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Ports in the Storm (Part II of IV)

Posted on Sat Oct 27, 2018 @ 3:52am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

1,387 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: Lasuma's Ship
Timeline: MD 11 1715

Previously on

Geral returned to the stations Commanding officer. "There, preparations are being made as we speak." Pulling out a controller and entering a few commands he offered he his arm as his thumb hovered over the controller.

A final stab of guilt made her hesitate for a second, before she steeled herself, and put a very tentative hand onto his proffered arm. "Where are we going?"

And Now the Continuation...

"For now...away from any reminders of responsibility." With her arm in his he activated the program and a transport took them from the shop and the pair rematerialized aboard his yacht. The main lounge was appointed with darker wood accents and lighter leathers on furnishings. Professional and affluent but not gaudy at all. "Welcome to my home away from where I conduct a lot of my business functions."

The widows were currently opaque and purposefully so as he gestured to one of the plush chairs. As he did one of his staff appeared. "Can I get you anything sir?"

"My usual, please." Gesturing to his guest, "Commander Maritza Soran, Sharae; Sharae, Commander Soran."

Sharae bowed her head slightly with a bright smile, "Is there anything I can get you before dinner? Tea, wine...something stronger?"

Maritza looked around her surroundings with a sense of awe; it was certainly lavish, though not flashy. "Please to meet you," she nodded to Sharae, "And, er," She'd gone into Lasuma's after a drink who's effects could not be willed away, but she hadn't enough experience with real alcohol to know what to choose. "Whatever is not too much trouble."

Sharae smiled warmly, "No trouble at all." Looking to her boss for guidance having noted her earlier hesitation

Geral came to the rescue, “Open a bottle of Chateau d’Yquem."

Sharae nodded and head off.

Taking a seat as he motioned to the seat to his right; “Just one rule for the talk of anything station related. Okay..."

As she opened her mouth to reply, her communicator beeper =^="OPS to Commander Soran. Is everything all right ma'am?" You’re showing as off station."=^=

Maritza gave Geral an apologetic look before replying. "Yes, I’m fine. I'm with Mr. Lasuma, we’re discussing some issues on the Promenade." She winced at the lie to her staff, “I'm on his ship, I'll be back in…” she couldn't bring herself to say a few hours. It seemed very selfish. "I’ll be back when we're done."

=^="Yes ma'am."=^= The doubt in her duty officer's voice was palpable. =^="OPS out."=^=

Maritza turned to Ladies again. "Sorry about that."

Smirking slightly, he had intended to keep the cruise a secret for a bit longer, not thinking that the station kept an active scan on their personnel. Something to keep in mind. "Well the cat’s out of the bag now isn't it. I guess there is no need for this anymore for these." Swivelling his chair and after few a taps on the control the windows cleared and revealed the views around them.

"I have just yelled at my senior officers for the current lapses of security. They're probably feeling extra cautious right now." She explained as the blinds cleared away. “And even if they hadn't, I know what my station feels like, and I know I'm not there. Also site to site transports on DS5 are against our regulations. I can't believe you'd so blatantly break the laws of my station right in front of me."

Placing a hand on his chest he bowed his head apologetically.
"Different location...different rules. My apologies for the oversight. You have my word it will not happen again."

Just then Sharae returned with two glasses poured and the bottle in a chilling sleeve. She set everything down and departed.

Handing a glass to his guest, “I think you will really like this. It's an Earth wine from the France. For centuries it has been referred to as 'the nectar of the gods'." Lifting his glass for a toast, “To...Ports in the storm. I hope you find these next few hours a safe harbour from whatever troubles you."

She looked out of one of the windows. The long silhouette of Deep Space Five could be seen out of one corner. She looked away, trying not to think of it, only to see the soft curve of Pangaea out of another. She pulled her eyes away and held up her glass. She didn't think she'd be able to forget that easily, but touching her glass to his, it was worth a try; "ports in a storm." She agreed. She took a taste. The wine fizzed in her mouth, like a sherbet, and tingled pleasantly on the tongue. "That's lovely."

"I thought you might like it. So let me ask you. If you could go anything. What would be you dream get away?"

That was a big question. Anywhere? Anything? "I don't know where to start. Somewhere without people I guess. And I really dream of doing very little. I spend all day making decisions, trying to keep things running smoothly, putting out fires, and handling everyone's problems. A thousand issues from morning to night to keep on top of; I guess what I’d really like to do is nothing. No decisions. No responsibilities." She looked at him over the glass. "Not what you were expecting?"

Wagging his finger, “ shop talk. The pips aren't on your collar and you can go anywhere. Would it be some secluded retreat in the mountains, a beach, some forest clearing next to a cool stream, what would be your ideal location?"

The moment he said it, her fingers went to her throat. The three gold metal studs that marked her ranks were indeed missing. That had been some very fine work with a transporter, to remove something so small and leave the rest of her clothing intact. He was holding her to his rules of no shop talk. "It would be a forest." She agreed. "When I was growing up on trill, I had a tame goshawk. I'd take it hunting in the forests near my home. I always loved those wild places."

Now that she noticed he laid the pips on the small table between them. His question answered, making note of her choice, he picked up the bottle and refilled their glasses. "So you like hunting. Ever go after any big game?"

She eyed her pips. She wanted them back, she felt kind of naked without them. But grabbing for them may just make her look insecure. "It wasn't so much the hunting as watching the bird hunt. So very graceful, yet so quick and so focused. I didn't hunt for sport, just to feed Glorantha."

"Ahh...More of the thrill in watching the struggle between predator and prey; allowing your pet to keep its natural abilities.

"We have similar tastes. I have always enjoyed the mountains. I have a lodge west of Relliketh facing a mountain lake surrounded by forest, very remote. Cool breezes in the summer, picturesque blankets of snow in the winter. Very peaceful. You would like it."

Lasuma's first comment had Maritza carefully keeping her eyebrows from climbing. It was an unusual comment. She had no doubts where Geral saw himself in that equation, but she wasn't sure if he saw her as an equal, or the alternative.

So she carefully ignored the comment. "Bajor is 120 light years away. I'm sure I would like it. But I doubt I'd get two months leave to get there and back."

He shrugged accepting the undeniable fact of interstellar distances. "Not forgetting the time spent there as well. Luckily there are plenty of holodecks on the station. I can get you a topographical scan of the area if you would ever care to take of a considerably shorter time off."

At that moment Sharae entered. "Pardon the interruption. The pilot is asking for you sir." Her standard interruption when there was an issue that needed his attention.

Geral rose from his chair. "I won't be a moment."

To Be Continued...

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five

Geral Lasuma
Owner Lasuma Enterprises

Sha'rae Astare
NPC - Valet for Geral Lasuma


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