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A Good Eye for Talent

Posted on Sun Sep 30, 2018 @ 8:03am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

1,398 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Upper Promenade near The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD10 - 1400


So far they'd trashed all the furniture and swept up the remains of the bar. Now there was just the enormous pile of twisted metal work from the mezzanine that needed to be dealt with. That would need some of Starfleet to come with plasma cutters to break up. But even with the filters and fans going full strength, there was only so long Yolanthe could take the smell of burnt alcohol and smoke without a break. Stepping outside of her bar, she leant over the railing, breathing the cleaner antiseptic air of the promenade, and watching the shoppers and diners milling on the bottom floor, in amongst the trees of the small arboretum.

"Such a waste of fine real estate. . ." Raymond Raddon said as he appeared beside the woman. "It almost breaks my heart to see such a prime location just sitting there in smoldering ashes and complete ruin." He said casually. "Between the fire and water damage, and the structural integrity, its anybody's guess when those Dabo wheels will start turning again?" He added as he leaned on the rail.

Yolanthe's hands gripped the rail so hard that her the knuckles of her suddenly bright yellow hands turned white. The temptation to pitch him over the rail was all consuming for a moment, before common sense took over. Satisfying as it would be to break the smug snake in two, there would be consequences.

"Sooner than you'd think, Ray." She replied. She didn't care if he liked the familiarity or not. 'Why? Do you need a job? I think skin tight snake skin and some feathers would look good on you. I'm sure the punters would be queuing up to push their tips into your...hands."

Raymond let out a genuine and buoyant laugh. Even in the face of total financial ruin, the alien still found the strength to fight.

“That’s what I like about you, Yolanthe. You’re a fighter. . .” He said as he leaned in close. “And I’m not even talking about those little gambling bouts you run under station security’s nose.” He said before leaning back and speaking regularly.

“I can see a bright future for you. . .and your bar.” He said. Letting the last part sink in and looking her in the eye. “Agree to sell the Bar.” He said directly. “We’ll let you stay on as General Manager.” He said.”Hell, we’ll even let you go and open half a dozen Boxes of Delight on our other properties” He suggested.

She turned away from the railing. "You've just tried to have me killed, and now you want me to run my bar for your benefit. Your largesse is stunning." She stepped right into his personal space, her imposing height letting her glare down on him. "You like that I'm a fighter? Better roll up your sleeves, then Ray, becuase I am taking this to final gong. And then I'm going to buy out the smoking ruins of whatever you, your useless father and your simpering odalisque Dorian have left."

Raymond took several moments to take in the woman's full and statuesque form. Perhaps in addition to servicing the bar he could find other ways for her to be of use.

"Yolanthe. . .or would you prefer Adanae?" He said in a lowered, almost enticing tone.

"I'm not my father." He said as he gestured to the still smoking pile of twisted metal. "This unpleasantness. . .is not my style." He said, turning back to her.

"I'm more modern. . .I believe that business and profits should be a unifying force." He said calmly. "You and your kind are so used to relying upon violence and brute strength that you can't recognize when your opponent is fighting a totally different battle. " he said, looking from her eyes to her supple lips and back.

Adanae. The name sent her a deep charcoal, a reflex reaction to the loss it carried, and she had to look away to keep her composure. The she saw his eyes travel away from her own. She knew that look. A lot of men had it on their face about two minutes before they got fingers broken. And the tone of his voice. Was he trying to pick her up? Was that the plan? Failed to get her killed so now they were trying to what? Romance her into defeat? The thought sent a blue hue into her skin, and it deepened over several seconds as the thought grew.

She had to put her hand to her mouth to keep her laugh from escaping, and managed to keep it out of her voice. "And what battle is that?"

"We don't have to rely upon violence. We have access to the media, to politicians, to technology, we're thinking two steps ahead while you're still trying to figure who is standing behind you." He said as if such a statement was as common as discussing the weather.

"We can make you wealthier than you could imagine, besides, I know you have a thing for men with power. . ." He said with a smirk. "From what I hear, Ambassador Getal had an eye for good talent as well. "

Getal. Even in the midst of disaster the thought of him made her smile. But did Raymond really think it was his power that had attracted her? By that argument she'd want his father, ugh, not him. "And you have power? Looks to me it's daddy holding the reins."

Raymond's nostrils flared in aggravation. Here he was offering her an olive branch, a genuine truce, and she chooses to smack it away in obvious amusement.

"Power? Take a look around" He said, pointing directly towards the remains of her business. "Look at what has happened to you without anyone from my company having to lift a finger or point a single disruptor at you." He said more forcefully than his previous tone had been. He took a step towards her and looked into her eyes again.

"But that's what it's all about for you. . .Power?" He said, still searching her eyes for any sign of vulnerability.

"It must be driving you insane: My father, Oded, even myself. . .all of us men, men who have all exerted Power over you." He said with a smile. "This isn't some barbaric gladiator fight on that backwards little planet of yours. . .your hands and feet are absolutely useless in this battle. . .you're simply outgunned and your dainty little brain just can't comprehend what to do next, right Adanae?"

Her body snapped to a yellow so pale it was barely cream. Her hands balled into fists. In that moment she wasn't sure what she loathed more, the fact that some jumped up man was giving her such disrespect, or the fact that he was right. This wasn't a fight that could be won with a deft knock out or a nasty gutting. It was driving her insane that Men, especially an old man, the least valued citizen on her home world, had so casually wiped out her life not just once, but now trying again.

But "You're wong. I know exactly what to do next. This arena might not be filled with sand and spikes, but its still an arena. If i get knocked down, I get back up, I hit back, twice as hard, and I keep coming till I win." She leaned down nough to whisper in his ear, her breath warm against his neck, "And then I take my spoils."

Raymond looked at the woman. He was through playing games with this woman. If she wanted so badly to see how much Power he had, then who was he to deny her that privilege. "I want you to remember this moment, I want you to remember so that when this is all said and done your bar is nothing more than a faded memory, I want you to remember that this was your chance to end it the easy way." He said as he pushed himself off of the rail and made his way away from the bar.

He didn't see the bright yellow of her skin turn to a sharp lime green.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Raymond Raddon
COO, Raddon Corporation


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