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Getting to know the Squadron

Posted on Sun Feb 1, 2015 @ 5:10am by Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican

1,111 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Wing Ready Room
Timeline: MD 01 0930


===continued from "New Fighter Jock"===

Hearing the chime from the door Kyle looked up from the PADD he was going over for station protocols. "Come in." 

Tam gave Peridot a quick playful wink as he walked inside. Moving smartly, he marched up to Kyle's desk and snapped to attention. "Captain Tam Haican, reporting for duty, Sir!"

Kyle gave Tam a confused look. "Um.. at ease marine.." He said not sure if someone was playing a joke on him on his first day. "I think you have the wrong department. This is Fighter Ops, I think you're looking for the Marine detachment. I can have somebody show the way if you like Captain." 

Tam relaxed slightly and grinned. "No, Sir. I'm your new Bravo Assault Wing Commander."

"Please take a seat." Kyle motioned to the chair across from him. "I'm just checking today too. Just got aboard a few hours ago. Do you have your orders with you?"

Tam pulled the mini PADD that contained his orders out of the left breast pocket of his flight suit and handed it over to Kyle. He then unzipped his jacket some and sat down in the offered chair. Even though Kyle was Tam's superior by position, as he was CAG, he could relax some because they were the same rank level. "So, a new CAG and a new squadron commander, somebody at Command seems to have a sense of humor." He chuckle softly as he finished speaking.

Kyle took the PADD from Tam and transferred the necessary files to his desk console before handing the PADD back. "I talked to the Captain this morning and she informed me the Station had been waiting on a restaffing for quite sometime. I wouldn't be surprised if more people keep arriving." Kyle quickly skimmed Tam's service record as he was talking. "Did you have any questions for me?"

Tam thought for a second or two and then asked, "Well, I guess first and foremost, what will the command structure be for the group? Am I your exec, or have you already picked someone else? Also, what do you expect from me and my work?"

"I have not picked a DCAG yet, and I'm currently working on revamping our organizational structure." Kyle answered his first question. "As for you and your work, I expect the best you have. Reports and paperwork are self explanatory anyone can do it, your performance on the stick is what's important."

Tam nodded as he listened. He could feel some mild anxiety bubble out of Kyle as he spoke. Of course, that was perfectly normal, given the circumstances. He would have felt the same anxieties were he in Kyle's place. "Well, it needn't be said that I will always give you my best. As for my performance in the cockpit, you can see that for yourself when you look over my computer logs. I'll let the recordings of my stick time speak for themselves."

"While you're record is quite impressive, I don't like resting on my laurels and I hope you don't either." Kyle said plainly. "But I don't have any doubt you'll be a good addition to the Wing."

Tam shook his head. "You don't have to worry about me in that respect. I am always looking for ways to improve my skills."

"That's good, all pilots should." Kyle responded. "I take it you're headed up to see the brass upstairs after this?"

"Yeah," Tam nodded as he replied. "I think I'm going there next." He then remembered something else. "By the way, on my way in, I noticed that my Raptor is the only one assigned to the station as of this point. If I were you, I'd talk to the Station CO about getting some more, at least a single squad's worth."

Kyle nodded at his suggestion. "I had considered putting in a request chit to have the Broadswords replaced with Raptors. That will most likely go to the Captain with my re-organizational proposal."

Tam considered this option for a second, then shook his head. "No, respectively, if I may offer my humble opinion..."

Kyle didn't say anything and let the Marine continue.

"Don't transfer them all out. The Broadsword is a very formidable and reliable spacecraft. Instead of transferring them all out..." he thought for another second. "Trade out twelve. That way, both wings can have a squad of six Raptors. As my secondary position, I'll lead the squad assigned to Bravo Wing."

"While I appreciate your initiative, there are other things involved with the logistics of the decision." Kyle responded. "But I will put out updates for you to pass down to your people."

Tam nodded his head. He had to make sure that he didn't overstep his position. "No a problem, Boss." He grinned disarmingly as he spoke. "So, is there anything that you'd like to know about me?"

"Well I see you have a daughter, so if there's anything special consideration you need just let me know. We can always work something out." Kyle offered. "Also when you have special marine functions you must attend to I get it once again just let know. I fly CAP, that means you fly CAP, you good with that?"

Tam nodded. "Well, I'm hoping that once Sebina gets here, I'll be able to get her connected to a good support group. She has been having...difficulties...lately. She is in considerable pain over the losses we experienced when her mother and brother were killed. It's been only a handful of years, however, I feel that she stills feels as if it happened yesterday."

Tam sat forward, putting his elbow on his thighs. "I also know that my own actions have not helped any. I...I fell into my work and disappeared into my own grief. I failed to support her when she needed me most." He looked down at the deck, shaking his head slightly. "I failed her."

"Well now you'll be in a stable situation where you can work on that relationship. Like I said any considerations you need for family just let me know." Kyle reassured him. "Don't look backwards Captain, now's the time to look forward."

Tam thought about Kyle's words. Then he nodded slowly. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I'll remember that." He then glanced at his wrist chronometer. "Well, I think I've got to get going and go see the Station CO." He stood and headed towards the door. He stopped as they slid open and turned to look at Kyle. "Thank you. I mean it." Tam nodded again and then turned back towards the open door and walked out.



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