambassador if I am needed." She said as she stood and allowed her Executive Officer to take her seat.

"Aye ma'am," The younger female Cardassian said as she quickly took over.

Gul Veshur walked across the bridge and entered the conference room and found the Cardassian Ambassador along with the embassy's Garrison Commander Gul Denat Meran. It was a bit humorous to see the both of them in their formal dress attire.

"Are you ready, Ambassador?" Gul Veshur stated as she stood behind the large conference table.

Ambassador Turvan shot her a rather unpleasant look in response. "Yes, I'm ready for this absolutely farce of an occurrence." He said ruefully as he sat at the head of the table. "The nerve of that. . .that parasite-carrying miscreant to go behind my back and contact the Detapa Council and request another Ambassador be assigned to this station." Ambassador Turvan said angrily as he composed himself and painted a much-rehearsed obsequious smile on his face.

"On screen." He commanded.

A cardassian woman, dark hair neatly styled and her cranial ridge filled with tastefully dark makeup, appeared on screen. "Ambassador Turvan, thank you for speaking with me. I am Zariyah Limm. The Detapa Council have appointed me your pro-consul, to assist the work on DS5 and its new planet. With immediate effect." She paused, ready to judge him on his reaction to having a baby sitter foisted on him.

Ambassador Turvan maintained his smile as he listened to the woman speak. "Minister Limm, let me be the first to welcome you to my embassy." He said graciously. "Allow me to introduce you to Gul Kalena Vashur, Commander of the 127th Tactical Wing." He said gesturing to the standing Gul. "As well as Gul Denat Meran, Garrison Commander and my Head of Security." He said, still maintaining an even tone.

"I apologize for not being able to properly greet you; however, I am preparing to depart to the planet surface for the opening ceremony and to oversee the new Cardassian settlement." He said. "I trust that you will find all that you need to help you settle into your new quarters onboard the station." He said.

Avoiding her? Or genuine bad timing? She wasn't sure and she definitely didn't trust him. "When can i expect you to return? i have instructions from the Detapa council that are your ears only."

Who was she to question him in this fashion Ambassador Turvan thought to himself. He was not accustomed to having to justify his comings and goings, especially to a subordinate

"Well, I cannot predict exactly how long these things will take." He said in a non-committal fashion. "However, I trust that anything you have to say can be discussed amongst myself and my senior advisors." He said, gesturing to the Guls Veshur and Meran."

"Very well." She took a breath, He wanted this, after all. "You are ordered to repair relations with the Commander of DS5 and her staff, and improve them beyond the low created by yourself and your predecessor. Good terms with the Federation via DS5 is imperative. You are to do whatever it takes to get back in her good graces." Which was paraphrasing what Deputy Minister actually said. She'd save that for when she wanted to royally piss him off.

Hydel breathed heavily through his nostrils. Who was she to dictate to him how he was to conduct himself with these foreigners. The accusatory tone was evident in the way she said, by yourself and your predecessor. She had no clue what had transpired on this station for years nor what plans their people had for the future.

"Ms. Limm," Ambassador Turvan said slowly as he gathered his words. "I can appreciate the Council's concern; however, I have everything under control within this sector and specifically on the station." He said, still keeping his smile on his face. "The Installation Commander's good graces is not something you should allow to bother you." He said.

Limm recalled the Deputy Ministers face. "Its not the Commander's graces I'm worried about. The Deputy Minister for foreign relations himself gave me these instructions, and no-one with a shred of common sense should think to do anything but fulfill them." Because if I have to humiliate myself to this woman, you who caused the problem are damn well going to do it too, so help me.

He was growing tired of arguing with this woman. "Very well. . ." he said tersely. "You may busy yourself with introducing yourself to the Commander and her staff while I tend to Cardassian affairs on the surface." He said with an obvious edge in his voice. If she were so dead-set on appeasing her Federation masters, then let her do so without wasting his time. "I'm sure you will find them very welcoming." He said.

Not after you stuck your oar in "Perhaps you could summarize how the current situation arose? So I know what I have to work with." She kept her tone pleasant, she knew the station commander had filed a complaint and banned him from the station. But was it Fleet over-sensitivity, or Turvan being an arse. After two minutes talking to him she was beginning to have more sympathy with Starfleet.

Hydel's patience had reached its limit. "I am more than happy to sit with you and educate you as the particularities of diplomacy within this sector. I'm certain that you would be a very apt learner." He said dismissively. "However, this opening session on the planet surface requires my devotion and attention." He said.

"Please, once you are settled on the station, reach out to my assistant Seldon, she oversees my schedule. I'm certain she'll be able to find time for us to sit and commiserate." He said, his smile returning to his face.

"Thank you," she kept her own smiled plastered on. "I shall let the Deputy Minister know how helpful you've been.. And I look forward to hearing about the progress you made at the opening ceremony to restoring relations."

Hydel waited for the signal to end before he turned to Gul Meran. "I want that woman under constant surveillance. Any transmission to, from, or even around here is to monitored, do I make myself clear!?" He said through clenched teeth.

"Absolutely, Ambassador." The Gul responded.

Gul Veshur stayed out of the conversation. At the moment, the 127th was not a part of this political tango and she wanted to keep it that way. The Tactical Wing had more important matters to consider.

"Ambassador, I have received word that Vice Minister Arkul will be making his announcement within the next 24 hours." Gul Veshur said, referring to the Xi'Cadian political leader. "I have put the entire Wing on alert in preparation for the fallout that such an announcement will bring." She said knowingly. "

Ambassador Turvan allowed himself several moments to compose himself before responding. "Yes, yes, that is the appropriate thing to do. I'm certain that there will be much you will need to oversee within the next 48 hours." He said as he slowly rose to his feet. "Gul Meran and I will be on the surface. You are to alert Me, and only Me, if anything significant occurs." He said as he locked eyes with the experienced Cardassian Commander.

"Very well, Ambassador." Gul Veshur nodded.

With that, the two Cardassian males left the conference room and proceeded to the nearest shuttle bay for their departure.

Aboard the Tzekalla, Limm stared at the blank screen, hands on her hips. "I want that man under Constant surveillance. I want to know if he so much as breaks wind in a suspicious way. And monitor his communications. I want to know exactly who he talks to, where and when."

Her aide-de-campe nodded. "Yes Pro-consul."

"Good. Lets find out what he's up to."


Pro-consul Zariyah Limm
Deputy Ambassador
Cardassian Consulat, DS5

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Denat Meran
Gul, Garrison Commander
Cardassian Consulat

Kalena Vashur
Gul, Commander
127th Tactical Wing


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