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Reunion (Part III)

Posted on Tue Sep 21, 2021 @ 12:30pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Civilian Sabina Haican

1,441 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD04 1100


"Are you sure it's safe to stay here?" Bri asked.

"No, but I'm not leaving," Alanna said, turning to her seat. "I need to be here." She sat down and started to prep the shuttle.


Jason looked at the creature and sat down at the co-pilot seat and said with a smile, "I can't leave, I'm the man servant."

He checked sensors and said, "No Cardassians within passive sensor range."

Alanna grinned at Jason before turning to Bri. "See? I have a Jason. Who could ask for more?"

"Isn't there a song in that?" Bri asked.

"You mean, I got music, I got rhythm, I got my guy who could ask for anything more??" Alanna sang. "Yep."

Alanna took the long way, heading away from the colony, then around to Bag End, keeping an eye out for Cardassians and Xi'Cadians as they went.

When they were safely in the small shuttle bay, she closed the top, shut down the shuttle, and turned to Sabina. "Here are some ground rules. Inside the shuttle bay and the research cabin you're shielded from scans. So far, anyway. Outside you're not. So, stay inside during the day and only go out when necessary. Be sure no one isn't around when you do. I have scientific research here that can't be found by the Cardassians. Understood?"

Sabina nodded eagerly; she didn't want to do anything that might bring down the enemy.

Alanna picked up the sleeping squirrel-cat and led them into the passage leading to Bag End and set the alarm. "The cabin has three levels. Tam and three Romulan scientists are on the bottom floor. Bri, you can take the room on the main floor. Jason and I have the rooms on the top."

Brianthe nodded. She usually stayed in the spare room on the top floor, but the main floor was good enough. "That works.

Alanna nodded and led them through the passage into the hidden storage room and up to the third floor. She stepped aside so Sabina could go in first and find her father.

Brianthe followed.

Sabina was pushing through the door before it was even half open, Dad!?

Hearing his daughter call out to him, even when he was unconscious, Tam bolted upright in bed. He could feel her close by! Alanna and Jason had brought her to him! I'm here, Little One!! Feelings of joy and happiness flooded through over his transmitted thoughts to her.

Sabina flung herself at him, not wanting to let go, overwhelmed with relief that he was alive and she wasn't alone. She hadn't any words, just wanted her father to hold her and promise not to leave her again.

Tam's arms locked around his baby as they embraced. It's okay, sweetheart! You're safe now!! Tears of joy poured down his face as they continued to hold each other. But, why in the name of the Goddesses did you come down here?!

I couldn't stay. I could feel something was wrong and I couldn't stay.

That was an incredibly brave thing to do. Tam transmitted to Sabina as they continued to embrace. Then he moved her out a nit, so he could look in her eyes. Foolish! But very brave. Your mother would have done the same thing. He sighed and smiled at her. I am VERY proud of you, Sweetheart! he pulled her back in for another embrace.

Brianthe stayed back, waiting to make sure everything seemed to go well with Sabina and her dad before finding her own quarters.

Alanna looked at Jason. "Should we go see if there's any news?"

"Well, not sure if there will be any news yet, but I think we can give them some space", Jason said with a smile.

"Agreed. I think we could use some space, too. We still need to lie low until nightfall." And she needed to put the squirrel-cat in a cage with some food before it woke up.

"That sounds like a good plan", Jason said with a smile.

With another glance at the new arrivals, Alanna headed upstairs with Jason.

Jason followed Alanna. His mind was racing with all the different impacts this move by the Cardassians was going to have. The portals would be affected, the general politics of the region, he also wondered if the Fae would do anything. What would the Federation do? How large of a reinforcement group would the Cardassians bring. And what would come from the aftermath.

Brianthe waited long enough to make sure all was well with Sabina and her father. It had been a long morning, and she wanted a nap before the group decided what their next steps would be. She also hoped that coming here was the right move for her. The others had a purpose, but she was just a botanist. It didn't matter now, as she doubted she'd be able to get back onto the station, but she hoped she'd be useful.

"Please, wait..." Tam called out to the beautiful woman who had arrived with his Sabina. "Did...did you protect my little girl all the way down here?"

She turned to him and smiled. "I helped her get down here," she corrected. There really hadn't been much protection needed. "She was determined enough to have found her way eventually." She smiled at the girl. "Sabina knew which direction you were in, and I figured you were here. Alanna said you sent her to find your daughter, so I really didn't do much."

Tam told Sabina to wait a moment, as he released her from his embrace. He extended his right hand to her. "Tam Haican. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss...?"

She took his hand. "Oaxaca. Brianthe Oaxaca, but you can call me Bri. It's nice to meet you." She glanced at Sabina, then back to Tam. "You have a determined daughter--and with a day like today, it's a very good thing."

Tam found the softness and warmth of Brianthe's hand. Also, when their hands touched, he felt an electric current run up and down his spine. Gently, he pulled her hand up, as he bent down some, his deep black eyes swimming over her features. Je softly kissed the back of her knuckles and then stood up, still holding her hand in his. It felt...natural, as if their hands had been designed to hold the other.

"She's a lot like her mother," Tam replied quietly as he took a half step closer, feeling the heat that Brianthe's body was giving off. He also detected a delicate perfume. Whatever the flavor, it complemented her beauty perfectly. "I..uh," he suddenly stammered slightly, unsure just how to really talk to beautiful, intelligent women anymore. "I am very thankful, nonetheless. I hope I can repay your kindness one day soon, Bri."

Her hand tingled where he kissed it. It was an old-world gesture she was unaccustomed to. "You don't need to repay me. I was happy to help. I just hope I didn't take her out of the frying pan and into the fire."

Tam smiled as he replied. "Knowing my daughter, as I do, she would have found a much more dangerous way of getting down here. She has her mother's courage and my stubbornness. So, the fact that you made sure she was safe all the way down, means the world to me." The admiration in his eyes and voice was plain and open. He leaned in and softly kissed Brianthe on her right cheek. "Thank you, Bri," he whispered into her ear.

"Thank you," she said, feeling a little awkward at his effusive praise. "I should let you two talk." She wasn't sure how safe they'd be on the planet with the Cardassians in control, but she understood that Sabina would be more at ease being with her father.

Tam nodded and stepped back, not wanting to make Brianthe uncomfortable. He then turned back to Sabina and took her to the room she would be using.

Brianthe watched them go, then went upstairs. She hoped she'd be able to get more information about what was going on from the computer. She wasn't tired, but maybe she'd be able to rest later. Either way, it was going to be a long day.


Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer & Rabble Rouser
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space 5

Captain Tam "Demon" Haican
327th Starfighter Group The Guardians

Jason Haines
Deep Space 5's Resident Beach Bum

Sabina Haican
[NPC by Soran]


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