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Welcome to the family

Posted on Sat Nov 3, 2018 @ 3:36am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,570 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Promenade Observation Lounge, West.
Timeline: MD 20 1800


The man had turned up at Lasuma's on the Promenade, with a simple message. Gevran welcomes you to DS5, and would like to offer you a brandy or other drink or your choice, in exchange for a few moments of your time. On the bottom was stated the date and time, and the location, Promenade Observation Lounge West.

The west lounge was the most subdued of the four lounges, filled with large winged armchairs, and intended for quiet discrete conversations, like a reading room at a library, or old fashioned terran gentleman's club. It was also public, and had plenty of exits. No-one could be cornered, no violence could break out, without garnering a lot of attention. In other words, it was also safe, neutral ground.

Geral and Dorian entered the lounge a few minutes ahead of the meeting time. The information on Gevran showed that he had maintained an even hand on the stations underworld activities to the benefit of all. Something...and someone to be respected. Seeing his host he motioned for Dorian to leave the pair alone for their discussion.

As Geral approached the wrinkly old yridian, Gevran looked up. "Mr Lasuma. A pleasure to finally put a face to a long established name. I'm Gevran."

"The pleasure is mine sir. May I? Motioning to the seat opposite him.

"Of course." As Lasuma sat, Gevran poured a tawny liquid from a cut crystal decanter into two waiting snifters. "Saurian Brandy?" He didn't wait for the Bajoran's reply, just pushed the glass across the table. "Thank you for coming. I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself, and help you find your feet in our little home."

Taking up the brandy he remained on the edge of the seat, leaning forward slightly. "I was hoping for this meeting, but as this is, for lack of a better term, your turf and didn't want to appear presumptuous, I waited for the invitation."

Gevran's wrinkled face wrinkled even further as he smiled. "IF you were hoping to speak to me that can only mean that you are man who not only does his homework, but is quite flexible in his business. Good. Means I don't need to beat around the bush. You stick to my rules, and everyone stays happy, and more importantly, in business. Break those rules, you won't just be dealing with me. Any questions so far?"

Swirling the brandy casually. "If by 'your rules' you mean keep a low profile on the under the counter activities, keep the dregs and thugs out of the picture, and keep the businesses that pass muster profitable, then we are of the same cloth."

Sipping the brandy, "Outstanding...80 year??"

"You've got a good nose" Gevran allowed. "And you've got yourself half way." Gev swirled the drink in his snifter, inhaled the fumes, the wrinkles around his nose quivering. "There's a few more. No Syndicate. We keep them out of here. So if you have dealings, then you do what you need to do, but you don't do it here. Anyone who does gets a trip out an airlock." Beady eyes looked at Lasuma, to be sure he got the point.

Lasuma smiled. "I try to keep the syndicate at arms length, and only as incidental customers and never or for anything substantial. They are what i would consider one of the 'dregs' and while they can be a necessity on extremely rare occasions, never to be left off an extremely short leash.

"It's only smart to keep the them Syndicate, Nausicaan, or Sona; but you never bring them into you home." Gesturing to the station.

"Glad to see you share my opinion." Gev finished sniffing at the fumes, and had himself a taste. HE savoured it for a moment. "There's a couple more. Everyone keeps to their own business. So you don't get involved in my fight ring, unless you're entering a contender." " He flicked his eyes to Terel, "And then you pay like everyone else. I won't get involved in your...imports. Drugs are spoken for. There's no market for whores. And if others think you're impinging on their routes, we'll talk again. But as long as you're not hurting anyone else, you can do as you wish. And you're likewise protected. Nobody branches out."

Having already 'bought out' two shops in order to facilitate his already completed expansion he wondered if they had fallen out of favor with Gevran. "I have already completed the planned expansions of my store front. Any other expansions will be limited to supply partnerships for the other vendors here on the station...which will only save them latinum. My other franchises and endeavours are all elsewhere so no issues there." Taking a deep sniff of his brandy, "and I don't deal with the marketing of drugs...or people."

"Oh, I'm not worried about your legal dealings," Gev waved a hand in dismissal. "But you step on the more profitable trades here, then there will be an issue. If you want a bigger slice of pie? We work to make the pie bigger, not nick someone else's share. We manage ourselves, we work together, and we keep out those without our best interests at heart."

"Legal or less than legal my transportation arrangements should cheaper. With my distribution network, and me being here, i should be able to create a savings for everyone involved; depending on the level of risk of course."

Gesturing towards the the man holding the reins on the station. "I have no intent on rocking your boat. Only offering my services to those that want them. If I can save someone some money and put a little latinum in my pocket at the same time everyone wins. And should their be a conflict of interest, it would be disrespectful not to seek you out before making any moves."

"Glad we understand each other." Gev topped up Lasuma's glass. "If you find yourself in need of anything, best place to go is Q'uit's. He'll be able to match you up with someone to suit you. Lastly, the Box of Delights is neutral territory. No mucking about in there. Its camera free, the holo suites are even more private, and if it wasn't suffering from some bad luck right now, we'd be meeting there. So if you do end up having a disagreement, its a safe place to negotiate."

"That's good to know, thank you." Pulling out one of his dampening devices he offered it to him. "Please accept this as a gift....if you ever find yourself in need of additional security this can help. It will jam any known audio or video monitoring and can be programmed with coverage audio as well."

Gev turned the device in his hands. "Dangerous stuff to be carrying around right now. Security are having a bit of a crack down."

"Very true. But one never knows when the need for cover will arise and it is discrete enough to conceal. Besides this meeting was important enough to risk. That and I am working on things that will keep myself in commands good graces so that I will remain the last person to be suspected of anything."

"Good luck with that." Gev said. "I hear the Commander's an iron bitch. Apparently some kzinti tried to feed her to their females, and found she was to sour and dried up to eat."

Again another person saying the Command was some kind of cold hardass. That had not been his experience at all, but he let her reputation hold until it was his place to defend. "It's all in the handling. Even iron can be softened....just takes the right flame."

Gev cackled. "You're welcome to take a shot. Just don't come crying to me when she suspends your license." He drained his glass, and stood up, refastening the button on his suit jacket. "It was a pleasure, Lasuma. And remember, the rising tide lifts all ships, so don't swim against it."

Geral stood as well and nodded. "I never do. Good night sir."

"And good luck," Gevran replied, "Keep the bottle. Token of appreciaition for your understanding." Then he gave a little jerk of the head, and four different people around the lounge also stood up, "See you around."

Dorian had taken up a position that had allowed him to cover all but one of the man's escorts while still able to view the fourth. The one had taken up the only position in the room that allowed for 100% coverage of the area. The two had locked eyes nodding to each other, as everyone rose, acknowledging that both knew what the other was there for. There was no arrogance, but mutual respect, of two people knowing what they were both there for.

As Gevran left the lounge, it was clear to see that his heavies were all armed, but no-one seemed interested in playing silly buggers, professional to the last.

Joining Geral Dorian took up the bottle and cradled it. "What you expected?"

"Actually...yes." Downing the last of his brandy he reached down to carefully retrieve the other glass.

Dorian grinned, "Prints...DNA?"

"Possibly. I doubt it but if there is anything, ya never know if it might come in handy."


Civilian "Businessman"

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard/Henchman for Geral Lasuma


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