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Xi'Cadian Destiny

Posted on Wed Oct 24, 2018 @ 4:18am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

901 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Xi'Cadian Homeworld
Timeline: MD 2 - 0600


"Good evening, I am Eche Fuliar, correspondent for the Federation News Network for Deep Space 5. We're going live to the planet of Xi'Cadia within the Typhon Expanse for late breaking news: It has been nearly a month since the tragic lost of the of Xi'Cadian Prime Minister Zora Krulan and his Defense Minister Lastur Vestrum in what has been described as a terrorist attack by Romulan Extremist. Fallout from the lost of the senior Government officials was almost immediate. Surviving cabinet member, Vice Prime Minister Hureth Arkul, quickly stepped up to stabilize planet leadership and address fears of future attacks. However, today we have learned that Vice Prime Minister is preparing to make his first public address to the planet since stepping in after the Romulan attack."

Vice Prime Minister Hureth Arkul sat calmly behind his desk as he waited for the signal to indicate that they were live and the signal was being transmitted throughout the planet and other colonies. His speech had been rehearsed and refined in his mind over and over. He had played this scenario in his mind and tried to anticipate every possible reaction. He was prepared to march forward and seize his destiny. Not just his, but that of this world. He looked up when he saw the light indicating that the transmission had begun.

"People of Xi'Cadia, I come to you today with a message of resilience and hope. There is no doubt that we have suffered an unimaginable tragedy at the hands of Romulan Extremists when they carried out a cowardly attack against our people. As a result, we lost two of our most treasured leaders, in addition to numerous members of High Parliament." Arkul said as he paused in a moment of silence. "Immediately, we were forced to put aside our grief and deal with the fallout of such a loss. Together, we have weathered the storm and we have emerged a united people in the face of adversity." He said with strength in his voice.

"But now, it is time for us to take the next step in rebuilding our fractured global spirit." He said as he stood slowly from his desk. "For too long we have allowed ourselves to be puppets to outside influences. For too long, we have allowed those same puppeteers to rape our planet and our colonies of its natural resources to power their industries and economies. But today that ends." He said with solemnity in his voice.

"From this day forward, the Xi'Cadian Homeworld is renouncing its membership with the United Federation of Planets. We will no longer be bound by their one-sided treaties, agreements, and most importantly, we will no longer allow them to reap the benefits of our natural resources while providing nothing in return." Arkul said.

"I have requested and received an audience with with the newly-constituted High Parliament and a vote was taken in which it was determined that our new government shall be known as the Xi'Cadian Galactic Union, and I will serve as the Governor-Supreme until such time that free and open elections may resume planet-wide." He said while looking directly towards the camera.

[Camera returns to Eche]

"Prior to the announcement, we received word from various sources of Cardassian transports arriving within the star system." Eche said as the view switched to a image of what appeared to be the skeletal structure of a Cardassian repair or shipdock. Other images showed the construction of devices similar to the orbital weapons platforms used by Cardassia during the Dominion War.

"The sudden and significant arrive of Cardassian forces within the Xi'Cadia system coupled with the dramatic announcement by Governor-Supreme Arkul has caused much speculation about Cardassian intent within the region. For more on that we go to a recent statement by Senior Ambassador Hydel Turvan.

[Image transitions to a previously recorded press huddle]

"The Cardassian government has not and will not engage in fear-mongering or the trade of unfounded rumors." Ambassador Turvan said to the gaggle of reporters. "We were invited by the Xi'Cadian government following the terrorist attack to provide logistical and medical support to the planet. You will not find a single Cardassian Soldier carrying a weapon on that planet's surface." The Cardassian said.

"They revocation of Federation membership and expulsion of Starfleet personnel is purely an internal matter." Turvan said quickly. "It is a shame that the Federation chose to turn a blind eye to the mounting evidence of outside agitators that were seeking to do harm to the Xi'Cadian people." He said sorrowfully. "This was truly an episode that could have been avoided." He said as he concluded the interview.

[Camera view returns to Eche]

"We will continue to update you on the latest progression on the Xi'Cadian Homeworld. Many questions still remain following this explosive revelation: What will the Federation do with the loss of one of its largest dilithium suppliers in the sector? How will this sudden union between Cardassia and Xi'Cadia affect the balance of power within the region? Is Starfleet willing to use all options available to resolve this crisis, including militarily?" She asked.

"Stay tuned to this feed for more late breaking news. I'm Eche Fuljar, and this is the Federation News Network." She concluded.


Hureth Arkul
Xi'Cadian Galactic Union

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Eche Fuljar
DS5 Correspondent


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