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Who Is Nick Bolero? (Part 1)

Posted on Mon Nov 5, 2018 @ 3:06pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

1,176 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Security Office/Interrogation room
Timeline: MD 9 1400

Nick Bolero pressed at his stomach. He was still a bit tender from surgery, but there were no injuries from when Security picked him up an hour ago. Jameson hadn’t been out as long as Nick would have liked. They hadn’t been pleased, though the look on Jameson’s face when they had stripped his uniform off of Nick had been priceless. Jameson likely wouldn’t be living this down for a while.

Nick now sat in drab blue tunic and pants, basically Starfleet prison garb. It was an upgrade from a sickbay gown. At least his ass wasn’t hanging out, much to Nurse Hathaway’s disappointment. Nick looked around the featureless room and at the mirror on the wall, then picked up the glass of water with his manacled hands and took a drink. It was a bit awkward with his hands shackled, and he dribbled a bit.

“So when do I get my phone call?” Nick said to the empty room.

The door slid open and a tall, dark-haired man with weathered features in Command red entered, his dark eyes giving Nick a hard stare. He was followed by the beautiful brunette Annora Tessaro, whom Nick had met on the Svikari.

“Ah, Lieutenant! So good to see you again! And--” Nick’s eyes slid to the man and his expression changed, looking a bit caught out. “Ah, Caleb.” He smiled sheepishly. “They didn’t tell me you were here. How’s your daughter?”

Caleb gave a wry half smile. “Stay away from my daughter, Ash.”

Nick grinned, but then he cocked an eyebrow, giving Caleb a look.

Caleb merely gestured to Annora to begin and stood in the corner.

While he had helped the boarding party reach the bridge of the Svikari, as a member of the crew Nick was still being held prisoner during the investigation. Annora had looked into his record and it was spotless. While there was the occasional person who kept their proverbial nose clean, it was rare.

She'd briefly spoken with his supervisor on the Camelot, who expressed genuine surprise at Nick being caught up with criminal activities. His escape from sickbay further served to cast suspicion.

"Mr. Bolero, what did you hope to gain by breaking out of sickbay? At the very least we can charge you with assaulting an officer."

“Barely an officer,” Nick said with a grin. “And other than a migraine, he’ll be fine. I made sure not to hurt him. I just wanted to take a walk. Met some nice people at a pub. You have a fine station here, Caleb,” he said, looking past Annora.

Then he looked back to Annora. “I know this is awkward, but you did promise me we would grab a coffee, Lieutenant. Wouldn’t it be nicer to continue this little dance in better surroundings? I heard you have a nice Rowa’ni club on station…”

Caleb cleared his throat, giving Nick a level stare.

"When you were released, Ensign, which last I checked you were not. As a Starfleet Security officer I would expect you to know better. Technically you're to be confined to quarters when medically cleared, but considering the stunt you just pulled I'm tempted to label you a flight risk and send you to the brig."

It was half threat and half bluff. If it were up to her, those from the Svikari would be either in sickbay or the brig, but Commander Soran overruled that decision. Instead, those deemed well enough were confined to an empty set of quarters.

“I’m sure I would be much more comfortable in a bed. With someone beside me.” Nick flashed Annora a handsome smile. “But anyway, you have questions.” He gestured expansively. “I’m an open book.”

Caleb snorted at that, but let Annora continue her questioning.

Nick wasn't the first person to try and charm Annora, so she ignored his response and kept on going. "Who recruited you for the Svikari project?"

Nick smiled and gave a light shrug. “I’m sorry. I can’t answer that question,” he told Annora.

Caleb’s eyes narrowed, studying the young man.

It was possible he felt it violated his right against self incrimination, but she didn't see how.
"You can't or you won't, Ensign? There is a difference."

Ash smiled. “Both?” he replied coyly.

Caleb sighed. “Ya’ll’re better’n this, Ash,” he commented. “What he means, Lieutenant, is ya’ll ain’t got high enough clearance.”

Nick Bolero looked up at Caleb sharply, but then shrugged.

Having Commander Ryan answer for the Ensign didn't make a whole lot of sense. Then again, this whole case didn't make much sense. "So much for being an open book. I'm asking who recruited you, not for the secrets of the entire project. Regardless, let's move on. While working for the project, did you have any indication the senior staff had allegiances with this Free Earth movement?"

Nick smiled. “It’s why I was there,” was all he said. “I can’t say much more, because--”

“Classified.” Caleb sighed. “Can it, Ash.” He strode forward and tossed a padd down onto the table in front of him.

Ash raised an eyebrow at Caleb and leaned forward, reading over the document on the padd. “Huh. Well that does change things,” he said.

“That’s what you’ve been fishin’ for since ya saw me,” Caleb accused. “Like I said, ya’ll’re better’n this. Ya never woulda been so obviously undercover.”

Ash smirked. “Like I said, I’m an open book, with the proper direction.”

“So read us in,” Caleb said bluntly.

She was starting to get the feeling of being on the outside of an inside joke. Annora wasn't sure what was on the padd, but it certainly got a reaction from Ash. She was also annoyed with the stalling on the part of Ash.

"I've provided security for more than one high profile event. I know how to keep a secret. If you don't start cooperating, then I'll personally throw you in the brig on charges of treason."

“Wouldn’t stick, beautiful,” Nick said, tapping the padd. “I was undercover on the Svikari. Ryan just got permission from my CO. We both used to serve under Commodore Pierce.” He nodded to Caleb, who simply nodded back. “My real name and rank is Lieutenant Commander Ash Danrisa of the USS Nemesis.

“Back with Old Man Pierce again,” Caleb commented.

Ash shrugged. “Tired of riding a desk. Wanted back in the field. Plus I had some...personal matters to deal with. I’m handling Rilasa now.”

Caleb blinked. “Rilasa is dead.”

“Was,” Ash said. “It’s complicated.”

“Ah can see that. We definitely need a beer ta catch up.”


Cdr. Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Ens. Nick Bolero/Ltcdr. Ash Danrisa
Svikari Security Officer/Nemesis Undercover Intelligence Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lt. Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer


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