
  • 10 Mission Posts

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Tue May 30, 2017 @ 4:42pm

Civilian Sigrún Aronsdottir

Name Sigrún Aronsdottir

Position Retired NPC

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human (1/16th Halkan)
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 101 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue


Spouse Lt. Cmdr. Riley Vance (deceased)
Children None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sigrún is a former Starfleet officer who is rebuilding her life in the aftermath of her husband's tragic death. She's the captain of the MV Starlight Innovator, a civilian vessel which is home ported at Deep Space Five.

Personal History Born and raised in Reykjavík, Iceland. Attended Starfleet Academy and graduated with the class of 2384.

She then served for five years on the USS Endurance. First as a helmsman and then in the engineering department. Her two closest friends were Caden Telamon (later Aldrex) and Riley Vance. She married Riley and then left the service to pursue other interests while Starfleet gave Riley permission to develop his experimental warp drive idea. Riley was killed a few years later when an undetected flaw in his engine design destroyed the USS Prevail with all hands.

Sigrún grieved for a long time, but with plenty of love and support around her she eventually got on with life. Desiring to get back into space she became a trained and licensed merchant mariner. Later, at the suggestion of her old friend Cade, she became the captain of the Starlight Innovator, a civilian vessel contracted to perform various duties in Deep Space Five's area of responsibility.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]