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Spreading his wings

Posted on Tue Nov 13, 2018 @ 12:27am by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Sha'rae Astare & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Civilian Thereen Tera

2,212 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Promenade/Various


Geral and Dorian sat together in the office area of Geral's ship before starting the day. It had been about a month since the drama that rocked the station and security had been more troublesome than normal, but seemingly unbroken inspection tags from other Federation locations always did the trick. As usual, no one wanted to do any more work than necessary, especially something as menial as cargo inspections.

Geral looked to Dorian. "Whats next?"

Dorian handed over two padds. "Another few shops for contract proposals. One craft shop run by a Bajoran, a perfume shop run by a Betazoid. Both relatively small operations, but profitable. The Lotus Lounge is another story. While on the surface just another intoxicant lounge, they do have some dirt under their fingers."

Leaning back in his chair, Geral laced his fingers together. "What did you find?"

"Laundering, ties to the Black Orchids, some drug trafficking, etc. There were some other rumored activities as well, but nothing confirmed yet."

"Interesting. See what else you can find. In the meantime I will contact them for legitimate reasons and see what develops. Send Sharae in."

As Sharae entered entered she was her warm, personable self, something that was also calming for everyone around her. "You wanted to see me, sir?"

Just finishing his hand written invitations to each of the proprietors, he looked up. "Yes. I want you to deliver these notes, along with the usual gift arrangements. Business reception for....tomorrow evening." Placing the invitations in envelopes, he sealed them with ribbon and a wax seal.

Taking the parchment cards, she smiled. "I will get these out right away. Any special arrangements for the reception?"

"Not from me, but ask each if they would like anything specific."

:: Later that morning::

[Lotus Lounge]

The Lotus Lounge was a very discreet establishment. It was tucked away in a private little corner of the Promenade that got little extraneous traffic. A beautiful lotus flower etched white on darkened glass was the only signage, no name or advertising as to the function of the establishment. It existed on word of mouth references between patrons. The automatic dark glass doors lead into a comfortable lobby with soft, overstuffed furniture and a long, dark wood counter. From this side of the glass one could look out on the Promenade, though it was impossible to look into the establishment from outside. The scent of the place hit one first, filling one’s senses, sending pleasure buzzing along one’s nerve endings. It was heady, arousing.

Behind the counter stood a male and a female Rowa’ni. The female had bright blue hair cascading down her back and Andorian antennae and Trill spotting, her figure voluptuous and enticing beneath her nearly sheer pale blue dress that molded to her figure, emphasizing her features. The male had pointed Vulcanoid ears and Bajoran nose ridges. His moss-soft green hair curled with delicate attractiveness at his collar. He was bare-chested, wearing only an open vest and loose, flowing pants of the same nearly sheer material in white. They stood with padds talking to customers, greeting regulars, and taking information from new patrons so the Lounge could best serve their desires. Fresh fruit was on offer on a tray, along with pure, clean water.

Behind the counter was a simple paper screen illustrated with beautiful flowers and birds that separated the front lobby from the main club, ending a few feet before the walls to create open doorways. Near each entrance in the screen was a burly Rowa’ni male, one with Klingon features and rose pink hair, the other with Cardassian features and violet hair, though both with the fresh green skin of the Rowa’ni and dressed in the same pants and vest. Their green eyes kept a constant vigil on the patrons entering and leaving the glass doors of the Lounge.

“Welcome to the Lotus Lounge,” the male Rowa’ni spoke. “How may we pleasure you today?”

Walking into the lounge, Sha'rae was immediately hit by the subtle aromas of the lounge. Pleasure houses always brought up bad memories for her, but that was the past and she wouldn't be here for long...hopefully. She smiled genuinely at the the man greeting her. "I would like to speak to the owner of this establishment, I have a gift and personal invitation from Geral Lasuma of Lasuma Enterprises."

The young, beautiful man tilted his head a moment before saying, “Matriarch Dalav’ni will be happy to see you. This way.” He gestured to one of the side doors leading into the club.

Once past the partition, the club opened up. The club was built on levels. Broad to the left and right, at entry level stretched long bars of rich, dark wood, highly polished to shine brightly in the low lighting. A highly carved railing kept patrons from falling down into the sunken level. Down three steps from the lobby led to the main level of the club. It was filled with soft chairs and couches and small tables with large ferns and other plants, giving each little grouping a modicum of privacy. At the far end of the room was a small raised stage on which Rowa’ni danced provocatively. On one side of the stage a ramp led down from the kitchen and employee areas. Near each end of the bar stairs led up to a balcony that circled the entire club. There were rows of doors on the balcony leading to private rooms.

Naked Rowa’ni males and females moved among the various patrons with trays of little goodies, munchies, and other intoxicants, including beverages. Other Rowa’ni, dressed in their typical simple yet provocative clothing, kept an eye on things. More naked Rowa’ni lounged on the furniture with the patrons, curling up with them, touching and kissing, talking quietly about whatever subject they wished, though if things proceeded more carnally they were taken by the hand and led up the stairs to the private rooms.

The Lounge was filled with soft, trance-like music, soothing the patrons as they relaxed. Some inhaled from water pipes, others imbibed from small trays of mushrooms, drank, or were offered pills by roaming Rowa’ni; often all methods were available. Some activated holo-emitters on the small tables, fascinating themselves with colorful, dancing lights that moved to the beat of the trance music. And through it all was the intoxicating scent of the Rowa’ni themselves, insinuating itself into a person, encouraging and heightening arousal and pleasure.

The Rowa’ni male led Sha’rae up the stairs and through a string of vines bearing a green, fuzzy fruit and colorful orchid-like flowers. A tiny, jewel-like bird with a long beak gave a little trill as it fluttered out of the way. Carpeted flooring gave way to soft grass and sod as they left the club and entered the Rowa’ni enclave, and to an open doorway wreathed in the omnipresent Rowa’ni vine.

The young male stepped aside and gestured Sha’rae through the door. The room was well-appointed. Lush green vines with thick leaves and brightly colored orchid-like flowers and oblong green fuzzy fruit covered the walls. The floor was covered in comfortable sod grass and soft sod mound formed a kind of bed big enough for several bodies, with a wooden trellis covered in the same vines. The air was very warm and humid, strongly scented of flowers. Another of those strange, jewel-colored hummingbirds buzzed across the room from one flower to another.

A taller Rowa’ni female stood waiting inside. She had the usual green skin of her species, though her petal-like hair was long and the deep red of a rose. She had a bit of a Romulan look to her features with the pointed ears and a voluptuous body with plenty of soft, enticing curves and an innocent, angelic, youthful appearance.

And she was completely naked, not a hair on her smooth, green body.

“Tianys Lyeia’cil, Matriarch Dalav’ni,” the young man introduced. “A representative from Geral Lasuma of Lasuma Enterprises.”

Tianys nodded. “And your name?” she asked.

"Sha'rae Astare."

Tianys went to a small fountain beside the door and filled a wooden cup with water. She marked Sha’rae’s forehead with the water and then handed her the cup to drink the pure, clean water. “Be welcome, Sha’rae,” she said, murmuring the traditional blessing of the Rowa’ni on a guest. “Can I have Trex get you anything to make your visit more pleasurable?” Tianys asked. “Or anyone?”

The young Rowa’ni male straightened up and gave Sha’rae a pleasant smile, ready to fulfill her every desire.

While the young man's gesture was expected, but it actually only made her feel more uncomfortable. Keeping a warm, appreciative smile on her face, she replied, "No, thank you. Another time, perhaps. The water will be fine."

Tianys nodded. “Please, sit.” The naked alien gestured to one of the soft grass mounds that served as furniture. “How can I help you?” She flicked her eyes to Trex and he withdrew. Tianys lounged back and sipped her own glass of water. She seemed perfectly comfortable and at ease. The temperature and humidity in these back quarters were higher than out in the club and it was a bit like a flower hothouse, and the scent of the woman still tingled pleasure along Sha’rae’s body.

Trying to relax, Sha'rae took a centering breath as she lowered herself to her seat opposite her host. "I have come to offer an invitation by Geral Lasuma to a business reception aboard his yacht."

“I see,” Tianys said. “Thank you. That is most kind. Does he need me to bring anything?” she asked. “Or anyone?”

"No need for either, but if you have a business partner, that shouldn't be a problem. Whatever will make you more comfortable."

“Give me the details and I will see you then,” Tianys said with a pleasant smile. And let Mr. Geral know that he can avail himself of our pleasures any time he desires. You, as well.”


[Ten Thousand Worlds]

The small Bajoran hand craft shop was located right next door to the Lotus Lounge. It was small, essentially shotgun in design, with a narrow storefront and stretching to the back. The left side was a long glass countertop that displayed handmade jewelry and other small knick knacks and objects. On the walls and other display spaces were things like baskets, Bajoran prayer rugs, scarves, and larger carvings from stone or ivory. Everything was hand made, of high quality, and signs guaranteed they were fair trade.

Behind the counter stood a tall, beautiful Bajoran woman with long, dark brown hair and stunning blue eyes. She was arranging a black velvet tray of traditional Bajoran earrings and smiled as she looked up. “Welcome to Ten Thousand Worlds,” she said. “Can I help you find something?”

The quality of the workmanship of the pieces was impressive. Sha'rae returned the woman's smile and handed over the basket of Bajoran and other world delicacies. "This is for you. Along with an invitation from Geral Lasuma of Lasuma Enterprises.”

Tera took the basket and looked inside, raising an eyebrow. “Thank you,” she said. “Very generous.” She pulled out a box of truffles from the Dakhur Province. “My favorite,” she admitted, putting down the basket and smiling at the woman.

“Lasuma. Didn’t he buy the tailor shop up Promenade?” Tera asked. “I’m sorry. I am Tera,” she introduced herself. She didn’t give her family name, though. When dealing with other Bajorans, it often just made things more difficult given her family’s history.

Taking one of the truffles, Sha’rae thanked Tera with a gesture as she took a bite. "I can see why. As to the tailor shop, actually he already owned it. He did buy the two neighboring shops though so he could expand. Mr. Lasuma is hosting a reception tomorrow night as is hoping you can attend."

Tera gave a wry smile. “My social calendar recently became wide open,” she admitted. She missed Liam. Maybe it was time to stop curling up on the couch with ice cream and a rom com holovid, or simply spending the time working so she didn’t have to think about the breakup. “Tell Mr. Geral I would be happy to attend.”

Sha'rae nodded, smiling warmly as she finished of the last of the truffle. "I will let him know the good news. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night."

“Of course. It was nice to meet you, Sha’rae. And please, accept a gift for you and Mr. Geral.” She handed over another box of the truffles the woman seemed to enjoy. “I will see you tomorrow night.”

Sha’rae took the box graciously. "Thank you very much. I know he is going to really enjoy these."

Back on the Promenade, her errands done, Sha'rae took her time as she made way back to the docking bay.


Tianys Dalav’ni
The Lotus Lounge
NPC Caleb Ryan

Thereen Tera
Ten Thousand Worlds
NPC Caleb Ryan

Geral Lasuma
Lasuma Enterprises

Sha`rae Astare
Valet to Geral Lasuma


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