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Ports in the Storm (Part I of VI)

Posted on Sat Oct 27, 2018 @ 3:48am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Sha'rae Astare

1,074 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Lasuma's Store
Timeline: MD 11 1700


Geral sat across the way observing the ebb and flow of the promenade as well as keeping an eye on his shop. His employees were managing things nicely and catering to the needs of every customer that entered. He had made it clear that he wanted to build a reputation for impeccable customer service, even if that meant referring them to another shop.

Today only one couple had been escorted to another shop, but they had also made a purchase before leaving. Having listened into the conversation the clerk had been absolutely perfect in her approach and explanation, '...we don't have exactly what you are looking for but we can definitely get it in without delay. In the meantime there is another shop on the promenade that has something close to what you desire. Let me take you there.' Their shocked response was perfect and they had secured another regular customer.

Sipping his drink his eyes focused on someone make their way down the promenade. ~ Where are you going Commander??? ~ he thought to himself.

He got an answer in a moment. The Trill stopped, looked around, noting all the bars, especially the currently closed Box of Delights then seeming to change her mind, veered away from the path that would have taken her to the small and generally private Officers Club bar, and towards his establishment.

In a minute’s time, she was walking under his awning, and browsing his food and drink selections with an angry intensity.

Even from a distance he could tell she was upset and so could his staff as they were giving her a wide berth. Without finishing his drink he rose and made his way to his own shop; ensuring that he came up on her, hoping to not startle. His tone warm and welcoming, "Welcome back Commander."

What Maritza really wanted was 10 mls of cordrazine with an inaprovaline chaser. But she didn't dare resort to the controlled drugs. She had to settle for something more innocent. "Mr. Lasuma." She gestured at the bottles. "I find myself in need...relaxation. I was hoping you could make a suggestion."

He nodded shallowly and repeatedly as he had confirmed his suspicions. "Absolutely, but before I do is there any particular type you prefer. Red, white, blush, dry, sweet, semi-sweet, sparkling...or where you looking for something harder than a wine?"

"I'm not really a drinker." She let out a breath, like she'd been holding it all day. "Whatever's good for washing out a bad taste."

He knew that mood... "Well in that case..." he purposefully did not mention rank "...we need go beyond a mere beverage. I recommend an evening of relaxation, comfortable attire, a home cooked meal, a rich desert, and perhaps a mulled wine to warm the body to ensure a restful sleep. Accompanied by some friendly, hopefully stimulating, unofficial and non subordinate, company."

A night off? She couldn't remember the last time she'd had one of them, six months; seven? Not since that planet arrived, that was for sure. And with the station collapsing around her ears for all intents and purposes, she wasn't going to get one soon. Maritza rubbed the back of her neck, wishing she had the time. And after ripping her officers a new one, I would feel like gross hypocrisy. "I can't...” she began. She wanted to though. She knew she needed a break, but it was never the right time.

He could imagine the stresses she was under and how an official medical intervention, for a command level office, was never welcomed. However he cut her off in a friendly tone, "Now...don't make me call medical. You are in command, surely you can delegate for an evening?"

Maritza's shoulders slumped. "I've just cancelled everybody's leave. How would it look if it took the evening off, however tempting it sounds?"

"And when did a duty shift start lasting 24hrs? There is a difference between 'leave' and being off duty. Perhaps, at a later date, we could discuss some moral boosters of the crew. In the meantime you will be my guest. I insist."

"I couldn't," she repeated, but with even less conviction. Because what she really meant was she needed him to make her. Because she desperately wanted to just give up on being in charge for a few hours. No more decisions. But her own sense of duty would never let her say yes.

Though not officially on a first name basis, he tested the waters anyway. "I won't take no for an answer. will do no one any good if you can't think straight. Your crew also needs to see you relaxed and confident....not frazzled and stressed."

My crew doesn't want to see me at all, she thought. His use of her first name was completely unnoticed; too much else was preying on her mind for her to feel anything other than relief at being able to talk to someone as anything other than their commanding officer. "Maybe I could take an hour." She admitted, though truthfully she wanted far more than an hour. An evening just felt like more luxury than she deserved.

More than sure that he could stretch whatever time their negotiations resulted in he played the game. Folding his arms across his chest, as he smiled softly; "Three and not a minute less."

She felt a twinge of relief at his insistence. She could always scrape the time back somewhere. "Alright, three, since you're insistent," Giving in was easier. There was too much she had to stand her ground on, a little bit of not fighting lifted a disproportionate amount of weight from her soul.

"Wait right here..." As always Dorian was nearby, it still amazed him how he could be so hidden given his size. After a quick conversation Dorian headed off and Geral returned to the stations Commanding officer. "There, preparations are being made as we speak." Pulling out a controller and entering a few commands he offered he his arm as his thumb hovered over the controller.

A final stab of guilt made her hesitate for a second, before she steeled herself, and put a very tentative hand onto his proffered arm. "Where are we going?"

To Be Continued...

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five

Geral Lasuma
Owner Lasuma Enterprises

Sha'rae Astare
NPC - Valet for Geral Lasuma


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