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Diplomatic Soiree

Posted on Wed Dec 30, 2015 @ 5:28pm by Valkris of the House of Inagh & Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Lieutenant JG Noelle Bennett M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Benj Amoran & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Qinee & Second Lieutenant Emily Ransom & Maekhav D'Aerrol & Civilian Hydel Turvan & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Civilian Sigrún Aronsdottir

5,268 words; about a 26 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Diplomatic Summit Chamber
Timeline: MD 9/2000
Tags: liam & Caleb

Either Mortimer was feeling nervous or it was actually Liam himself. He had sent the invitations out including the senior staff. It dawned on him; he likely had not met most of the senior staff yet.

He had chosen the Summit Chamber as the venue due to its actual beauty and that it would be holding such an important event in the new few days. They had food, they had drinks, and they had music. People could mingle or dance if they desired.

"Think they will all show?" Liam asked the other diplomat as he hiked down the collar of his dress uniform.

"Most certainly, even if it’s only to see who else attends," Sir Mortimer replied. It was always a concern at this juncture and he understood the diplomat's anxiety.

To Liam's delight though the doors started opening a few minutes later and some minor and major parties trickled in. He turned back to Mortimer with a grin as they started helping themselves to drinks. "It’s show time!"

Cade Aldrex's audible footsteps warned Liam of his approach before the inevitable hand clamped down on his shoulder. He was resplendent in his dress uniform, which he hadn't worn since his own wedding. "Good to go, gentlemen," he said aloud. Then to Liam he mumbled, "Don't let me screw this up, okay? Tell me again, am I first or last in the receiving line?"

Liam was confused. He didn't remember organizing a receiving line. He thought that was a wedding thing. He flashed a look at Mortimer perplexed. Was it some oldie worldie thing the other man would have insisted was protocol?

Sir Mortimer smiled. "We can, of course, dispense with the formality," he said, "though I thought it an opportunity for us each to observe the delegates individually."

The Ferengi arrived slightly early. After all, what good businessman passed up on free fine food? Ambassador Qinee wore a very fine dress in garish primary colors that both clashed and complimented, aglitter with ostentatious jewelry. Behind her, the toady Nazl was dressed more subdued, in a simple black suit.

Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan stiffened as he saw the weaselly little Ferengi. He clenched his fists tightly.

“Sir? Are you okay?” Ensign Jessica Mayhew asked beside him, looking up at the handsome older man.

“Fine,” Caleb said curtly. “Just being professional.”

Jessica looked puzzled, but shrugged and her blue eyes scanned the room as she itched at her dress uniform and toyed with the tiny Type I phaser in her pocket. The security detail was discretely armed for this occasion with the very small weapons.

Opal entered the soiree along with the Medical party, but instead of staying with them she found her way quietly to Caleb's side and slipped her fingertips into his softly. He looked tense so she just smiled up at him, serene and calm, hoping to be a good influence on his mood and health levels. Like her colleagues, Opal had dressed for a formal evening affair. Her dress was long, floaty, and elegant. She had done her hair with a lot of care and looked her best.

Caleb looked over as someone came to his other side and he had to do a double take as he took in the pretty blonde doctor beside him. “Dr. Oliver,” he murmured. “Ah didn’t realize you would be here.” His hand brushed hers back a moment and then withdrew, unsure. Thoughts of his wife rose up unbidden. “Ya look very beautiful this evenin’, ma’am.”

"Thank you, Commander," she replied softly. She frowned slightly as he withdrew his hand but accepted it without comment or reaction. "I missed you today," she added with a gentle smile.

“Sorry,” Caleb apologized. “This thing’s been a hassle ta organize and Ah was so busy with the last minute security arrangements Ah had ta cancel mah session. Mah leg feels good, though,” he assured her. “Definitely improving after your treatments.” He put a hand gently on her back to guide her out of the way of a passing server, which pulled her closer to him.

Noelle entered the diplomatic summit chamber, trying her best not to look as uncomfortable in her dress uniform as she felt. She accepted these diplomatic affairs were a part of service in Starfleet, and a large part of her truly enjoyed diplomacy, if not the formal affairs that came with it. In point of fact, Noelle liked to think of diplomacy as the application of counseling skills on a much larger scale in a sense. Of course, that also meant the consequences of a difficult session could involve a good deal more than simple hurt feelings or the cold shoulder.

Bennett couldn't deny she wanted to be here to support Liam and to see him in action, but first she wanted to see a familiar face. "Excuse me," Noelle said, approaching Caleb and a woman she didn't immediately recognize. "I don't wish to interrupt you both, but I wanted to come by and say hello to a former colleague," she said, referring to Caleb. She looked to Doctor Oliver. "Noelle Bennett," she introduced politely.

Caleb looked a bit surprised. “Dr. Bennett,” he said, offering his hand to the counsellor. “Good to see you again! How have ya fared?” He looked over at Opal. “Dr. Bennett worked on Leto Colony with me,” he explained. “Dr. Bennett, Dr. Oliver.”

Noelle took the proffered hand and shook it warmly. "It's good to see you too. I've not fared too badly since Leto Colony. Nothing can compare to Starfleet service in the sunshine, of course, but I've come to really like the challenge of the larger Starfleet assignments," she added with a smile. "Hence, why I'm here."

"Let me take this one." Liam indicated the Ferengi delegation. He had already noticed the security chief. He didn't know the outcome that had happened in terms of the information he had had to inform him of, but he hoped nothing was going to be an issue. Lt. Cmdr. Ryan was trying hard to keep his emotions in check, he could sense.

Slapping on his best smile, Liam drove forward. "Madam Ambassador. You look beautiful. Is that a new dress?" he asked. "Nazl," was all the aide got in acknowledgement.

Qinee smiled. “Why yes,” the ambassador replied. “Thank you for noticing. And how are you tonight, Lieutenant?”

Nazl just stared sullenly at Liam before turning to eye the free food and the females in the room.

"I am feeling much better than I was after our other night out, Ambassador. How are things your end?" Liam said happily.

The turbolift came to a sudden stop as it reached the intended floor. Before the doors slid open, Melvyn Raddon took the opportunity to turn towards his younger associate.

"Dorian..." he said flatly.

"Yes?" Dorian replied, still facing the doors.

"Try to behave. We are the face of the corporation and we want to appear to be welcoming to all ideas and proposals," Melvyn said with a more upbeat tone.

"But what if--" Dorian began.

"All ideas, Mr. Gabriel," Mr. Raddon said with a slight edge to his voice, clearly wanting to get the message across that this was a diplomatic meeting, not an interrogation. "Besides, we are here to learn from them just as much as that diplomatic hand-holder wishes to learn from me," Melvyn said as the doors began to part to reveal the expansive chamber.

Liam sensed more people enter, turning his head away briefly from Qinee. He shared a look with Mortimer at the left of the room, seemingly engaging an alien race he didn't quite recognize, and groaned inwardly as Melvyn Raddon and his henchman made a beeline directly for him.

"Lieutenant Reynolds, what a pleasure to see you again," Mr. Raddon said as the diplomatic officer came towards him. "I trust that all is going well over on your side of the station," he said genuinely.

Liam held his hand out and shook the businessman's politely. "Everything is going swimmingly, now that I am finding my feet. Thank you for your concern. May I introduce the Ferengi Ambassador Qinee." He indicated the lady to his left.

"I'm sure you remember my associate, Mr...." Mr. Raddon began the introduction, but Dorian interjected before he could finish his sentence.

"Riley. Mr. John Riley," Dorian said with a smile plastered to his face as he extended his hand and embraced the diplomatic aide. Dorian took some perverse pleasure in using the deceased security officer's name as his pseudonym. As a former Security and Intelligence Officer, Dorian figured if they still were not aware of his true identity, then why should he reward their incompetence?

Liam smiled. Oh, the lie. If the interjection to not let his boss finish the sentence hadn't been enough to tip anyone off. How big that lie was. And, Liam thought to himself, how much this weasel of a man thought of himself to boldly try that. He took the extended hand regardless, keeping his face neutral and his voice just as calm.

"Mr. Riley, you are aware I am emphatic, yes? I think we both know that is not your name. However, I will endeavor to call you just what you like, sir." He decided to call him on it, shaking his hand enthusiastically. It would either make him mad, which for Liam was so much easier to read and keep a read on, or he would not bother with that kind of bullshit again. And now that he had his hand in his, he could concentrate on this man more than he had any idea he could, the read more intense. Both of them were not enjoying the dance they were performing round each other, but Liam knew this chap he had to keep an eye on.

"I want all our guests to be comfortable, after all, and it is nice to see you in a more talkative mood than our last meeting. Welcome. Welcome. Shall we get you both some drinks?" He finally let his hand go. "Madam Ambassador, do you need anything?"

“What do you have?” Qinee asked. “Hew-man food?” She didn’t make the customary grimacing face when referencing alien cuisine that Nazl blatantly showed, but it was clear the ambassador was still getting used to being off of Ferenginar with its familiar delicacies.

"We have a selection of food," Liam said steering her in the direction of the tables. "I made sure to ask for something from your home that will hopefully satisfy your palate. And drinks." He turned back to Raddon and Mr. Riley. "Please help yourselves."

As the diplomatic aide walked away, Melvyn turned towards Dorian and firmly grabbed his arm while speaking in a hushed tone. "I told you to--"

"--give them a chance. Well, I did give him a chance and that mind-rat took it, just like I thought he would," Dorian said, jerking his arm free. "I knew he wouldn't pass the opportunity to invade my mind without consent and look what happened," he continued.

"Now imagine that same scenario playing out, but this time with confidential information on the line," Dorian replied in the same hushed tone.

Melvyn sighed.

While he would have preferred a more subtle demonstration, he could not deny the logic in what he had just observed. "I suppose we have reached a low point when the most trustworthy species in the room is a Ferengi," he resigned. "At least you know what they are after..."

"Yeah, the Chief's daughter," Dorian replied flippantly.

"What?" Melvyn asked in disbelief.

"Oh yeah, a friend of mine in Security told me that when Trellis led the team over to the Ferengi's vessel they found the Chief's daughter naked, in the Captain's Quarters, yelling at them for interrupting," Dorian said, enjoying the salaciousness of the details.

"My, my, my, I had no idea," Melvyn said as the two continued to stroll into the chamber.

As he stepped from the turbolift Ambassador Toq Qua'lon's lip drew back. "It stinks of them," he said.

At 6'5" Valkris could have broken the ambassador in two. By his height, a mere 5'6", he was barely a man, but the Empire in its own way respected his abilities. Perhaps that was why she, a decorated warrior, was playing nursemaid.

She sniffed the air, humoring him. "Human, Cardassian, Ferengi, the stench of a place like this." She adjusted the weapon at her hip. There was a scent she didn't quite recognize, Human, but not quite. Together they picked up their pace and entered the suite at a stride.

Liam heard the stomp of the boots before seeing them. Turning round he smiled genuinely. It was never a real party without Klingons. Of course, they hated them just as much as every other party in the room, the emotions of disgust hitting him straight away, but Liam had spent a long time stuck on a ship in an exchange program, being hated and he had won them round in the end. He felt more at ease with these than that Human who just lied to his face.

"You are the Starfleet diplomat." It was a statement rather than a question. Qua'lon knew that just behind and to his right Valkris loomed. His lip twisted into a slight sneer. "It is the Chancellor's belief that you will face opposition in your attempt to annex that new world." He turned his head slightly to take in the other aliens. "The Federation would do well to remember who their allies are," he said.

"nuqneH, Ambassador Qua'lon." Liam faced him. "Guilty as charged. It is my belief that we will face opposition at every corner if every other party does not get their own way," he stated simply.

"Tell me what is the Honored Chancellor's belief should be the outcome of this planet’s fate, in that case?" he queried. Liam liked Klingons. They were simple, to the point. Most of them did not faff around dancing around subjects. If he had learnt one thing onboard that ship – well, two actually -- whatever you did, they were not going to be fully open to the idea of counselling, but the other was "be direct."

"It is too far from our borders to be of any significant interest to the Empire," Qua'lon stated. "Like this place, it is merely a stepping stone to the untraveled systems, a waystation. The Empire will not stand by and see this route disrupted," he added.

As the ambassador spoke, Valkris surveyed the room. Ferengi, Humans, other Federation types, a slippery Cardassian specimen. If there was one thing that she could trust it was that there was little concord in the room. There would be conflict in due course. Her eyes fell briefly on one of the Humans. She sniffed, her nose wrinkling. That was the one that was not quite Human, but what else he was she couldn't tell.

"Ah, well, if it’s not of significant interest then I think that will please several parties here, and are we not lucky that ships can fly round things such as planets so not to disrupt your explorations," Liam said with a smile. "Are you quite alright?" he asked the other Klingon, who seemed to be sniffing. "You are not ill, are you?"

"Ill? ILL!" Valkris snorted. "I'll fall on my own blade before I succumb to some puny virus. There is something not right about that man." She tilted her head toward Gabriel, though she did not know who he was.

Liam agreed completely, but he doubted saying that out loud would be beneficial in his position. This Dorian was a liar and lying for reasons unknown. "In what sense?" he asked Valkris.

"He smells wrong. He might look Human, but…I do not recognize the scent as Human. I do not recognize the scent at all."

Concern crossed Liam's features. So not only was he lying, but potentially another alien posing as a Human. "That is quite disconcerting. Would you excuse me a moment."

The room was filling up and Liam caught sight of Cade. "Commander, have you got a moment?"

"Sure, Liam, what's up?" Cade said, somewhat distractedly. He was looking around for his wife. He had lost sight of her momentarily.

"I feel a bit like I am on a merry go round. Sorry I haven't had more of a chance to talk to you, Cade, but we may have a problem." Liam relayed what the Klingon had just told him, pointed out Mr. Raddon's aide, and told the XO about the man in question trying to lie to his face.

The XO glanced briefly at Dorian then back at Liam. "Gabriel? I've never met him. But I think I remember hearing somewhere that he's former Starfleet." That was a long time ago, he knew. And he knew to trust Liam in all matters. "He doesn't seem like an immediate threat, but I'll tell one of the security staff to keep an eye on him. When this is over we'll have a chat with him. You, me, and Ryan. Fair enough?"

"He sensed Human to me. I was picking up what felt like Human emotions, but I wouldn't argue with a Klingon’s sense of smell. We both know there’s things that exist in this universe can mask or confuse my senses," he muttered, thinking of Declan back at the beginning for a second.

"I trust you, Liam. I know you wouldn't say anything unless you were absolutely certain something was not right. Stay focused on your duties, though. We need our chief diplomat on point tonight, okay?" He gave the CDO a pat on the shoulder and moved off to find security.

Amia and Benj led what they secretly had joked to call "the medical diplomatic party". They weren't there to further any particular race's agenda, and they were mostly Federation staff, but Amia's dearest friend Sigrun was there as a civilian independent captain and her other friend Yolanthe Ibalin was there as an independent businesswoman. Truthfully, they were really there to swell the numbers on behalf of the residents and to offer moral support to the hosting side. It was a good excuse for a team jolly, Amia had admitted to the others, and charged them all to look their best and be prepared to be bored to death, but at least fed well. Benj had smartened up handsomely and had invited Peridot to be his date, hoping she would accept. He waited anxiously to see if she would appear.

Amia looked stunning, and Sigrun the same. Both dressed elegantly, black or white respectively, each with their hair in either a full and luxurious red waterfall, or a bright, short, bejewelled and velvet ribboned creation, also respectively. They joined the throng, meeting and greeting politely with broad smiles and infectious laughter and lightness. Judging by some of the apparent tension in the room, it might have been thought they were a welcome change to the squaring up and sizing up that was going on, but then not everyone would be glad to see the seriousness of this occasion become too informal, and the small, bright party did their best not to make any waves or draw more attention than the more important guests.

A steward brought over a tray of drink. Amia imagined it would probably be synthoholic wine, but chose a fruit juice cocktail just in case.

"Revellian kanar," Ambassador Hydel Turvan said as the steward walked by him. He took the drink and continued to walk behind the recently-arrived Federation civilians.

He stood near the door and paused for several moments as he scanned the room and its attendants. From his vantage point he saw various races from all across the quadrant that had taken part in the Federation War in one form or another.

The Federation, who had tactically supported Cardassia's enemies for years, forced the government to take the bold action of joining arms with the Dominion.

The Klingons, who saw a moment of crisis within the Detapa Council as an opportunity to savagely plunder Cardassia's borders with reckless abandon.

The Bajorans, who never appreciated the spirit of self-determination and internal resolve that Cardassia instilled in them throughout their decades of cooperation and mentorship. Much like wayward children, the Bajorans had turned against Cardassians and set out on a path of serfdom for the Federation.

And now, here he stood amongst them all, smiling, preening, pretending as if they were all equals, pretending to ignore the fact that some in this room were clearly weaker than others. It was that inherent weakness that Hydel planned on using to his government's advantage in regards to the recently discovered planet. While one planet could not restore Cardassia's previous power throughout the quadrant, it would certainly restore the planet's inter-system trade and resource network. There was no telling what resources were waiting to be harvested and developed on the planet.

"Ambassador Turvan," Liam greeted. He knew him, of course, from the personnel files he had looked over. "How nice to see you."

Ambassador Turvan was prepared to reach for another drink and respond to the Human when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Time slowed and everyone in the room disappeared as Hydel's focus shifted solely to the other person in the room. The mere sight of Melvyn Raddon caused Hydel's fists to involuntarily clench and for adrenaline to flow through his body preparing him for…for vengeance.

" doing here?" Ambassador Turvan asked the diplomatic aide through clenched teeth, never shifting his body.

"He," Liam stated simply, "believes he should have claim to the planet below us like every other delegation here."

"That delegate, as you so casually refer to him, is a sponsor of terrorism against my people!" (***) Ambassador Turvan said, turning to Liam but pointing towards the now approaching older human. "The bastard helped orchestrate a brazen and unprovoked attack against my people!" Ambassador Turvan said as the anger carried through his voice.

Liam groaned inwardly but kept his face neutral. Of course one of them would have tried to kill one of them or several of them at one point. Perhaps all of them had had a go at bumping off each other. He was beginning to see diplomacy might be far more dangerous than counselling ever was. He was going to have to speak to the security chief to get those details.

"That bastard, as you so casually refer to him unfortunately, is a revered businessman onboard the station and I am sorry to say we are stuck with him at the summit."

"I'm sorry, my ears were burning. Was there something you wished to say to me, Hydel?" Melvyn said, completely dispensing with the formality of the Cardassian's title. He almost laughed aloud at the idea of referring to one of those reptiles with any form of an honorific title. Worthless drain of resources and oxygen would be a better title, Melvyn thought to himself.

Liam closed his eyes briefly. Clearly Melvyn Raddon was not as smart as he gave him credit for deciding to goad the Cardassian Ambassador in public. He waited to see what response came of that, wondering if he was going to need to restore order or they could just take a couple of pot shots at each other and get it out their system for now.

"Why isn't this monster sitting inside of a prison cell awaiting a trial? His crimes against the State are obvious, the imposition of his guilt would be fairly quick and certain," Ambassador Turvan said, somewhat perplexed by the ridiculously long and cumbersome Federation judicial process. Why spend so long debating the merits of the crime instead of focusing on the punishment itself.

Melvyn sighed. "This again, Hydel? We've been over this countless times that Starfleet already determined who was responsible for that unfortunate event on the station," he said, not even wishing to utter the words "embassy" in the same sentence as the word "Cardassian". It always struck him as odd how a broken and impoverished people could be given diplomatic status on a Starfleet installation. But then again, where else would you send charitable donations to? he thought.

Ambassador Turvan responded quickly, "That child was put up to it by one of your followers as sure as if you had done it yourself! (**)" he shot back, not deterred by Raddon's attempt at neutrality. "Your company is nothing more than a breeding ground for wanton destruction and terrorism." He spat.

"Oh my..." Mr. Raddon said, taken aback slightly. "Those are....very serious allegations to make, Hydel. Perhaps you have someone who can corroborate those fantastic claims?" he asked while keeping an even tone. "How unfortunate that the criminal responsible for such an unsavory action died in an explosion,(*) " he said, recounting the terrorist attack that hit the station several years prior.*

Ambassador Turvan knew that the would-be assassin was killed in the series of explosions. Along with her was any concrete evidence linking the Human to the attack on the Cardassian Embassy. "Do not mistake me for some imbecile. You may have bribed or simply fooled the incompetent security force on this station into believing your false sense of piety, but I know better and I will see to it that you pay for the Cardassian blood spilt!" he said intently.

Cade Aldrex approached holding an untouched drink. "Gentlemen, this event is diplomatic in nature. The idea is to make nice, at least for one night. If you can't then I recommend you stand on opposite sides of the room."

"Or," Liam said simply nodding at the chief, appreciative of his intervention, "if you cannot play nice, take it outside. Get it out of your systems, gentlemen, as such behavior in the summit will not be tolerated. If you want your interests to be taken seriously by any party then you will need to conduct yourselves in a more professional manner."

"Step outside? With pleasure..." Dorian chimed in as he stepped between his employer and the Cardassian. "I'm sure this won't take long..." he said, still locking eyes with the slightly taller individual.

Hydel was not fazed by the sudden show of bravado. He had fought in several wars and countless skirmishes. It would not take much effort to deal with the former security chief. However, he had more important matters to resolve at this meeting. More importantly, he knew of a better more long-term method of dealing with Raddon...and his associates.

"...skrăgh..." Hydel said defiantly as he walked past the two humans and towards the other delegates.

"Well, wasn't that delightful," Liam said, playfully turning to Cade. "I sure know how to throw a party, don't I?" he asked his friend.

The Trill gave Reynolds a friendly pat on the shoulder. "You're doing great."

Ambassador Maekhev D'Aerrol entered the room, face impassive, quietly taking everything in. He had two aides in tow. Their job was simply to listen and observe. He would do all the talking tonight. Immediately he was greeted by someone from a species he had never seen before. D'Aerrol put on his hospitable face and made polite conversation with the man, who introduced himself as the trade delegate from Hemera II.

This is the exact reason Dorian hated coming to diplomatic events when he still wore the uniform. It was nothing but pomp and circumstance; no true conflicts were ever resolved. Everyone simply danced around the issued for fear of being seen as "rude". The sooner this meeting got underway the better.

Dorian was prepared to walk away from the door and back to another section of the chamber when he caught the eye of a Klingon staring at him. Dorian had previously served as an attaché at the Federation embassy on Qo'Nos, so he was familiar enough with Klingons and their eerie facial expressions. This one seemed to be focused on Dorian for a particular reason. Dorian knew that simply looking away would betray a sense of inferiority or cowardice to the lumbering beast.

"Can I help you?" Dorian said, refusing to give the benefit of speaking in the Klingon's native tongue.

"You interest me," Valkris spat, her tone guttural, "whatever you are."

Dorian had always taken the Klingons for a rather dumb species. Of course, they served a necessary purpose when you needed cannon fodder or just entertainment on a slow day. But nothing of their species had even risen to the challenge of producing any type of scholarship or enduring artistic form. Their simplicity notwithstanding, Dorian was surprised to hear such a dumb comment from a Klingon diplomat. They were supposed to be the smart ones of the group.

"Well, I'm certain most shiny objects would interest your kind," Dorian responded flatly. He wasn't in the mood for a battle of wits with such a tragically unprepared opponent. He turned and began to walk past the Klingon, his sights set on the bevy of alcoholic beverages available.

Valkris' arm shot out and grabbed him by the shoulder as he attempted to move past her. She drew him in and hissed into his ear, "I don't know what you are, or what you think you are." She drew a deep draft from his scalp. "I am a hunter. I will find you and your type. In time, these Humans you disguise yourself among will know your deceit." It took all of a second before she released him and let him continue.

Dread began to flow through Dorian's face.

His suit was new.

He happened to like this particular suit.

But now he was going to have to ruin it with the blood of this Klingon that he was going to have to kill in front of everyone here.

"Maybe it's that smooth forehead of yours that has affected your logical reasoning capabilities, but whatever you are selling, I'm not buying. I prefer my women to actually look and sound like women," he shot back.

Valkris did not deviate from her own language and her close up only confirmed her suspicions. "Run away, little man," she said after him. "I will find you when I work out what you are."

Dorian continued to smile. Not out of humor, but out of slight excitement. "I've been accused of murdering a Romulan and his Nausicaan guard," he began to say as he dropped his voice lower so that only the Klingon could hear him. "What do you think I would do to a pujwI' like you?" Dorian said tauntingly.

"Is that supposed to impress me?" Valkris' hand hovered over the hilt of the mek’leth at her side. She could tear this Qa'Hom in two. Whereas he appeared to have walked into this place by accident, she had a duty.

Dorian looked at the Klingon's hand as it inched towards her weapon. "Please…do it, you'll be dead before the first security officer can rush to your aid and I'll have a new animal to stuff and hang above my mantle," Dorian said, never breaking eye contact with her.

To be continued ...



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