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Never too soon. . .

Posted on Sun Feb 1, 2015 @ 5:11am by Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

1,104 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Dilithium Chamber
Timeline: MD 1 - 20:00


Melvyn Raddon sat in the stool and calmly read the daily news feed. Of course he could pay someone to give him a daily briefing, but he found it more relaxing to keep up to date on the Station, the sector, and the Federation as a whole. Countless times he had learned of new opportunities for his business simply by reading the news and learning how it was going to affect the station or any other of his particular interests. Currently, he was reading recent Security reports in regards to the missing phaser rifles. So far there had not been too much of "official" reporting on the items, but he knew enough to tell that someone onboard knew something about the particular items.

Perhaps he'd have to have a conversation with his newest employee, former Chief of Security Dorian Gabriel.

Kyle's first day on the Station had been a long one. Early arrival and check in with the CO. A run down with his squadron leaders and not to mention the administration work. He hadn't had a chance to breath until now. Deciding he had deserved a small indulgence at the end of it he went down to one of DS5's bars the Dilithium Chamber.

Mr. Raddon continued to read his padd when he saw a human Starfleet officer walk through the doors of the establishment. Raddon's brow raised as he immediately recognized him. Previous reports indicated that the station had received a new CAG Officer. It had been years since the station had gotten rid of the Romulan/Human Hybrid former Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros. Raddon felt that it was appropriate that a human was placed in control of protecting the station from external threats.

Kyle found a small table in the middle of the place and took a seat. He saw the wait staff about and not in a hurry he just decided to wait until one of them got to him.

"Welcome to the Dilithium Chamber, a home away from Earth!" Mr. Raddon said as he made his way to the sitting officer. Normally, a hostess would've have greeted the officer, but Mr. Raddon wanted to take the opportunity to introduce himself to the patron and make him feel welcomed. "My Melvyn Raddon, the owner of this humble establishment," He said.

Kyle stood up to shake the man's hand. "Kyle Carter, I'm the new CAG here. Nice to meet you Mr. Raddon, you have a nice place here."

"Please, please Lieutenant, make yourself at home." Melvyn said as he shook the younger man's hand. "Word around the station was that we were getting a new CAG. I'm glad to finally meet you. Tell me, where did you previously serve?" He asked.

"Just before coming here I was a squadron leader on the Thatcher." Kyle answered.

"So what brought you to Deep Space 5? It seemed like you had a promising career at your previous posting." Melvyn replied.

"It was time to move on and try to advance. Three years in one posting is about standard. The CAG position here was open so I put my name in the hat. Top brass thought I fit the bill." Kyle explained.

Melvyn nodded as he listened. "Well, you will certainly have new challenges on this station. Suffice to say, things are changing. . .and not necessarily for the better." He said in a lower tone.

"What do you mean?" Kyle inquired, himself now asking the questions.

"Well for one, how our previous Human Starbase Commander was unceremoniously usurped and replaced with a Romulan." Melvyn replied as a waitress arrived with a bottle of D'vidian Ale. Melvyn poured both glasses as he continued to talk. "Before that their was that sham of an investigation and subsequent court-martial of our Security Chief, Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel. It appears as if there seems to be an assault on Human officers." Melvyn added. "That's why I'm grateful to see a man of your caliber arrive." He said with a smile.

Kyle was starting to get a very prejudice vibe off of Mr. Raddon, but not knowing the man or prior events he couldn't pass judgement on him. "Why was the previous Station Commander removed and the same with the former security chief?" He asked hoping to get a better understanding.

Melvyn shared a look with the officer. "Your guess is as good as mine." Melvyn said between guarded sips.

"I've never been a 'fleeter myself, so I can't begin to presume to understand why they saw fit to remove such a decorated and capable officer." He said referring to the former Captain Tahir.

"As for Commander Gabriel, he was the unfortunate target of a Romulan conspiracy. He was framed for the murder of a Romulan Scientist that took place years ago." Melvyn said as he took another sip.

"I see, well that is unfortunate." Kyle replied. Both answers were vague and Melvyn's subtle change of attitude was a tell. "Is there anything else you think I should know about the station or some of the people?"

"If I were a strapping young man in the prime of my career, I'd keep my eyes open for other. . .opportunities." Melvyn said as he took another sip and allowed the strong liquid to cascade down his throat. "You know, it's never too soon to look into your next career options. I can tell you that my organization would greatly benefit from having someone as accomplished as you coming onboard." Melvyn said intently.

"While I appreciate the compliment Mr. Raddon, I am happy with my current situation. I like to fly, and I like the feeling that I earned the uniform, I'm not quite ready to give it up yet." Kyle said genuinely. Even if he didn't agree with Melvyn's politics the man was being friendly to him, and they were practically strangers, no reason to be rude.

Melvyn chuckled for several moments as he finished his drink and placed the empty glass back on the table. "Oh don't worry Kyle, I'm positive that we'll have this conversation against in the future." He said with a smile as he stood from the table.

"But in the meantime, please consider this your home away from Earth." Mr. Raddon said proudly as he reached to shake Kyle's hand.

"Remember, out here, we're on our own and have to look out for each other." He said in a lower, but deliberate tone.


Mr. Melvyn Raddon
CEO & Owner
Raddon Corp & Dilithium Chamber


Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter


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