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Bringing Trouble On Board, Part III - Inter-agency meeting

Posted on Sun Feb 1, 2015 @ 3:52am by Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis & Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Arrain James Darson & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Saria Rex

1,757 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Main Security
Timeline: MD 2/1030

Louise - this is ready to post


[Security Department Conference Room]

Lieutenant Trellis had just received approval from the captain to bring former Commander Victoria Sterling onboard the station to help prepare for the capturing of former Captain Anaia Rex. Getting approval was only a small part of the plan. Now Trellis had to coordinate how to covertly bring the prisoner onboard the station. Although Sterling wasn't a threat, it would be a glaring warning sign for Anaia if she learned that her former executive officer had been transferred near the same area that her supply of Halu'gen had been diverted.

Trellis looked up as he saw Lieutenant Rex walk into his office. She was the link to the other two women. Being the current host of the Rex symbiont, she knew Sterling and Anaia better than anybody else. She'd also know how they think.

"Thank you for coming, Lieutenant. I'm assuming you saw in my message that the captain has approved our plan?" he asked.

"Yes, I have," Saria replied as she came to a halt in front of Si'Lar's desk.

"Good, now comes the hard part: bringing Sterling onboard the station and keeping her presence unknown." Si'Lar Trellis added, "I've decided to enlist the help of Colonel Darson and Marshal Steiner since they have experience in this matter and their respective departments have more autonomy than station security," he said as he waited for the other two gentlemen to arrive.

Steiner entered the conference room along with Ryan, the pair coming from the new chief's office after their meeting. There was a female Trill Starfleet officer in teal, Trellis introduced them "This is Lieutenant Saria Rex, Chief of Science and the current host of the Rex symbiont," Trellis said, introducing the younger Trill science officer.

"You've previously met Commander Ryan," Trellis added briefly.

"Thank you for coming. We will try not to keep you very long. Pretty much Lieutenant Rex and I wish to discuss the necessary preparation for bringing a highly valued prisoner onboard the station without others knowing," Trellis reported.

Ryan nodded and greeted Lieutenant Rex before he folded his long body into a seat. “Ah’m all ears, gentlemen,” he said.

"Good morning, Lieutenant," Steiner said to Rex once they were introduced and found himself a seat.

"Good day to you too, Chief Deputy." Saria nodded.

Steiner looked up as the door opened again and a Marine colonel entered wearing combat body armor.

“Good morning, everybody,” Darson said easily as he breezed into the room. His interest had been piqued by the message he had received for a briefing from Trellis, and the gathering of people in the room gave the indication that this was going to be at the very least a pleasant diversion from the boredom and humdrumery of his day.

His faceless mask gazed curiously at the Trill officer, wondering why the Chief of Science was attending a meeting with the acting security head, the lead marshal, and the Marine Commander. As well, there was another man that he didn’t know, which was unusual. Perhaps he should have given more thought to reading the daily intelligence briefing that some HQ staffer tried to stuff into his hand right before he reached out and smacked somebody with it.

"So I didn't get much information, just a request to attend a briefing by Lieutenant Trellis," Steiner said to kick things off once everyone was seated. "What's up?"

Trellis waited for Commander Ryan to be seated before he stood and walked over to a nearby wall. He pressed several buttons and the holographic display activated, showing a picture of Anaia Rex.

"This woman was responsible for the death of thousands on Tau Volantis III decades ago," Trellis began as he switched the screen to the official report.(1) "She was eventually apprehended, but escaped custody and killed several Starfleet officers in the process," he said as he turned to a different report display.(2).

"I've recently received information that her supply of Halu'gen has nearly run out and she will need a new shipment. Halu'gen is a drug that is used for Trills that were former hosts. I've managed to have a shipment rerouted to a nearby neutral planet on Tardis III," he said as he changed the view screen.

"You all are here today because the second part of my plan involves transporting her former Executive Officer, Veronica Sterling, on board the station. Ms. Sterling assisted the fugitive in her genocide on Tau Volantis III," Trellis said as he flipped to that report.(3)(4)

"The fugitive Anaia Rex is not stupid. She'll know that something is up if she sees that her shipment has been diverted at the same time that her former Executive Officer is transferred from custody on Starbase 185 to Deep Space 5. Therefore, I am relying upon the assistance of ancillary agencies on board to assist in bringing her here and securing her," Trellis stated to the group. He stopped talking and waiting for the questions.

Steiner sat back to digest the case data that had been presented. A tragic mishap over a lower technological world led to a violation of the Prime Directive, which in turn led to genocide and then a murderous escape by the former starship commander. There was little doubt about the crime and undoubtedly there would be a Federation arrest warrant on file for Rex.

"Do you have information that Rex is in contact with Sterling?" Steiner asked. "Otherwise how would she know a prisoner has been moved from secure facility?"

Trellis looked towards Saria. "You know both of them better than anybody else. How likely is Sterling to reach out to Anaia, or Anaia to find out that Sterling has been transferred from Starbase 185?" he asked. Sterling was always the once loose end that Anaia had left untouched. It always struck him as odd that she never took any action against the one woman who could seal her fate in a Federation tribunal.

"I don't think it's very likely," Saria replied. "She has apparently accepted that Anaia and she were wholly wrong. But I cannot guarantee she won't. She could alert Anaia, I guess... if she got the chance."

Lieutenant Trellis turned back to Marshall Steiner and Colonel Darson. "This is why I believe your departments would be necessary. Sterling and Anaia are very familiar with Starfleet Security protocol as former command level officers. However, they will be totally unfamiliar with the Marshall's service and the Marine detachment," he added.

Steiner looked over to Darson and raised an eyebrow. “What do you think, Colonel?”

Darson gave the dossier a look and sighed thoughtfully. "Well, isn't she just a character and a half. I think Trellis is right about the lack of knowledge about our protocols. Especially back when she was an officer there wouldn't have been much overlap between Marines, Marshals and Security except on a large starbase such as this. So that could work in our favor. Now I'm sure Deputy Steiner has his ideas for transporting the prisoner that will prove most enlightening, but I want to say at this point we should bear discretion and misdirection as our main objectives.

“I would recommend first off that we don't transport the prisoner at all. That would save us a whole heap of trouble. But if you think that we must absolutely have her here on the station, then the first thing we have to do is get her out of the facility undetected.

“Personally, I recommend having the facility be evacuated for some reason...maybe faulty structural integrity fields, which would necessitate moving all the prisoners to other facilities. We simply intercept whichever ship she is on, rendezvous with it, pick her up, tell the crew that she is necessary to of a planet's government by...I don't know...angry separatist muskrats. Big ones. Or something equally serious."

Steiner nodded. "The colonel is correct. Not bringing her here is preferable, but if you do then it does need to be completely covertly. I'd prefer a slightly smaller scale diversion. Have her charged with assaulting a corrections officer and moved to solitary for a month. That takes her out of general population, places her in segregation, and cuts any communication out of the facility. Then move her quietly out of seg and transport her here. A routine marine transport would be a suitable vessel, along with a squad of the colonel's best marines. Then she can be housed in the Precinct holding cells."

Trellis nodded in agreement. If the official records state that she is still onboard Starbase 185, then any outside sources would not have any reason to believe that anything is amiss. He looked at Lieutenant Rex. "How do you feel about the plan?" he asked.

Saria was silent for a moment, but eventually spoke up. "I think it would actually work, with all these departments working together. But we absolutely need to keep the secrecy."

Trellis nodded as he deactivated the screen. "Then let's get started. Colonel Darson, when can your Marines launch and how long do you anticipate it would take to completely transport her back to the station?" he asked.

Darson rubbed his armored mask with a gauntlet. "If the ship leaves tonight and everything goes according to plan...two days. I have just the team in mind here onboard the station. They can be ready at 1600. But there are a few calls I have to make, a few favors to call in, a few schedules to lovingly doctor."

"I'd like to send somebody along for the ride," Steiner said. "Senior Deputy Sven-Erik Axsdahl. He's my second, totally reliable, and experienced. I’ll have him report to you, Colonel."

Darson shrugged. "The more the merrier, I suppose. Just make sure that he isn't missed."

"Just make sure there are a couple of female Marines along please Colonel" Steiner suggested "Takes care of any feminine prisoner issues"

Trellis nodded. "Well, if there is nothing further, then let's get started," he stated.



Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security

Si'Lar Trellis
Demoted Front-line grunt of Security

Saria Rex
Chief of Science

Chief Deputy Wolfgang Steiner

Colonel James Darson


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