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New Fighter Jock

Posted on Tue Jan 27, 2015 @ 5:25am by Commander Caden Aldrex & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter

1,686 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Deep Space 5, Starfighter Hanger, Command Center
Timeline: MD01 /1654 hrs

===Raptor 697===

The streaking stars pulled away from him and resumed their pinpoint appearences, as Tam manipulated the throttle controls on his Raptor, dropping out of warp and moving at full impulse.

The massive Celestial Class station filled his forward canopy. The station was designated Deep Space Five, and it was going to be his home for the foreseeable future. He had recently been reassigned as the new Bravo Assault Wing Commander. It was a position that he knew he was amply qualified for. Also, a bonus that came with the assignment was the long awaited promotion to captain. Now he only had to hope that Sebina wouldn't get into her usual mischief and force him to ask for yet another reassignment.

=== Deep Space 5 Approach Tower===

The young human male was sitting at his station in the Approach Tower office. The term was given more out of Terran tradition, as the office was not in a tower, as it was on airfields of Earth's past, but instead buried deep inside the core of the massive station. He was looking over his screens when the short range sensors picked up a new incoming blip. After typing in a few commands, the computer listed the blip as a friendly signal. Then, it identified the signal from its F.F.I., or Friend or Foe Indicator, beacon as Raptor 697. After reading this information, he activated his comm system.

"Raptor Six Nine Seven, this is Deep Space Five approach, Lieutenant Aaron Mitchel speaking. Please identify yourself."

=/\= Deep Space Five approach, this is Captain Tam Haican, call sign Demon. I have been reassigned to your Starfighter squad as Bravo Assault Wing Commander. Requesting permission to land.=/\=

"Roger that, Captain. You are cleared to approach and land in Starfighter Bay One. Welcome to Deep Space Five."

=/\=Thank you, Control. Raptor Six Nine Seven out.=/\=

===Raptor 697===

Tam closed the comm channel on his end and then continued towards the station. Within moments, he had reached the open launch bay. The bay operator locked her tractor beam on Tam's Raptor and pulled him inside.

Less than five minutes later, Tam's starfighter was powered down and he had climbed down from the cockpit. When he stepped down onto the deck, he handed his helmet and fighter computer log module to on of the enlisted deckhands. He then looked towards the opening interior doors when he heard them slid open.

A clipboard resting on her hip Peridot Quirm bustled through the doors - the Captain had asked her to contact the new arrivals to schedule appointments - something that for some reason Isha, sorry, the Captain preferred her to do in person.

It seemed she was running late.

She glanced at her clipboard - "Captain ... Haican?" she asked.

Tam smiled briefly when he saw the attractive woman call his name. Then, just as quickly, the smile faded as he remembered his lost love. He quickly recovered and then replied. "That's me, Chief, Captain Tam Haican."

She gave a huge sigh of relief, "Peridot Quirm, I'm the Captain's Yeoman. Captain t'Vaurek asked me to greet you - thank goodness I caught you before you got sucked into the station." She extended a hand.

Tam extended his gloved right hand and accepted the Chief's welcome. "Pleasure to meet you, Chief Quirm. Forgive my gloves. As I'm sure you'll find in my bio, I am a full blooded Betazoid, and my lineage dates back to the early priestesses of my world. Thus, my abilities are a bit stronger than normal. Simple skin contact can give me access to another's mind. It's an ability that I try to keep under control. Thus, the gloves." He gave the attractive human a disarming soft lopsided grin as he finished speaking.

Peridot flashed a dazzling grin as she released his hand, "I've never heard of that," she admitted to the tall Betazoid, "but duly noted. I'll inform Captain t'Vaurek of the fact," Peridot was sure that the Romulan would have been through every word of every record, but it was only polite.

She glanced at her padd again, "You've been assigned to Deck twenty-four, section seven-alpha, family quarters," her smile faltered a little as she noted that.

Tam noticed both the falter and the subtle feeling of disappointment coming from Peridot's thoughts. He gave her a soft understanding smile, his eyes looking directly into hers and his voice soft and soothing as a warm blanket. "My daughter will be arriving tommorow. She's on the transport, S.S. Dependable. I arrived early to get our new home ready and squared away."

No doubt there was a beautiful wife somewhere in the background too - probably a maths whizz or a crash hot scientist. Peridot decided not to ask - plenty more fish and all that. "I hope she likes it here, there really is a lot to do," she said pleasantly. "If you get a chance I've heard The Veranda in Little Bajor is a great place for a bite, Box of Delights for a fun night if you like the tables - there are a few youth groups too. How old is she? Your daughter I mean?"

"She's fourteen." He could feel the turmoil boiling out of Peridot's mind. "It will just be the two of us. Both my wife and son were killed a few years ago by Klingon renegades." Just saying the words out loud caused Tam to be visibly exhausted.

As the smile dropped from Peridot's face, her hand flew to her lips, "I'm so sorry," she had no idea how that loss would feel but she could empathise, "I didn't mean to ... I mean ... I don't know what to say," she concluded.

Tam reached up and gently touched Peridot's left shoulder. "It's okay, it's not something that really affords one to come up with a reply." The previous turmoil he had sensed seemed to be replaced with regret and sympathy. He found her honesty, both verbally and mentally, comforting. All too often, when someone discovered his grief, they would try to be sympathetic, yet always seem to fail. However, Peridot seemed extremely genuine and open. This only added to her level of attractiveness for Tam.

A strange sensation rippled through Peridot's body - she suddenly felt very exposed, like she'd misread the signals on a third date and emerged from the bathroom in a neglige only to find his parents had come home.

She nodded awkwardly.

After a few awkward seconds of silence, Tam lowered his hand and cleared his throat, trying to change the subject. "So...I suppose I should go see the CO. I'm sure she wants to see me."

Flustered she mumbled, "Yes, er, yes ... I ..." she remembered that she was holding a clipboard.

Peridot took the pen and tapped the screen. With something to focus on she was able to pull herself together, "There's quite an itinerary here - Colonel Darson, Lieutenant Carter as well as Captain t'Vaurek and Commander Aldrex. We're scheduled to meet with Carter first given our location. I'll then take you to Colonel Darson and on to Operations for the Captain and Commander. After that we'll get you to your quarters and you can start to settle in and get things ready for your daughter."

Tam nodded and gave Peridot a reassuring smile. "Then please, lead the way."

"According to my schedule Lieutenant Carter is in the CAG office, it will just take us a minute or so to get there," she lead the way along the corrider - they really did start to look the same after a while.

Tam followed behind Peridot as she led the way. Once or twice his eyes strayed over the curves of her body. He felt a primal stirring deep inside his mind, but quickly shut it down. He felt shame for feeling those...feelings for another woman. He felt that doing so betrayed Verena's memory.

"Here we are, I'll wait here for you," she said and pressed the door chime.

"Thank you." Without realizing it, Tam flashed a very charming and boyish shy lopsided grin at Peridot as he spoke. It took a second for his brain to catch up with his hormones and he dropped the grinned awkwardly. What the hell are you thinking?! What, are you back in high school, smiling at the pretty girls again?! He chastised himself silently as he waited to be allowed entrance to his immediate supervisor's office.

Involuntarily Peridot giggled, "Just doing my job," she said, trying to stay professional. "Good luck," she added as he was invited in.

Hearing the chime from the door Kyle looked up from the PADD he was going over for station protocols. "Come in."

Tam gave Peridot a quick playful wink as he walked inside. Moving smartly, he marched up to Kyle's desk and snapped to attention. "Captain Tam Haican, reporting for duty, Sir!"

Kyle gave Tam a confused look. "Um.. at ease marine.." He said not sure if someone was playing a joke on him on his first day. "I think you have the wrong department. This is Fighter Ops, I think you're looking for the Marine detachment. I can have somebody show the way if you like Captain."

Tam relaxed slightly and grinned. "No, Sir. I'm your new Bravo Assault Wing Commander."

===an hour later===

Tam stepped back out of Kyle's office and turned to see Peridot still standing there. He grinned slightly. "Did you wait out here the whole time?"

"I have my orders. The Captain was very clear," she said with a smile.

Another pilot, helmet in hand, walked up and interrupted the exchange. "Either of you know where I can find CAG?" He asked with a grin.

Tam gave the fellow pilot a friendly grin as he tilted his head towards Kyle's office. "He's inside." He then turned back to Peridot. "So, I guess we're off to see the Station brass now?"

Peridot consulted her clipboard, "Yes, they should be ready for us now. Follow me."

((To Be Continued...))

Captain Tam"Demon" Haican
Bravo Assault Wing Commander

Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter


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