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Not Again. Part III of IV

Posted on Wed Sep 26, 2018 @ 7:21pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Qinee & Civilian Drusila Corval & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,622 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Deck 60, Embassy Row
Timeline: MD10 2000

Previously in Not Again

Caleb stepped up to Soran. “Ah’m here. Where do ya need me? Here or in Ops?” he asked her.

Maritza thought for a second. "Reynolds was a witness. Find out if he saw anything we need to know right now. And then make sure that he and any other witness are guarded. It may be a paranoia, but right now caution is good."

And now the continuation

“Nottingham!” Jessica yelled, waving over her partner. Great. Her first day back on the job after that ill-fated trip back in time and instead of a nice, boring shift, she gets a terrorist attack!

“Got someone, Mayhew?” Travis asked, coughing a bit.

“Help me move this.” She indicated a heavy bookcase through the front doors of the Ferengi embassy. “I thought I heard someone--”

“Get me out of here!” a voice yelled from inside. “There’s fire.”

“I’ll grab a suppressor,” Jessica said, leaving the much larger Travis Nottingham to shift the bookcase. And arm with the torn sleeve of a garishly multicolored dress reached out. Travis grunted, shifting the bookcase onto his back, and started to lift with his legs.

Jessica returned with a fire suppressor. Travis made enough space that she could squeeze beneath it. Inside, the embassy had been rather wrecked by the shockwave, though not as badly as farther down the row. Knick-knacks and baubles lay shattered where they had fallen from shelves. Ambassador Qinee stood in her ridiculously colored dress, now torn and blackened in places with soot or fire damage, black smudges on her face. A surprisingly shapely shoulder slipped from the torn dress, though she only absently caught it before pointing to her office where firelight flickered.

“Ambassador, you need to get out,” Jessica said, pointing to the space she had crawled through. Then she went into the other room. The fire wasn’t too large. A plasma conduit had ruptured from the shockwave and exploded through the wall.

“Engineering, we have a small plasma rupture in the Ferengi Embassy. I need it shut down immediately before it gets worse.” Jessica wiped sweat from her forehead. It was already over a hundred degrees in here. Her fire suppressor wasn’t going to do much good until that plasma got shut down.

“Acknowledged,” came the reply from Engineering. “We’re shutting down the entire deck.”

Good idea, Jessica thought. Once the plasma ended, Jessica sprayed a few lingering fires and returned to the reception area. She caught a glimpse of Ambassador Qinee’s rather shapely posterior through a tear in her dress as the Ferengi was climbing through the space between the bookshelf and the door.

Travis helped the ambassador out, and then gave Jessica a hand. “Everything okay?” the big enlisted man asked.

“Yeah, under control now,” Jessica said. “Still will want a fire team to go through it.”

“My, aren’t you a strapping young lad!” Qinee said, running her beady eyes up and down Travis. Her dress had slipped off her shoulder again, exposing more of her full breast than Jessica wanted to see. Who knew a Ferengi could actually have a hot body?

Travis smiled. “We grow big in Iowa, ma’am,” he told Qinee. “We need to get you to safety, ma’am.”

“Yes, yes, of course,” Qinee said, pulling up her gaudy dress.

"Commander," Liam nodded as Caleb walked over to him and the doc kindly making him feel Human again.

“Commander Soran said you were a witness to all this?” Caleb looked around them. “What can ya tell me? What happened?”

Liam sighed, glad it was Caleb and not Soran. "Some idiots playing games. Sent the Klingon ambassador a love poem with the Cardassian ambassador’s seal. Provoked a pretty angry reaction as that’s culturally, ‘Turvan wishes to court you’ in Klingon society. Dru...erm, Ambassador Corval. Drusilla. Daughter of the head of House’s brother Dverok."

It took abit to get the memory of his name. Liam had to concede when Dru showed up he was pleased. Still, in diplomatics he would finally have an ally he knew he could trust. What he didn't realise was how seriously the Klingons were going to take Dukath’s statement that he was "a member of the House of Corval in spirit." Evidently he was supposed to act in a certain manner now. Then it hit him. That's why she slapped him. She was the high ranking House member and he had deemed in front of her house members to tell her what to do. He should have taken her to one side or challenged accordingly.

"She knows me from my Klingon tour," he continued, realising he would have to make an attempt to fix that error, "and what my abilities are. She took it upon herself to beam me onto the deck to apparently act as a lie detector on Turvan as she confronted him with the..." his face scrunched up at remembering just how bad and insulting that had been written, "poem. Both antagonised each other. Then a bomb went off . We got the shockblast and caught in the spreading fire. It got some of the Klingon embassy. And there was something, an emblem or flag, sign, maybe flashed up. I haven't seen it before. I didn't recognise the symbol," he informed him.

Caleb frowned. “Can we recover the transmission?” he asked. “An’ how the hell are the Klingons transporting on station without setting off security alerts?”

"How does anyone manage anything in this place?" Liam groused. He was also getting fed up of everyone else seeming to have the jump on them too.

"Look, Caleb, tread careful. There's quite a dodgy clause in the formal diplomatic agreement that permission for transfer into diplomatic space isn't necessary in certain situations. Dru will likely claim that jokingly insinuating a stance to court her is grounds for rapid dissolution in diplomatic relations, that she did it to move quickly to get to the bottom of things in an attempt to avert hostilities." He held his hands up. "I ain't saying it's right, and I'm not officially going to state it’s stupid either, just, as usual, it's a minefield. And besides, shouldn't Security be more concerned with the Cardassians issuing orders that their personnel can use deadly force if they want to on the station?" he asked. It was likely another can of worms the XO didn't want to have to mull over.

Caleb rubbed his forehead. “Yeah,” he had to agree. “But Cardassian disruptors don’t typically have a stun setting. Nor do Klingon disruptors,” he pointed out. Romulans were the same. Only the Federation really carried dual use weaponry.

A chief petty officer dashed up to Caleb. "Sir! The Cardassian embassy is collapsing! The Commander is trapped inside!"

Caleb let out a colorful curse and dashed away up the corridor toward the Cardassian embassy. “Ryan to Security! Clear Deck 61, Section K of all personnel!” Ryan ordered. He skid to a halt as he arrived at the embassy.

“Anyone else in there?” Caleb asked. “Why ain’t these fires out yet?” Caleb started for the door and was driven back for a moment by a burst of flame. A security officer ran up with a portable fire fighting pack and sprayed the door. He handed a second to Caleb.

“Thanks, son.” Caleb took a breath and said a short prayer as he fit the mask over his face. “I love ya, Zandy.” Then he darted into the Cardassian embassy, shining his light around in the smoky, flame-tinged darkness.

The interior of the embassy was choked with smoke that glowed with the dark red and amber of emergency lights and alarms, giving it an infernal tinge. Shouts for help could be heard from not far ahead and a Cardassian could clearly be seen reaching over the edge of the gaping hall through to the next deck, but the way was blocked by bulkhead struts that had buckled and closed half the hallway.

Security teams had been pushing forward, providing assistance where they could. As they did so, word came out that the Cardassian embassy was collapsing. With that came the order from Commander Ryan to evacuate the surrounding area of all personnel.

Leaving most the teams to deal with the evacuation, Annora took three other security guards and made a beeline for the affected area. Arriving, she took a brief moment to survey the damage before moving on. Ahead she could see Commander Ryan.

"How can we help, Commander?"

“It’s gonna be a tight fit,” Caleb said, noting the partially blocked corridor. He could see a Cardassian officer laying on the edge of the pit, but couldn’t see Commander Soran. “Let’s see if we can get this opened up more. Tessero, Mayhew, ya’ll’re the smallest. See if you can squeeze through. Nottingham, Bocero, with me on lifting and bracing.

“Yes, sir,” Jessica and Travis both said. Jessica stayed with Annora, but Travis and the Bolian security officer Bocero worked to lift the debris to make the hole bigger for the ladies.

Caleb called into the next room to the Cardassian, “We’re comin’ in! Help is on the way! Where is Commander Soran?”

To Be Continued

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor

Drusila Corval
Klingon Ambassador
NPC Liam Reynolds

Gul Denat Meran
Garrison Commander
Cardassian Union

Lieutenant (jg) Annora Tessaro
Acting Chief of Security

Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Petty Officer 3rd Travis Nottingham
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ferengi Ambassador
NPC Caleb Ryan


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