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Bolians in the night - II

Posted on Fri Jan 23, 2015 @ 12:44pm by
Edited on on Tue Feb 10, 2015 @ 1:39am

745 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Promenade



Steiner and Tu-Selok exited the Box of Delights and started on their way to the next venue Q'uits.

Tu-Selok appeared to be walking very carefully "You okay?" Steiner asked her

"Yes Chief" The Vulcan replied "I believe so"

Steiner smiled "Alright, we'll get you something to counter the booze on the way. You'll be fine" He tapped his commbadge, which he'd hidden in his jacket pocket

=^= Steiner to Tevlet. You're up! They're in booth on the right hand side, with a Nausican and humanoid female. We're heading to the next bar, let us know when they leave =^=

=^= Copy that Chief, passing you now, upper level =^=

Steiner glanced up and saw the Andorian Deputy descending a walkway enroute to the Box. Then he and Tu-Selok turned a corner and began approaching the park area.

"Let's cut though the park" Steiner suggested "The walk will help work off the alcohol and we have time" They turned off and entered the park area.

[The Box of Delights]

Tevlet entered the bar, did a quick look around, like most people did when entering such places and spoted the Bolians with the other two Steiner had described. Keeping his gaze moving he moved towards a row of booths opposite the group and sat down. There were a couple of other business types sat in the booth next to his, who appeared to be discussing some lost deal.

A waitress arrived, Tevelt ordered an Andorian beer and some food. When she had gone he pulled out a large civilian looking PaDD and placing it on the table began engrossed in reading some report or other, complete with graphs and sales projection table visible to the casual passerby.

He looked at the PaDD but his attention was really on the group. There were too far away for him to hear what was being said, but their body language expressed some tension between the Bolians and the other two, The Nauscian looked angry, while the humanoid female, who seemed to be on some kind of a lead, like a pet, looked frustrated.

While he could not hear the conversation from the far booth, the one next to him was clearly audible.

"You know how long I've been chasing that contract? Four months! Four months! Kissing ass, buying him expensive gifts, fancy meals, I even paid for a vacation for that miserable wife of his! Rewrote the contract three times until he was satisfied with it and then he calls me up and tells me the deal's off!

"Really?! Why?"

"The God's alone know! Bless their passing! He said he'd decided to go with another bid!"

"Who with, you're the only one who carries that product here?!"

"I know! I asked him the same thing!

"What did he say?"

"He didn't want to tell me, just that he'd met somebody whom he felt he could trust!"

"Somebody he could trust? What does that mean? Doesn't he trust you?

"I asked him that too! He said he did, but this other salesman just came over as completely sincere and genuine and that he felt he'd known him for years!"

"Pffft! What nonsense! Sounds like a scam to get you to drop your price! Invent some other businessman to haggle a better quote"

"That's what I thought, until I asked him the price he had agreed - it was more than mine!"

"What? Noooo!"

"Yes! Eleven percent more in fact!"

"He must be crazy!"

"I know! But what can you do?"

Tevlet's drink and meal arrived and he tuned out the businessmen.

Tevlet's drink and meal arrived and he tuned out the businessmen. As he ate slowly, keeping an eye on the Bolians.

The group had been discussing something, the Bolians mostly sat there and the woman spoke. There appeared to have been some reconciliation since the argument earlier. The Nauscican looked happier and ordered a second round of drinks.

The waitress brought the order over, the Bolains took theirs, drunk them down quickly and started getting up to leave.

They left the booth and moved passed Tevlet, as they did one turned back and called "We'll see you in twelve days then, with the delivery" Then they were gone.

Tevelt continued eating but tapped a button on his PaDD, activating a comm link to Steiner =^= On their way=^= He said quietly, barely moving lips.

=^= Copy =^=

[To be continued...]


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