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Not Again, Part I of IV

Posted on Wed Sep 26, 2018 @ 7:18pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Qinee & Civilian Drusila Corval & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,631 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Deck 60/Embassy Row
Timeline: MD10 - 2000

Previously, in Harbinger

Liam stood up, still grinning. "That was a long time ago, Ambassador. And I won't lie, it was one hell of a night. She's right, you couldn't handle her. And Dru don't..."

He didn't get to finish his sentence as an explosion suddenly ripped through part of the diplomatic deck. He was knocked off his feet from the force coming from its direction. Panic suddenly descended, people running, screaming. As klaxons started going off several Klingons ran up to them.

"Ambassador, someone just blew up several embassies on the south end of the deck. We have to evacuate this floor."

A holographic emblem of the likes Liam had never seen before suddenly appeared as the smoke was thickly dispersing among the large deck.

Dru coughed several times for a moment, raised a fist up at the Cardassian holoprojection still in one piece, although fires were breaking out getting closer,

"How convenient that you are off station doing business. If I get find you are responsible for this the House of Corval will not rest until you drown in your own blood."

"Dru," Liam said shakily, getting to his feet, "Gul Meran, forget the hostilities. We need to evacuate now."

And now ...

Liam coughed and blinked his eyes rapidly as the smoke from the damage and fires was starting to affect his respiratory system. He wasn't diplomatic officer anymore, but never imagined or wanted to see something like this happen. Around him was shock and anger. "Dru, come on. Let them go play idiotic soldiers. We need to get to safety and get everyone out."

He practically dragged her, not sure where that strength was coming from and knowing from experience that was no easy feat. The rest of the Klingons, when their leader finally decided to cooperate and choose not to gut him for his efforts, followed suit. They even started herding others in their direction. The truth was as angry as the Klingon was right now, she was also pretty damn shocked, and luckily there was no bat'leth or a Cardassian in sight for her to do something stupid.

"No, I am able," she hissed, shrugging him off finally. Her mind was busy though trying to make connections, work out who the enemy was.

Liam breathed a sigh of relief when Security made an entrance, starting to yell and directing the evacuation, and engineering teams and equipment started to roar to life.

Annora had been enjoying a late supper when her comm-badge went off. "Ma'am, we're reading multiple explosions on the diplomatic deck."

Suppressing a string of swear words, Annora tapped her comm badge. "Acknowledged. I'm on my way. Get Gamma shift on duty early. We're going to once again lockdown the station."

Stepping around the corner, she called for a emergency transport to Deck 60. She beamed in right behind several on duty security guards. The closest one handed her his rifle before reaching for his hand phaser. Several more guards were transported by transporter beam, many armed with rifles. Even without other recent attacks, an incident like this necessitated a full response.

"Right, now let's focus on preservation of life. Womack, Jenson, stay here and assist the medics as needed. The rest of you with me!"

“Stay here!” Caleb told Aleczandra as he pulled off his cooking apron. “Don’t let the chicken burn.” He tossed his daughter the apron and grabbed up his tunic and comm as he rushed out of his quarters. “Ryan on the way,” he responded to the summons. He stopped first at the nearest Security station and checked out a sidearm before beaming into the chaos just off of Deck 60.

Commander Soran transported direct to Deck 60, coldly furious. This station was turning into a war zone, and she was not going to preside over a descent into anarchy. Ops teams were arriving all around her, trying to get the fire under control, evaluating for structural damage, and security.

Soran spotted Lieutenant Tessaro and her colleagues and marched over. "Situation report, please, Ms. Tessaro."

It wasn't much of a surprise to see the Commander arrive, although from a security standpoint Annora would rather she stay away. "Not much to report at the moment, ma'am. There appear to have been multiple successive blasts. The Cardassians seem to have taken the brunt, although several other embassies have been damaged as well."

"Any fatalities? Or witnesses?" If they had witnesses, they might finally catch a break and find the being a responsible.

"Casualties are unknown at this point, Commander. It's too early to tell, although I suspect there will be some fatalities. As for witnesses, Lieutenant Reynolds was present when the explosion occurred. As far as I know he was the only member of Starfleet here. Once we get the fires contained, we'll start interviewing the various diplomatic staffs. Perhaps they saw something useful."

"Reynolds?" What was he doing up here? He was reassigned. The Cardassians better not be trying any more of their tricks now she'd kicked their ambassador off the station. Then again, if they were, it was just more justification. She couldn't have any more interference with her staff. "I'll talk to him as well. Have any of the embassies given you any trouble?"

She wasn't going to answer for the man, as she hadn't had a chance to talk to him. "Unsure, Commander, but I suspect his old position still holds some weight with the diplomats. Currently no one has given us trouble, but we haven't reached the Klingons or Cardassians yet."

The Klingons were often a wildcard, and with recent events the Cardassians had not been happy with the Federation.

At that moment the medical groups of triagers and paramedics began to materialize on emergency medical beam ins which appeared like waterfalls all over the main promenade close by. River was one of the first to arrive. She immediately began organizing the rest and sending them in twos and threes to respond to casualties whilst she herself began to set up an incident centre to coordinate the efforts and present a base for them to return to for minor treatments and a point of exit for those with more major harm to be transported back to the auxiliary sickbay, which she had arranged to be opened specifically to take these casualties from this incident.

It was a precise and impressive exercise and it was immediately effective. River took stock, made notes, and gave instructions quickly, calmly, and with confidence. The medics responded in similar ways and their attitudes helped to bring some order and stem some panic, at least a little, but any amount was an improvement.

In looking around and assessing the scene, River spotted Maritza and recognized her, but she didn't know the Security lieutenant yet. She approached them both.

Annora had finished giving her report to the commander when a lieutenant commander in a teal trimmed uniform walked towards them. Pegging her as a medical officer, Annora informed her of the security assistance. "Evening, Doc. I've assigned Womack and Jenson to help your medics. Difficult patients, heavy lifting, forensics, use them as you see fit."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," River replied and offered a hand to shake. "River Morgan," she said with brief, polite efficiency as she turned to her original target. "Commander Soran. River Morgan, ma'am. We met when I first came aboard. Commander Telamon's stand in. Seconded to cover the maternity leave," she summarized quickly, holding out her hand to shake that of the CO briefly as well.

Maritza nodded, she had a vague memory from a whirlwind meeting. "Is there anything else you need from me?" she asked the medical officer.

"No, ma'am, thank you. We're just triaging here and transporting anyone who needs more care instantly to the Aux Sickbay. Minor casualties can be helped here, but they shouldn't get in the way of the security or fire officers, since we are bringing those who will stay far enough away from the scene first. Is there anything I need to know or that you want me to do or watch out for?" River asked, addressing the question to both Maritza and Annora at the same time.

"Nothing specific from a security standpoint. We'll do our best to secure the scene, but if you see something feel free to reach out the nearest security officer."

During emergency situations it was always a balancing act between the concerns of first responders and security personnel

With the commander likely sticking around, Annora pulled aside the nearest security guard.
"Millon, stick with the Commander. Last thing we need is someone taking their frustration out on the station's CO."

Once that was settled, she moved forward with the others to better assess the situation.

Caleb stepped up to Soran. “Ah’m here. Where do ya need me? Here or in Ops?” he asked her.

Maritza thought for a second. "Reynolds was a witness. Find out if he saw anything we need to know right now. And then make sure that he and any other witness are guarded. It may be a paranoia, but right now caution is good."

“Yes, sir,” Caleb said. He stepped away and tapped his combadge. “Commander Ryan ta Lieutenant Reynolds. What’s your location, Lieutenant?”

"Reynolds. With the Klingon delegation at the east end of the diplomatic areas," Liam responded.

To Be Continued


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Counselor

Drusila Corval
Klingon Ambassador
NPC Liam Reynolds

Gul Denat Meran
Garrison Commander
Cardassian Union

Lieutenant (jg) Annora Tessaro
Acting Chief of Security

Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Petty Officer 3rd Travis Nottingham
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ferengi Ambassador
NPC Caleb Ryan


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Comments (1)

By Commander Amia Telamon M.D. on Thu Sep 27, 2018 @ 3:32am

& Lt Cmdr River Morgan-Hart
Acting CMO - DS5
(NPC - Amia)