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Not Again. Part IV of IV

Posted on Wed Sep 26, 2018 @ 7:22pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Qinee & Civilian Drusila Corval & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,245 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Deck 60, Embassy Row
Timeline: MD 10 2000

Previously in Not Again

“It’s gonna be a tight fit,” Caleb said, noting the partially blocked corridor. He could see a Cardassian officer laying on the edge of the pit, but couldn’t see Commander Soran. “Let’s see if we can get this opened up more. Tessero, Mayhew, ya’ll’re the smallest. See if you can squeeze through. Nottingham, Bocero, with me on lifting and bracing.

“Yes, sir,” Jessica and Travis both said. Jessica stayed with Annora, but Travis and the Bolian security officer Bocero worked to lift the debris to make the hole bigger for the ladies.

Caleb called into the next room to the Cardassian, “We’re comin’ in! Help is on the way! Where is Commander Soran?”

And now the conclusion

Gul Meran was too occupied to properly respond to the idiocy of such an inquiry. Although Gul Meran would not have been heartbroken per se if the Starfleet commander fell, he did recognize that he'd have an unnecessary amount of paperwork and debriefings to deal with as a result. "Your commander is going to fall to her death!" he shouted. He used his other hand to try to grab onto her tunic sleeve in an attempt to keep his grip on the Trill female.

Dangling over the long drop, Maritza gave a silent thanks to the speed and strength of the Cardassian who had her now in a precarious grip. But his leap for her had left him sprawled precariously himself, unable to pull her up. She desperately tried to stay calm and keep still, in case she pulled him over. She stuffed down the rising sense of panic, reaching up to try and grab for the edge, but she was just too far away. The muscles of her arm were screaming, and she was all too aware of how her sleeve was beginning to inch through Meran's death grip on her wrist.

She risked a look down, saw the floor littered with spikes of twisted metal, and looked back up to Meran, willing him not to drop her. His grip slipped a bit more. She taped her badge. "Soran to Ops. I need an emergency transport."

"Ma'am, we can't get a lock," came the reply. "Too many particles in the air."

She looked back to Gul Meran. She'd survived Kzinti vivisectionists, Orion pirates, and an encounter with a Q. She did not want to die here. "Please don't let go!"

As she entered what was left of the room, Annora could see the Cardassian sprawled across the floor. "Mayhew, grab a leg, I'll get the other. When I give the word, we'll gently pull."

Gul Meran grunted as the tension on his arms continued to increase. The Trill dangling from his hand continued to sap his remaining strength. His grip on her tunic sleeve was the only thing keeping her from falling to her almost certain death below. He suddenly felt a strong tug on his uniform pants. He could not turn his head and look, but he eventually felt himself being pulled backwards, thus pulling the Trill upward as well.

Working together, Mayhew and Annora were able to pull Gul Meran and the Commander from their precarious position.

"Can you walk, Commander? We're evacuating the entire area,” Annora asked.

As Lieutenant Tessaro helped the commander up, Jessica aided the Cardassian. Given her recent experience on Cardassia Prime, she wasn’t too keen on them at the moment, though she managed to tamp that down. She coughed as the smoke was starting to get overwhelming.

“Hurry!” Caleb yelled into the room. The debris was heavy, and he and Bocero weren’t going to be able to hold it up long.

“I’m not sure Gul Meran will fit, sir!” Jessica yelled back.

“We’ll make it work, Ensign!” Caleb yelled. He could feel the heat on his back from the debris, smell the smoldering of his uniform and the pain sinking into his skin and hands. He was definitely going to need a trip to Sickbay for burn treatment.

Maritza's right arm burned from the neck to elbow. She was half sure it was dislocated, or at the very least badly torn. She was also insanely glad to be back on Deck 60. She owed Gul Meran a large bottle of kanar at the very least. Scrambling to her feet, she gave him an appreciative nod. "Thank you."

The Cardassian Commander clutched his arm as he slowly climbed to his feet. He was certain it was not broken, he did suspect that something was torn as a result of having to maintain a firm grip on the Trill woman.

Anything more would have to wait. They needed to get back to relative safety, Meran as well. She indicated to Mayhew to move out quickly. "We'll find out the hard way, Ensign. Let's get out before it all comes down on top of us."

"Agreed. As my drill sergeant was fond of saying, let's move with a purpose."

Annora let the others go ahead of her in case any more trouble arose she could more easily provide assistance.

Caleb and Bocero both grunted as they wedged the debris open further, enough for Gul Meran to slip through, allowing the women to easily pass. Then they let the debris crash behind them as they hurried after the others. Caleb hissed as he straightened up and took in deep breaths of clear air. The back of his uniform was blackened and smoking, and his hands were red and blistering. Bocero wasn’t in much better shape.

“Ya’ll okay?” Caleb asked as the fire teams moved into the embassy.

Gul Meran was not okay. His hands shook with anger as he saw the embassy continue to be consumed by the ravenous flames. The Cardassian Union had been attacked. It had been attacked by a unknown enemy that was sophisticated enough to execute this brazen attack underneath the nose of Starfleet.

He was far from being okay.

The gul’s attention was diverted by the arrival of a Cardassian medic who immediately began to treat his wound. “Sir, I can deal with the arm here, but I’ll need to get you to Glinn Vepan at the infirmary to treat your burns,” the young medic stated.

Meran had been so preoccupied with the devastation around him that he completely ignored the burns that now existed throughout his arms and shoulders. He needed to have it tended to before it got worse. He nodded in agreement and began to follow the medic.

Maritza surveyed her people and the wreckage. "Right. I want the structural integrity fields given extra power. Let’s start sealing this area off until we can properly clear up. Mr. Ryan," she looked at her XO, covered in soot and burns, "Sickbay. Now. No arguments. Ms. Tessaro." She looked to the young lieutenant who had dragged her and Meran back from a nasty fall. "Find who did this. Leave no stone unturned. I want them in my brig!"


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor

Drusila Corval
Klingon Ambassador
NPC Liam Reynolds

Gul Denat Meran
Garrison Commander
Cardassian Union

Lieutenant (jg) Annora Tessaro
Acting Chief of Security

Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Petty Officer 3rd Travis Nottingham
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ferengi Ambassador
NPC Caleb Ryan


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