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Party time, Part I of III

Posted on Thu Oct 25, 2018 @ 9:28am by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Dorian Torel & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,244 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: South Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD01 0330


Dorian had relayed the modification he had arranged to him and he had approved entirely. It was a simple matter to reserve the stations observation lounge for the evenings event. The band was playing, tables of both food and drink surrounded the main floor. And as Yolanthe operated a bar her staff was constantly of their feet so the fare side of the room had several areas for chair or leg/foot massage. All the bases were covered and allowed everyone to unwind as well as party if they wanted.

The event was for Yolanthe's employees, but as their host both Geral and Dorian were there even as the Lasuma Enterprises catering staff saw to the needs of their guests.

The Box closed at two AM, and shortly after the first staff began to arrive. Firstly it was mostly wait staff, who'd not had much to do beside help move on the last stragglers and change their clothes. They were followed by the dabo boys and girls and the croupiers who'd had to cash up their tables.

Finally, closer to three AM than two, Yolanthe herself arrived. Like the rest of her staff, she'd dressed up. She'd chosen a long dress made of a black silk that clung but wasn't tight. The fabric was sheer, but the gauzy layers were built up enough for modesty, and whilst she was covered from neck to wrist to ankle, the front of the dress had a deep slash to the waist that was held closed only by gold chains so thin a stiff breeze could snap them.

She walked across the observation lounge, the billowing of her dress revealing the skirts too were slashed this time to mid thigh, occasionally revealing flashes of long violet leg. She came over to Dorian and Lasuma. "Mr Lasuma. I'd like to thank you for that excellent bottle of wine."

Dorian had watched her enter the room and cocked his head to the side slightly as he stood behind his boss.

Geral nodded. "I'm glad you liked it. I hope we can get set any misunderstandings behind us a get a fresh start. But tonight is not for business it's for you and yours to relax, decompress, and enjoy themselves."

Yolanthe looked over the lounge, her boys and girls were doing just that, starting to unwind with a drink or maybe two, gathered in knots of three or four, mostly sprawled on couches. Pelin and Blake were playing dom jot, and Vedra was reclined at one of the massage chairs, whilst a masseuse worked her feet. Yolanthe was not surprised. Despite being a waitress, Vedra insisted on at least a two inch heel. The Risan woman's legs must feel like murder by the end of a night

"You've certainly put on a spread. The foot massage is a nice touch."

Purposefully wanting to avoided anything business related as he wanted to allow the evening to go smoothly and allow her to think of him as someone she could turn to, Geral replied. "When people are on their feet for a living what is more welcome than time off your feet. I hope you enjoy yourself but if you will excuse me for a moment I want to check on my staff."

Dorian nodded as his boss began to make his rounds, glad handing the other guests as he did. Turning to Yolanthe, "I see you found a dress for tonight. If I may say so, you look stunning tonight."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," She was obviously pleased at the compliment, because the violet changed to azure, the slits in the gown letting him see that it happened every where at once, rather than starting from one point and moving

Her shift of color was obvious and captivating. "I noticed that you came in alone. You would honor me if you would allow me to be your escort." Offering her his hand.

"That's the second time you've asked that." Yolanthe observed, her tone an amused purr. Her hair and body darkened a shade. "Eager, aren't we?"

His warm smile broadened. "Well I can be persistent, but you never gave me an answer." He said with a slightly raised bow.

"Very observant." Yolanthe looked him up and down, taking in the nicely cut suit, the elegant black and silver brocade waist coat and the azure gave way to a delicate rose She had chosen to wear heels so was still on eye level with him. And she wondered for a moment whether there was genuine interest behind those dark eyes, or some scheming plan hatched between Lasuma and his bodyguard.

For a moment her pink fingers hovered over his outstretched hand. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. She dropped her hand into his. "Is persistence you're only quality?"

Closing his hand around hers firmly but gently he kissed it softly. "I would hate to come off as self absorbed if I listed off all my admirable qualities. But rest assured, in my hands you are completely safe."

She laughed, a deep and impossibly dirty chuckle. "What a pity."

To that he laughed, tucking her arm under his as he led her on a circle of the room. "Well at least safe from anyone else that is."

As they passed a table loaded with glasses full of a sparling drink she rescued one, and passed it to him, before taking one for herself. "And are you expecting someone to challenge you tonight?

Smirking as he sipped the drink. Now that was a loaded question, he thought to himself. "Well you never know what might come up...," he replied tongue in cheek, "...just have to be ready for all eventualities."

She could imagine what he might hope would come up, and the wicked thought had her skin darkening from pink mist to flamingo, her long hair now carmine. "And are you always ready for trouble?"

"That was something I was born with actually. Heightened awareness, reactions times, all apart of my genetics. No matter how much I might want to loose myself in a situation a part of me it always on alert."

That was...intriguing. "Always?" She queried, stepping a little closer. "No matter the situation?"

Feeling her move closer, he found himself seriously enjoying her proximity, the smell of her perfume, the warmth of her arm on his. " Oh yes, no matter what..." Placing his now empty glass on a passing tray. "...but enough about me. Tell me about yourself."

His turn to fish she supposed. "Nothing so fascinating. I'm a long way from my homeworld, and I run a bar. I've been here...about two years now, thick and thin. I believe you humans have a saying, may you live in interesting times? Well, working here is very interesting."

He grinned at her mistaking him as human, it was a common mistake that many have made. There were times that misconception was beneficial but now was not one of those times. He was also certain that their was more to her story but real trust had to be earned.

As the music shifted again he look over to her and nodded his head to the empty dance floor. "Shall we?"

To Be Continued

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

The staff of the Box of Delights
NPCs by Yolanthe Ibalin

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard/Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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