Corrigere Praeterita (Part II)
Posted on Tue Jan 14, 2025 @ 2:09am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian T'gan & Commander Cara Letsul & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Bronwyn P’ril & Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant JG Anson Lee
Edited on on Thu Feb 6, 2025 @ 2:31pm
1,389 words; about a 7 minute read
Tergum In Tempus
Location: Alanna's Shuttle & Deep Space 5
Timeline: Two Days Before Attack
The shuttle appeared on the far side of the sun from both the station and the planet. According to the chronometer, it was two days before the combined Cardassian and Xi-Cadian forces attacked the station.
T'gan double checked the temporal fluctuations and their position. "We arrived when we intended."
Alanna slowly let out the breath she'd been holding. It wasn't that she doubted the Vulcan's calculations. She didn't. It was that there were still a number of things that could have gone wrong with the temporal jump. Even so, that was the easy part. She activated the cloak and looked around. "Everyone ready?"
"No, but we--we really don't have any choice at this point, do we?" Lt. Kivan Ta'Gas quipped from the operations console on the other side of the shuttle. Although the crew had safely completed the jump, it was not without its effects on the Officer's stomach and equilibrium. He swayed slightly as he gripped the side of the console and tried to keep his balance.
" what no---now?" He said between deep breaths.
"We ascertain where the sabotage will occur and stop it," T'Lul answered simply.
Alanna nodded. "And that is your job. I'll get you on the station, but then T'gan and I will need to call in some favors so help arrives on time."
As the ship settled into position at the edge of the system, Annora rose to gather her gear.
"And remember, we have to do it all while minimizing our interactions with those presently on the station. Tipping our hand too early could change things in ways we don't want. I do plan on sending a coded message to the forces on the planet, but that will be right before the attack. Give them just enough time to get dug in and prepare, without having a lot of time to question the warning."
She was still debating whether or not to try and contact her alternative self on the station. While she certainly trusted her counterpart, there was the question of how useful that would be. There were no concrete plans to do so, but if the opportunity arose and the benefits seemed to outweigh the risks
then Annora would certainly make the attempt.
T'Lul still was disconcerted that she was taking orders from Alanna. They were both of the same rank and both disagreed about what needed to be done. Yet, here she was, about to find all of her contacts and lead her rebellion a second time. It was true that someone had to spearhead all of this and it did logically make more sense that Alanna do it, as Alanna did not have the contacts on the station. However, if she were to admit that she was feeling the emotion of annoyance, she gave no sign of it and said nothing. "The sooner that you get me to the station, the sooner I can do something about it. I do recall my movements on that day, so I should be able to avoid myself without much effort."
Alanna nodded. "Good. If you need to be transported off the station, use the encrypted comm channel. I'm not sure if we'll have to find our way back to the present or if we'll just stop existing here because we changed our past."
"It will depend on how we change the current timeline," T'gan interjected. "If we prevent the station from blowing apart, we should simply resolve to our present. If not...we will have to regroup and decide what to do next." While she was optimistic because the temporal science behind this trip was sound, she also knew there was a chance of failure.
"I believe that T'gan is correct based on what I understand of temporal mechanics. If we prevent our future, then the timeline will diverge and we will cease to exist," T'Lul said. which would be better for myself as I would not potentially have to face a court martial.
"Although trade has been restored to the station, this shuttle might be recognized as belonging to me," Alanna said, choosing not to comment on the counselor's remark. "Therefore, I'll transport you into maintenance bay 11. In addition to the people you know, remember that Geral Lasuma is on our side. If you get in trouble, he may be a good person to ask for help." She really hoped there wouldn't be a need for that. The team going back to the station knew what they were doing. And she would be nearby in case anyone needed an emergency beam out. "We should be in position in five minutes."
“It occurs to me,” put in P’ril, “that nobody on the station knows me, including your past selves. For this reason, I can move more or less freely around the station. Should anybody need to venture into a high security area, I suggest I go as I will likely go unnoticed as just another engineer.”
"That's a good idea. You could definitely come in handy." That made Alanna feel a little better about the away team as the others would need to avoid running into themselves.
Although T'Lul could not breach patient-client privilege, she told Alanna, "I have a great deal of familiarity with Geral. I am certain that he will be an asset."
"Good." Alanna didn't know him well, but she knew Maritza did and the captain trusted him.
From where he leaned against the wall, Lt. Lee raised his hand. "I didn't do more than the required engineering courses, but past me... Current me? is nowhere near here, and I'm certainly qualified to watch anyone's back without drawing any attention."
"As long as nobody checks the manifest," T'Lul inserted. "There is a low probability of that, however."
"Let's not tempt fate by quoting the odds," Lee said. "This could still end in primordial soup."
One of T'Lul's eyebrows raised up. "Primordial soup?" She paused and then said, "Ah, attempt at humor. I will make a note of it."
P’ril gave half a grin for half a moment. “You will become accustomed to it,” she told T’Lul in an aside.
Alanna checked that the cloak was still good, then listened to the chatter over the comms. "So far, so good. Any last-minute needs?"
"None from me," T'Lul answered simply.
P’ril merely gave a single shake of her head. She was as ready as she would ever be.
Annora listened to the chatter going on around her. Sounded like they had as solid a plan as could be all things considered.
"It's a large enough station, as long as you don't draw undue attention to yourself it should be easy enough to move about. That being said, if you do get on the wrong side of security do your best to get an audience with my alternate self. Tell her this one phrase. 'The wayward Aardvark sleeps at dawn.' I know it sounds silly but it should cue her into a temporal emergency. Must admit, that's a contingency plan I never thought I would need, and hopefully that remains true."
"Okay. Line up in pairs and I'll beam you down." That would give Alanna time to ensure that the maintenance bay was empty, and to hopefully avoid being noticed. Aardvarks and businessmen made an interesting combination.
T'Lul lined up without delay, intending to be the first. She had a great deal to do. A tailor and a merchant were high on her list to see first, but which would be more logical, she wondered?
"One thing nice about jefferies tubes, it is a bit easier to get around without meeting oneself. And I am not known, not yet anyway." Matilda remarked as she took her place in the line.
Alanna checked that the maintenance bay was still empty and began to transport the team. Now it would be up to them to make sure the station was prepared to defend itself.
Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space 5
Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor
Deep Space 5
Temporal Scientist
Deep Space 5
LT Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer
Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas
Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space 5
Lieutenant Bronwyn P'ril
Chief Engineer
Deep Space 5
Lieutenant JG Anson Lee
Assistant Chief Security Officer
Deep Space 5
Ensign Matilda Cromwell
Operations Officer
Deep Space 5