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The summit - Planetside Part 1

Posted on Fri Mar 18, 2016 @ 2:19am by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant JG Zayna Malik & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D. & Valkris of the House of Inagh & Qinee & Second Lieutenant Emily Ransom & Maekhav D'Aerrol & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,425 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Pangaea/Northern continent
Timeline: MD 13/1100 - planetside night falling in

Of course there had been objections. No one seemed to fancy traveling in one ship. But as soon as one race -- the Klingons, surprisingly -- had folded and decided to get sat down in the ship, the rest had followed suit. To not lose face or to keep an eye on each other, Liam had no clue, but after roughly half an hour’s trip they had touched down on solid ground. No one had argued about the two security guards either. Perhaps they felt they were of no threat. Or they were just waiting to have an issue when they got sat round a table talking again. Liam felt likely to bet on the later.

Stepping foot on a new, relatively unexplored planet was one of the major reasons Starfleet had been set up. And was a big thing for all the other races, it seemed, as right now, for the first time since the summit process had begun, was flat out silence as everyone took a minute to take it in. Curiosity and excitement hit him from multiple sources as he carried Amia's box out of the ship with him, along with the packed up food and water. He handed the medikit to her.

"Thanks" she said, rewarding him with a wide smile in gratitude.

It was humid, hotter than they were expecting. Almost like a storm was brewing, yet the shuttles instruments said there was nothing to the contrary. He thought he sensed a faint presence of something different to all of them, but that might just be wishful thinking on his part, or the previous teams had missed some animal life. In the distance behind them dense trees and some cavern openings and a short walk in front the entrance to a ruined city. "This way, everyone," Liam stated, herding them along.

Dorian stepped walked down the gangway first. Despite no longer wearing the uniform, he still carried with him decades of experience as a Security and Intelligence officer. He didn't trust the stuffed-shirt Diplomatic Officer too much, but then again he never trusted any diplomatic officer during his time as an officer. What was their purpose anyway? The Dominion, the Borg, what good did diplomacy do with any of them.

Dorian gave the nod over his left shoulder and was eventually joined by his employer, Melvyn Raddon.

"Certainly a great day for exploration, aye, Dorian?" the elder businessman said as he made his way down.

"I'm not too sure that it is day on this planet," Dorian said as he continued to look around.

The Ambassador for the Cardassian Union Hydel Turvan stepped off along with his attaché Glinn A'Dan Galen. In typical Cardassian military fashion the senior officer walked to the right while the subordinate stayed one step behind and to the left. As they began to observe the sight before them, Hydel spoke in a tone that appeared to be whispering, but was loud enough to be heard by others.

"I'm so grateful that we are finally experiencing fresh air. Tell me, A'Dan, what is the Klingon translation for 'shower' in that grunting they call a language?" he asked.

"Sir, I'm not quite sure they have an appropriate or even equivalent word," the younger Glinn replied as he carefully surveyed the immediate area with his hand stationed on his sidearm.

The Bajoran Vedek simply shook his head at the Cardassian exchange. He opted for robes of a working Order of the Faith, pants and a tunic, for ease of movement.

Hydel noticed the Bajoran stroll past. "Do try to be careful, Vedek, I'd hate to see anything unfortunate happen to you. I'm not too certain that your wormhole Prophets would be able to rescue you all the way out there, what with this being so far from the wormhole and all," he said humorously as he continued to walk.

The Bajoran Vedek regarded the Cardassain a brief moment. "And I'm sure the Obsidian Order would rush to your aid." He scoffed, walking away.

Liam sighed as he caught the tail end of that and walked away from the Cardassian, rejoining Mortimer, Noelle, and Amia. "Who," he said quietly, "do you think is going to be wound up the first?" he asked. The Klingons had already bitten yesterday, but if the Cardassian kept on at Krell and his religion, well, he had no idea what sort of a man he was. But he shouldn't have to endure that from the rude Cardassian ambassador.

"...but then it takes less than a Federation butter knife to gut a Cardassian," Valkris' voice was heard as the Klingon pair rejoined the group.

Qua'Lon stared wide eyed at the Cardassians. "Indeed. bISutlhnIS jaghlI' mInDu' tIbej*" the ambassador growled.

Sir Mortimer blinked as he made his way down the ramp. Sometime during the transfer the hypospray had done its work, leaving his stomach less a churning volcano. The change from climate controlled dim to bright and slightly humid after many months on the station took a bit more getting used to. His slower pace enabled him to keep track of what was being said around him.

The sniping around Noelle was enough to remind her why she didn't enjoy couples' counseling. Better Liam than her, if he had the patience to put up with it. "I'm not sure," Bennett answered honestly but quietly to Liam. "This heat is enough to drive anyone to snap."

"We could have had a little fiesta," Liam joked, then turned serious. "What worries me though is the scans did not show this at all. It was meant to be much milder," he said, confused.

Maekhav D'Aerrol came down the ramp, dressed in loose, flowing robes and appropriate head gear for the weather. He had a smirk on his face and enthusiasm in his voice. "Ready to see this wonderful place, Mister Reynolds!" He clamped a hand down on Sir Mortimer's shoulder as he walked past the man.

From behind Liam but quietly so as not to allow anyone else to hear her words, Amia appeared to be commenting on the heat too. "Good job getting all these combatants here in one piece but you'll need all the luck you can muster to keep them all off each others' backs so you can get them back in one piece" It was only partly a joke, she was at least three-quarters serious in the bad feeling she had about this trip.

Qinee and Nazl stepped out into the warm, humid air and the Ferengi ambassador took a deep breath. “Not quite the humidity of Ferenginar, but much preferable,” the female said with a smile, ignoring the jibbing of the others.

Ambassador Turvan took a deep and relaxing breath as he continued to walk alongside his attaché. "This is actually the first time, in a long time I've actually enjoyed the weather, A'Dan. It's almost as if we were back on Cardassia Prime," the Cardassian ambassador said.

"Yes, Ambassador, I'm personally curious in the physiology of the Fae. If this is the type of environment they exist in, then I would assume that they are cold-blooded individuals with other interesting biological clues," the younger Cardassian said as he continued to study the readings on his tricorder.

"Oh, I'm quite certain a Cardassian camp would find immediate success here in exploring the various natural resources this planet undoubtedly has," the Ambassador replied. "These ruins will fill in quite nicely with our plans," he continued.

"How many do you expect to bring down here, Mister Ambassador?" D'Aerrol asked the Cardassian.

"Oh, our initial settlement would consist of the Mining Detachment led by former Gul Madred. I fully expect the Cardassian government to invest considerable resources into energy exploration throughout the planet, especially since it appears to be uninhabited." Ambassador Hydel responded as the group finally departed from the shuttle.

"And yourself?" Hydel asked in return.

Antos shivered at the Cardassian's plan. He couldn't help but feel a pang of deja vu.


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

Lieutenant Jg. Zayna Malik
Security Officer, DS5

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Ambassador
Cardassian Empire

Melvyn Raddon
Chief Executive Officer
Raddon Corporation

Dorian Gabriel
Lead Security Officer
Raddon Corporation

Maekhav D'Aerrol
Romulan Ambassador

Tholian Ambassador

Sir Mortimer Praxis GCB, KBE, MVO, MA (Oxon)
Senior Diplomatic Advisor
NPC by Louise

Ambassador Toq Qua'lon
NPC by Louise

Valkris of the House of Inagh
NPC by Louise

Lt jg. Annora Tessaro
Asst. Security Chief

Lt Cmdr Amia Telamon

Lieutenant (JG) Noelle Bennett, M.D.
Chief Counselor


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