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Not Again. Part II of IV

Posted on Wed Sep 26, 2018 @ 7:20pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Qinee & Civilian Drusila Corval & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,649 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Deck 60, Embassy Row
Timeline: MD10 2000

Previously in Not Again
"Dru, that’s not going to help matters." Liam sighed. "Think rationally,"

He earned a slap to his cheek for his efforts. Liam toppled slightly. It had been a while since a Klingon had unleashed that amount of force on him. It knocked the wind out of him as Dru turned and stormed off, allowing her anger to get the better of her.

River winced as the blow landed and Liam was suddenly surprised and therefore not blocking himself from sending the pain outwards mentally. "Do you want her stopped?" she asked quietly. She wasn't Security, but she knew she could call them in an instant.

Liam shook his head. "No. She's angry. She will be back. Just hopefully not with Turvan’s head," he said darkly. He rubbed his face, which was stinging.

And now the continuation

Gul Meran was shouting loudly into his communicator. "We need those sub-harmonic sensors at the embassy, now!" he shouted. "I don't care what station protocols have to be violated, beam the equipment directly to my location if necessary. We'll worry about the Federation's protocols when I don't have dying Cardassians all around me," he said gruffly as he closed the link and turned his attention back to the chaos before him.

He still had no idea who was responsible for the explosion. All he had been able to glean in the few minutes since was that this was not a mere accident. A series of explosions had been triggered specifically on Deck 60 where the embassies were located. It also happened to be the area of the station without a large security contingency located nearby. Gul Meran had dispatched every single Cardassian soldier stationed on DS5 to assist in evacuation and search and rescue operations.

The embassy had suffered structural damage due to the explosion and the resulting plasma fires burning in various portions of the compound. The Cardassians were having trouble getting the necessary equipment in place to combat the fire due to the several other fires that were consuming time and resources. Whoever planned this knew just the right amount of havoc to wreak to maximize their effectiveness.

"Have Glinn Vepan setup a medical triage. We need to get our people emergency assistance as soon as possible. We don't have time to wait for the 127th to send a medical vessel," he ordered to a nearby soldier. The Cardassian barracks had sufficient medical supplies to treat the immediate injuries. Anything more severe would have to be stabilized until they were able to transport them back to the 127th's medical facilities.

Soran had got a report from Ops showing there were still fires in the Cardassian embassy. She called over another fire team and headed towards the Cardassian embassy. "Hello, Cardassia?" she called out. "Can we render assistance?" She fully expected to be told where to go. But the station was her responsibility, and she wasn't going to take no for an answer until things were under control and the key infrastructure was declared safe.

Gul Meran was in the middle of directing emergency personnel when he was approached by the Station Commander. He had briefly reviewed her file upon accepting the position of Garrison Commander. However, he had never directly encountered her. It was unfortunate that now had to be that time.

"Yes," he said tersely. "You can start by having your Command Center get out of our way," he said as he walked past her. "They're preventing elements from the 127th to enter docking or transporter range," the Cardassian said. He had received numerous updates that station security protocols had increased since the cowardly attack by the USS Svikiri. Since then the number of non-Starfleet vessels that had been allowed to approach the station had been significantly curtailed.

Soran shook her head. The 127th had pretty much been requesting to invade. Under the circumstances she wasn't going to let the four remaining ships and nearly a thousand Cardassians onto her station. "We've got more than enough of our own staff, Gul. Let's not waste more time arguing, and I don't need your permission when the structural safety of the entire station is at stake. I'm asking as courtesy."

The Cardassian commander knew that now was not the time to get into a debate with the installation commander. He had lives that needed to be saved and a fire that was still gaining strength in certain quarters of the embassy grounds. The Trill's insolence would have to be addressed at a later date.

"Fine, have your troops focus their attention on the southeastern side of the embassy. The structural integrity from the initial explosion has been compromised and is on the verge of collapsing," he directed her.

She gave a brief nod and directed her people around to the south side. They'd barely arrived when someone screamed, "Look out!". There was a long groan and the bulkhead gave way. Half a ton of metal folded in on itself, dragging the floor down until it split under the weight and opened up a gaping hole down to Deck 61.

Maritza felt the floor shake its warning but wasn't quick enough to avoid the collapse. She was tipped into the hole, making a desperate grab for the edge of the deck, grasping it by the fingers, leaving her dangling over the drop even as more of the walls threatened to collapse on top.

Gul Meran felt the rumble and nearly collapsed as well, but he was able steady himself in time to reach for a nearby rail. Once he had straightened himself he saw the perilous situation the commanding Trill found herself.

He quickly fell to the ground and flattened himself as he reached over the chasm and grasped the Trill’s hand. He was in the process of shouting for her guard to assist, but before he could raise his head he saw that the young security officer had already fallen into the fissure in the deck.

Denat Meran focused on the emergency before him and continued to grip her wrist. For the time being he had stopped her from falling, but his grip was not infinite.

Liam figured as they hadn't got round to replacing him yet, he ought to do some fire putting out of his own. He went and met one of the medical teams. He could sense the other Betazoid hybrid before he laid eyes on her. The blonde lady was empathic just like him. Unfortunately given the nature of the situation, pleasantries was really the last thing to be concerned about. He sent her telepathic images of what had occurred. He knew she could sense the tightness on his chest, the burning in his eyes, and other injuries from the shock blast and the secondhand emotions he was feeling from the Klingons who were just as injured but determined that a warrior didn't require a doctor.

As she made her way over, he switched to Terran. "The Ambassador needs seeing first. Do you have a padd I can borrow? I need to speak to someone quickly. Urgently." He knew she could sense his honesty.

"Where is the Ambassador? Is he still inside?" River asked, immediately taking on board the flood of informative images Liam had sent out. She handed him the padd he had requested without further questions. He was right, she could sense he was being honest and she also understood completely the need for cutting out the niceties and cutting straight to the important priorities.

"She," Liam indicated the angry female next to him.

"By the hand of Kahless, leave me be! I need to get my bat'leth and decapitate a Cardassian. How dare he blow up my embassy!" Dru yelled.

"Dru. Turvan’s embassy also had damage. I don't think--"

"He humiliated me. He drew me to his little spectacle to show me just what he could do and make it look like he was the one being played. He blew up my embassy. I need to contact the empire, declare war on his cowardly hide,"

"Dru, that’s not going to help matters." Liam sighed. "Think rationally,"

He earned a slap to his cheek for his efforts. Liam toppled slightly. It had been a while since a Klingon had unleashed that amount of force on him. It knocked the wind out of him as Dru turned and stormed off, allowing her anger to get the better of her.

River winced as the blow landed and Liam was suddenly surprised and therefore not blocking himself from sending the pain outwards mentally. "Do you want her stopped?" she asked quietly. She wasn't Security, but she knew she could call them in an instant.

Liam shook his head. "No. She's angry. She will be back. Just hopefully not with Turvan’s head," he said darkly. He rubbed his face, which was stinging.

"Here, let me put something on that," River said quietly and began to regenerate his skin with her hand-held regeneration tool.

Liam wasn't sure what she was giving to him, but his chest started to ease. Whilst the doctor kindly fixed him up, he opened an encrypted diplomatic channel and sent a message informing the head office of what had occurred.

"Thanks, Doc, that's helping," he said, handing the padd back to her.

"Welcome," she replied simply and continued to work on his injuries and wounds one by one.

To Be Continued

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor

Drusila Corval
Klingon Ambassador
NPC Liam Reynolds

Gul Denat Meran
Garrison Commander
Cardassian Union

Lieutenant (jg) Annora Tessaro
Acting Chief of Security

Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Petty Officer 3rd Travis Nottingham
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ferengi Ambassador
NPC Caleb Ryan


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