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Ports in the Storm (Part VI of VI)

Posted on Tue Oct 30, 2018 @ 3:06am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,221 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Lasuma's Ship
Timeline: MD 11 1900

Previously on

Stepping over a deadfall he turned to help her over if she needed it. She took his hands, but whether it was exhaustion, or the alcohol affecting her, she still managed to end up with the toe of her boot caught in a snarl of the bark, couldn't right herself in time, and instead of climbing neatly over the fallen log, she fell. Her momentum threw her forward and she collapsed against his chest with a cry of surprise.

And Now the Conclusion...

His reflexively took hold and wrapped his arms around her to catch her. Lingering long enough for her to get her footing as he looked down at her with a subtle smile.

The embarrassment had tuned her quite red, the pale spots standing out like they were glowing against her flushed face. She held on tight as she scrabbled a moment to get her feet under her, her humiliation growing as she almost tripped again disentangling herself. "I'm so sorry," she stuttered, mortified.

Still holding her. "It's quite alright. You can trip anytime."

Maritza's face got even hotter, and her pulse jumped. And then she realised he hadn't let go. Which was both embarrassing and...pleasant and a relief. Get yourself together woman! she scolded herself. You’re a Starfleet Commander, not a wet schoolgirl
"Um, thanks." Because what else could you say to a comment like that? "I think I can manage now."

He slowly let her go and they continued their walk. When the was a rustling in the brush ahead. His arm came up to bar her way as he looked ahead. Coming out onto the path was a deer like animal and two young fawns.

She bumped gently into his arm, and wondered how many times she'd end up crashing into the bajoran man, and if he was doing it on purpose. And then her train of thought was derailed by the sight of the woodland creatures. "White-tailed mhorbuck!" she breathed, delighted. Then remembered it was a simulation. Even so, she still leaned close to him so not to be too loud and disturb the mother and its offspring, "You really have thought of everything."

Wishing he could take credit for it he shook his head turn it towards her whispering. "Wasn't me. This one is on the computer...unless Sha'rae has something to do with it."

Watching the animals for a moment as they stood silently together, he was enjoying he nearness and looked towards her. Then suddenly the trio bounded away.

Maritza turned to say something, and found his face only inches from her own, and hesitated, like a mhorbuck in headlights.

Geral definitely found her attractive but didn't want to push anything. Grinning devilishly he stared into her eyes.

It was Maritza who blinked first, looking away with a flush of red, her throat bobbing as she swallowed the nerves. "I should be getting back to DS5. Reports to write, staff to debrief." She knew it was a terrible excuse, but that grin made her so... flustered, like a fly in a web, all helpless and wriggling. Retreating to work seemed much safer. Nice and boring and safe.

Catching her chin as she turned away he turned her back towards him and locked eyes with her again; slowly moving closer. At the last possible second he swerved over here lips and kissed her lightly on the cheek. Pulling back to where he had started. "Thank you for coming...if you must go."

Maritza found her heart pounding, and a veritable quantum storm of butterflies were churning through her stomach. Get a grip! she scolded herself. You are the woman in charge. You cannot be having... thoughts... about a...with a... man almost old enough to be your father.. She kept her face turned away so he couldn't see how badly he'd affected her. "I...should.. yes... thank you. It was lovely. We'll have to do it again some time."

Her flustered response only made him grin wider. "I will take that as a pre-emptive yes to future invitation."

Her stomach flip flopped again, this time in pure anticipation rather than embarrassment. She did her best to ignore it. "Alright. That would be-" She stopped mid thought wondering if she hadn't just agreed to something else even more extravagant than a meal and a walk in the woods. "When its less busy." She still couldn't look at him, she was sure if she did her face would catch fire.

Smirking slightly he reached into his pocket to recover here pips then put them back his grin widening. Retrieving a communications device he spoke with his pilot. "Take us back to the station."

Returning his attentions back to Maritza. "We never did get to desert."

Maritza had watched him pocket the symbol of her authority and she swallowed. Desert. Her brain suddenly presented an entire menu of desert items, none of which were edible. Except possibly her. And him. "Yes." she managed to keep her voice level, "That would be nice."

Still smiling he nodded. "Any idea as to where you would want to get away to next time?"

She had no idea. "Well," she said, thinking, "If this is my place, why don't we try yours?"

Having heard, 'my place or yours', he was surprised. After all she was almost paranoid about food when they had first met know she was talking about opening going to his quarters. As he replied the intent of her statement became clear. "Well I'm...oh you meant the holoprogram. Absolutely, I would be delight to show you my mountain retreat."

Pulling the pips back out he pinned them back where they were supposed to be and lowered his hands. "There. Can't have you returning to the station out of uniform."

She wasn't sure if it was the touch of his fingers on her throat or the image his words dropped in her head that made her heart beat fast and her blood rush to her skin, "No," she stuttered, "Absolutely not."

The yacht touched down in one of the stations cavernous bays with only the slightest bump and Sha'rae entered to see the flush begin to fade and smiled. "Pardon the interruption, but we've just landed."

"Well. Thank you once again." Maritza tugged at her uniform jacket, trying to get back her usual aloof demeanour. Then she tapped her communicator. =^="Soran to OPS, Site to site to my quarters please, in ten seconds."=^= She gave Geral a little shrug. "The privileges of rank," she smiled.

With a friendly jab he crossed his arms with a smirk. "Hmmmm. I see how it is...'okay me but not for thee..."

Maritza brushed the three gold pips with her fingers, "There aren't many benefits to wearing these, but I do like this one."

And then she was gone in a veil of light.

Sha'rae looked over to her boss. "I like her"

Geral cocked his head as he turned his head to glance in her direction then back to were the Commander had been standing. "So do do I."


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five

Geral Lasuma
Owner Lasuma Enterprises

Sha'rae Astare
NPC - Valet for Geral Lasuma


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