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Senior Staff Meeting

Posted on Tue Nov 13, 2018 @ 4:43pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas

2,254 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: OPS Conference Room
Timeline: MD01 1030


Maritza, tightly braided and neatly pressed as always, walked smartly into the conference room at 1025, ready to chair the senior staff meeting and hear the updates and developments on various issues and brief a few of her own. The next few days were going to be busy, but there were several important things she needed to do first. The thought made her check her pocket. All secure. Good. She sat down and waited for her staff to arrive, knowing they would be prompt.

Alanna was the first to arrive. She walked into the room and nodded to Maritza. "Hello, Commander," she said, taking a seat.

Things had calmed down a bit on the station with no further attacks. Commander Sylar had safely arrived and was in the middle of his review of security protocols. Making her way the conference room, Annora took her seat. "Commanders, Lieutenant," she said by way of greeting.

Ensign Kivan Ta’Gas arrived at the meeting and quickly found his seat. “Good morning,” he briefly said.

Amia was next to arrive, pink cheeked, as had become her look since the birth of her daughter. She was doing the opposite of some women. Instead of blooming while she was pregnant and looking pale and exhausted afterwards, Amia had it in reverse. She had looked as if she was about to die while she was pregnant, but was now looking so much better and healthier since Liana had entered the universe.

She had brought coffee with her in a tall thermal cup and sat down in the next free seat as the table began to fill round away from the Commander at its head.

"Good morning all," she greeted everyone cheerily, nodding respectfully at the CO as she settled herself, smiling at her colleagues.

Alanna smiled at Amia. "Glad to see you looking so well."

"Thank you" Amia replied with a warm smile.

At that moment, River arrived to the meeting and took a seat close to Amia, smiling at her and nodding to the CO and XO as well. She sat down and took out a padd in readiness.

Blue was in his uniform, a padd in hand. He had done everything short of spit shining his shoes for the meeting. He had heated up the shoe shine before liberally applying it. The heat allowed it to soak into the leather. Also he had pressed the uniform; the best way to keep up to the Marine Corps standard. Entering the conference room, he glanced about for who had arrived prior to him before taking a seat at the opposite end of the table from the commanding officer.

"Greetings, everyone." Blue gave a grin as he said it.

Caleb swept into the room accompanied by an oh so sweet and cinnamon smell. “Gino’s is tryin’ out a few morning openings,” the Executive Officer explained. “This week we’ve got Cinnabons.” He put the box on the table and flipped it open, revealing the sinfully delicious and sticky caramel sweet rolls. “And real coffee, not that replicated crap.” He put down a box of coffee and went to the replicator to make some real mugs. He handed one that said “World’s #1 CO” on it to Maritza with a grin and a teasing wink.

Maritza raised an unamused eyebrow, suppressed a sigh. She was under no illusions that she was not even close to qualifying for the title. "Now we're all here, let's crack on. First things first. Personnel. If anyone here didn't know, Dr. Telamon has had her baby. A lovely little girl called Liana." She nodded towards Amia in acknowledgement and congratulations. "But she's still on maternity leave, so please keep directing day to day business to River Morgan."

River nodded, accepting the announcement and muttering thank you to Commander Soran and another smile towards Amia. "I know I already said this, but well done!" She grinned.

Amia smiled with a blush. "Thank you, River. That means a lot to me," she answered.

"Congratulations," Alanna said.

"Thanks, Lieutenant. I'm naturally very proud of myself, but also very biased too!" Amia blushed, grinning self-consciously.

Caleb smiled. “Ya ever need a babysitter, Ah got a teenage daughter that needs somethin’ ta keep her outta trouble,” Caleb said. “An’ Ah’ve been known ta wrangle a baby in mah time.”

Amia beamed. "You're very sweet, Commander Ryan. If you're not careful I might take you up on that!" she replied with a wink.

"OPM are still dragging her their feet on finding me full time Ops and Engineering chiefs. However, there's a couple of things they have managed to get done faster. Firstly, Mr. Kivan. In recognition of your bravery and dedication to duty in the face of the enemy on your last trip through the Fae portals, it is my pleasure to confirm your promotion." She took the first small case from her pocket and opened it, presenting the Cardassian-Bajoran hybrid with the small gold hollow pip. "Congratulations, Lieutenant."

The young engineer was considerably caught off guard by the announcement. He stood slowly and made his way towards the commander and shook her hand. "Th-Thank you, ma'am," he said as he received the case.

She pressed the case in to his palm. "Well deserved." She took another box from her pocket. "Miss Tessaro is also confirmed as Head of Station Security. And for her actions handling the Svikiri incident she is also confirmed as full lieutenant." Maritza moved down the table and presented the box with its solid gold pip. "Congratulations."

Annora half expected to take over as head of security. The lack of chatter regarding a replacement for Commander Ryan made her a bit suspicious, but the promotion in rank took her by surprise. She stood up and accepted the case as she shook hands with Maritza. Out of habit, she quickly transferred the case to her left hand but stopped short of a salute.

"Thank you, ma'am. I shall endeavor to continue keeping the peace on DS5."

"That will upset a lot of people," Soran replied. "Keep it up."

"Congratulations to both of you," Alanna said.

Blue gave a confirmed expression of support. While he is not well known, he made a mental note to put an introduction to the new head of security and let her know she can count upon the Marine contingent if she so needed. Plus getting to know the head of those that bounce his Marines while on a rowdy leave on occasion might save some awkwardness in the future. Not that his Marines were rabble, but they did rouse from time to time. Best to keep a good relationship with all those involved. He would make the time to congratulate her personally after the meeting.

“Well deserved,” Caleb told Annora with a smile.

Once the good news was out of the way, Maritza sat down and turned to Alanna. "Moving on, Dr. Wells, how is the colony prep going? Have you got everything you need in place? Are we still on schedule to allow people to take up residence from 1400 hours?"

"We're on schedule," Alanna said. "Everything is good on our end, but there's no way of being sure nothing will go wrong. So there will be an additional team on the ground to deal with anything that comes up in the first few days." She paused for a moment and selected a padd out of her stack. "I have a proposal by a civilian group to set up an archaeological expedition to examine the ruins on Pangaea that aren't in the restricted areas. It's a group I've worked with before, so I can vouch for them. They want an initial two years, to be extended if they find anything. The team will consist primarily of Humans, Vulcans, and Romulans."

Caleb raised an eyebrow. “Romulans working with Vulcans?” he queried. “And Humans? That...should be interesting.”

Alanna grinned. "Scientists don't care so much for politics. As long as they're not working for a particular government, they aren't so bad."

"Who are the Romulans?" Maritza wasn't sure she was comfortable with that. But then the Romulans were so fractured at the moment they could hardly be treated as a homogenous unit whilst they squabbled over the Praetor's throne.

"Civilian scientists." Alanna looked down at her padd. "R'gelis Stadi and Tannis Tarkelion."

“Run those names through Intel,” Caleb told Alanna. “Deep background. Just ta be sure. Wouldn’t be the first time a civilian scientist was actually Tal Shi’ar.”

"May I ask how close these encampments will be to the restricted areas?" Blue interjected. "Security measures are in place and I would like to know if more are required with an excavation and study being in the same general area.”

"Spiral Castle is five hundred kilometers from the portal cavern. Close enough it's five minutes in a shuttle craft, but not so close people could 'accidentally' fall over your Marines. The other main site is the hypogeum on the northern continent, and nobody is allowed up there." Maritza remembered her own ill-fated trip when the team had nearly died by something made of shadow and bugs. "That's part of the agreement with the Fae."

"For now, it's just the Spiral Castle, unless other sites are discovered in the unrestricted areas," Alanna said.

"Miss Tessaro can help with the background check. Until that's done, lets keep them away from the planet. Better cautious than end up with egg on our face." She glanced at her padd. "Next up. Where are we with the security issues I raised last month?"

"All right," Alanna said. She made another note to send the information she had to Tessaro.

There were a few more answers compared to a month prior. Most of it had been forwarded to the command staff, but Annora gave her update anyway.

"Commander Sylar's evaluation will be finished tomorrow. I'll send a copy to your office when I have it. We've increased security patrols in the docking rings and promenade. Most are uniformed, a few are plainclothes. Intel has taken over the Svikari investigation, deeming the attack during the war game a, quote, 'target of opportunity.' A full security sweep of the station is about two-thirds complete. With assistance from other departments, primarily Ops and Marines, we've been able to cover more ground quicker."

Caleb nodded, leaning back and sipping his coffee, tearing a piece off his sticky bun. He knew Commodore Pierce and the Nemesis were looking into that as well.

"Have your sweeps found anything so far?" Soran asked the newly minted Head of Security.

"We found some devices that would cause us trouble. We're still working on comparing them to the data collected from the Raddon Corporation." They didn't account for all the dead zones, but was a start.

"And how did collecting data from Raddon go? Any issues?" Soran raised an eyebrow in inquiry towards now Lieutenant Kivan.

Lieutenant Kivan felt uncomfortable. The information he had extracted did show that Raddon had a device capable of disrupting local sensor readings by transmitting and constantly repeating a tachyon tightbeam. The transmission was small enough to not set off any station alarms; however, it was localized to affect a radius of about twenty-five feet. Personally, Kivan was rather amazed that a civilian corporation could produce such sophisticated technology in such a portable and adaptable format.

The reason Kivan felt uncomfortable was because he knew that he had violated at least half a dozen Federation laws in regards to unlawful search and seizure.

"Ma'am, we were able to at least determine how people from the Raddon Corporation have been able to evade showing up on station sensors," he said, sitting up straight and clearing his throat. "However, I'm not certain exactly what can be done with the information since we can't determine who used the technology and at what point in time. So far, I've just been able to understand the basic workings. It will take awhile to actual recreate the device," the Cardassian admitted.

"Keep at it. We might not be able to tell who used it in the past, but understanding it might help us get ahead of it and find out who uses it next time, or catch someone in the act or in possession."

“Yes, ma’am,” Lt. Kivan said.

"Alright. Tonight there will be the formal opening of the colony. Senior staff are expected there from nineteen hundred hours. Dress uniforms. Does anyone have any other business?"

Alanna wasn't happy about the dress uniform, but she had no real questions.

"Nineteen hundred hours. I'll make sure to have small security team in place by seventeen thirty. Don't need to blanket the area, but enough to make our presence known." Especially considering recent events, Annora would feel better with boots on the ground.

“Gotta see if Ah still fit in mah dress whites,” Caleb chuckled, finishing off another of the sticky buns and pushing the box away from him so as to not tempt fate. “Be nice ta have a bit of a swanky affair after all that’s happened.”

"All right." Seeing there were no more comments, Maritza was keen to get back to work. "I'll see you all tonight. Dismissed


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG Kivan Ta'Gas
Assistant Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Commander Amia Telamon
Chief Medical Officer


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