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Checking in with the Captain

Posted on Wed Jan 28, 2015 @ 1:43pm by Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Captain Isha t'Vaurek

766 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: CO's Office
Timeline: MD 01 0830


Kyle made sure he was on time for his check in with the Station's Commander, his new Commanding Officer Captain t'Vaurek.

Coming up to her Office he made sure his uniform was straightened one last time. He hit the chime for the door and waited anxiously though he kept a cool and collected appearance on the surface.

Isha drew up her appointment book - there was no meeting scheduled. Maybe Quirm had neglected to enter one. "Enter," Isha said - only one way to find out who it was.

She rose and crossed to the replicator - she had yet to have breakfast and a warming glass of tea would take the edge off her appetite.

Kyle entered the Captain's office and stood at attention not sure what he preference would be he'd figured rather safe than sorry. "Lieutenant Kyle Carter, reporting Captain."

"Welcome, Lieutenant. I trust you had a safe journey?" Isha enquired. "I am just about to make tea, could I offer you a beverage?"

"Water would fine Captain, thank you." He answered quickly. She seemed not unfriendly, he thought to himself. "You run an amazing Station Captain. The small bit of it I've seen so far seems to be set at a high standard."

Along with her pot of tea Isha replicated a jug of water, a glass, and a bowl of ice. She put these on a tray and brought them to her desk, "How kind of you to say so," she said, "Its a vast place and does take a large amount of ones attention," she reached into the drawer and withdrew a small pair of silvered tongs which she placed on the edge of the bowl of ice, "I wasn't sure how you would like it," she explained.

Kyle wasn't sure what to to say to that. It seemed out of the ordinary for a Captain to worry about a Lieutenant's opinion. "It's definitely a sterling example of what a Starfleet Installation should be." He took a glass and put a few cubes of ice in before pouring himself a glass of water.

"I trust you had a pleasant journey," Isha continued as she sat inviting him to do the same. "You're one of many to arrive in the last days. We've long been waiting a restaffing."

Kyle took a seat across from the Captain. "Short shuttle ride from the Thatcher, wasn't too bad." He said before taking a sip of water. "You must be relieved to have the personnel you need now. I can't imagine the extra hours you'd have to put in regularly let alone while being understaffed."

Isha allowed herself a slight smile. She reached to pour her tea, now brewed from the pot, "It is quite a relief," she admitted watching the golden liquid fill the glass, "but one does what one must. Deep Space Five, located as it is on the very edge of explored space and two weeks from the nearest uninhabited rock is rarely the post of choice. Was it yours, Lieutenant?"

"It was my choice, but not without some prodding from my former CAG on the Thatcher. He suggested it was time for me to move on and he was the one who mentioned the posting." Kyle explained. "He threatened to ground me if I didn't submit an application. That may have been the Andorian sense of humor though." He laughed. "Is DS5 your choice Captain?"

Rather than answer the question directly Isha explained, "I was requested by Starfleet for this project. As far as Rihansu go I am to them a known quantity having spent many years following my military service working as an Ambassador to the Federation. The exchange program is both a monumental step, and an exercise in trust on both sides. I sincerely hope that my Vulcan counterpart who has been given command of Mniohr Deleth has been given an equally accommodating welcome."

"It's good to know you're ...excited to be here." He hoped that was the right thing to say. "I did have some organizational ideas for the Wing I'd like to run by you once I have settled in. If that's okay with you Captain."

Isha nodded, "Bring them to me when your proposal is finalised," she replied. "I'm delighted to make your acquaintence. Welcome aboard."

Assuming that was his being dismissed, Kyle stood from his chair. "Thank you Captain. Pleasure to meet you as well, and I'm happy to be here."


Commander Isha t''Vaurek


Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter


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