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Misdirection (part III of III)

Posted on Tue Oct 5, 2021 @ 10:12pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Sha'rae Astare

1,738 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Lasuma Enterprises slip. Deck 1009
Timeline: MD04 1130

Lasuma Docks

Dorian and Soran had emerged from the Jefferies tube access and were within sight of the yacht being used for the evacuation. Hiding behind several cargo containers. Geral's personal yacht was under lockdown.

A pair of Cardassians scanned those evacuating and their belongings as they were cleared by another Cardassian. The lift from the yatch's cargo bay lowered and the final batch of evacuees began loading. They weren't going to have much time.

Shar'ae approached the entrance and she moved past the few remaining evacuees and intended to walk passed the sentries. As expected they immediated stopped what they were doing and detained her.

"STOP. You can't enter here without authorization."

Shar'ae laid on the arogance. "I can enter here if I choose. This dock is operated by Lasuma Enterprises. I am the personal assistant to Geral Lasuma, who has graciously loaned one of his personal yacht and several of his cargo transports to help expedite the evacuation so you all can do whatever you intend to do on this station. Besides I have already been through your screening Now get out of my way!"

One of them just grinned at her. "I doubt that, since we haven't even started, and even if you hadnt just baldly lied to us, you can't go anywhere anyway. No ships will be permitted to leave until we've accounted for all the senior Starfleet officers. So run along, or we'll assume you want to stay."

Shar'ae stared at the pair indignantly putting he hands on her hips. "I don't know when YOU started but, If you'd bother to check your list there you will see that not only have I been previusly cleared, but have been coming back and forth with evacuees and supplies for the ship all morning." Waging her finger at the Cardassian with the padd. Now why don't actually look at that little manifest your making, look for Lasuma Enterprises representative Shar'ae Astare, and get out of my way."

Dorian was watching the exchange at the dock entrance. "Shar is starting to argue with them. When she has the attention of all three, get to the loading platform and hide amongst the evacuees."

Maritza peered over her shoulder. There were a number of starfleet personell waiting. Mostly in teal and mustard, but also a group of maybe a dozen in red. "Those are very small odds."

Dorian had to concede her point but if they were going to get her off this was their best least currently. "Loose the uniform top. You can then blend with the rest. I'm not seeing any civilians so they are either already aboard, or still waiting. That's agood thing if you ask me because those are your people. The sight of you alive will no doubt boost their spirits and unite them to hide you. Better get ready to move."

Maritza nodded, reaching back to unzip her uniform top and pull the garment over her head casting it aside so she just wore her tank top. It was time to go.

:: Back at the enttance::

Shar'ae saw Maritza make her move and she raised her game. "LOOK! Do we need to get Gul Vakor down here to clear this up? I'm sure he would be more than happy to stop whatever he is doing to deal with this issue. I have have identified myself, and whom I work for. Have you even bothered to check and verify who I am or are all of you just hoping to be able to detain me in hopes of catching a glimmer?"

The Cardassian ran a finger along her shoulder, pushing the strap of her shirt down. "If we detain you, we'll be getting more than just a glimmer..."

Shar'ae had their clear attention now, and Maritza broke cover, hurrying across to the waiting officers. As she reached them, she saw several of them recognise her, and she quickly put a finger to her lips, she couldn't risk being found now. "Everything will be fine," she assured them. "Just stay calm, once we're off station, we can make some plans. For now, just pretend to be beaten." She let her crew cluster around her, providing the sanctuary of the herd. Now she had to hope they'd all be pushed on board without too much scrutiny.

:: Back at the entrance ::

Sha'rae stifled her revulsion and stepped towards the guard. Running her own fingers up his torso to the edge of his uniform near his throat she pulled him to her. His confident smirk turning her stomach.

As his face neared hers her other hand swung forward gripping his crotch in a vice grip. "Try it and there isn't a doctor anywhere that will be able to fix these," squeezing harder. "Now...let me pass. I have evacuees to babysit and a ship to look after before returning to the station."

Dorian was watching everything and as predicted her crew moved to conceal her and Sha'rae was...holding her own.

Sha'rae released her grip and walked passed the Cardassians without looking back and stepped onto the cargo platform. As soon as she was on the lift operator began raising the platform.

Lasuma's yatchs had only been on the station for just over a day and hadn't even been named yet but it was time to leave and they had to use something. Sha'rae had left the evacuees and entered the bridge and the flight crew look to her as the senior Lasuma rep.

Looking at their questioning gaze, "Why aren't we leaving?"

"The ship doesn't have name..."

"Seriously....shit. Uhmmm...the Revelry. This way supposed to tbe the company party yatch. Sounds to be abt enough. Just hope it gets to be used as intended."

The yatch's flight crew noddedand turned back to their consoles. "Lasuma Enterprises Yatch Revelry to Traffic Control, permission to leave." The captain of the yacht asked.

"Granted," came the breif reply, and the sleek vessel backed out of the docking bay. Clear of the superstructure, the Revelry began its turn away, ready to head to the Dyson facility.

Sha'rae breathed a breath of relief and turned to let Maritza know where they were heading when everything fell apart.

It had barely got a thousand kilometers when the ship was hailed. "Revelry, we have detected trill life signs on board your vessel. Return to dock immediately."

Sha'rae turned sharply. "Stall them!", as she bolted down to and through the atrium and the other evacuees.


"Traffic control, we are loaded to capacity with Federation evacuees. That also includes any who may be Trill. All our passengers were cleared by your sentries."

Cargo bay

Finally finding the Captain Sha'rae got her attention. "We got trouble."

Maritza looked up from where she was talking with two fleet ensigns in engineering yellow. "Trouble? What sort of trouble?"

"The station's traffic control center want us to turn back. Their sensors detected Trill biosigns."

"That's not possible. I've got a -" Maritza's hand went to the scrambler Torel had pinned to her jacket, and then realised her jacket was back in the crawl ways. "Shit." What were her options. "If you can get just a little further out from the station I can jettison in an escape pod. They'd be more interested in chasing me than you, and if you can get out to the Breaking yards, you'll have protection of numbers."


Sweating and wwith trembling hands the yatch's pilot followed his instructions. Clearing the station's docking ring they continued out merging with the other evacuating ships, as they sent out a call for help.

== To any friendly vessels! This is Lasuma Enterprises Yacht. We are loaded with cleared evacuees and are being harassed by Cardassian authorities ording us to return the the station. We require... ==

The signal stopped abruptly as jamming took effect.

Yacht Cargo bay

Sha'rae shook her head. "You'd be a sitting duck in a pod....I got a better idea. Come with me!"

Maritza turned with her. "What's the plan?"

Together they pushed through the sea of evacuees and rushed to the yacht's excursion hanger.

"Alright, now what?" Maritza asked.

Moving just under the hanger doors Sha'rae waved to one of the yacht's excursion craft. "Geral made sure this thing came fully equipped. These little jewels are fast and highly maneuverable....according to the brochure. And we have three."

"Slightly better than a pod." the sleek little crafts looked fragile, designed for speed and sport in safe environments, but that speed alone meant they beat out the escape pods by a country mile. "It will do. At least it has shields. Tell Geral thank you, and please, don't let him do anything stupid. "

With that, Maritza slid into the pilots seat, and sealed the ships. The surface was only a thousand kilometers away. All she had to do was get clear of the shields. That would be easy enough, but then she'd be in the middle of whatever ships were out there. See could only hope for a few moments of cover. Firing up the thrusters, she accelerated out of the hangar and away from the ship.

Almost immediately, alarms started firing, as She realised that everything was very very close, and various gun ships were locking weapons onto a vehicle with minimal shields. It didn't matter. She only needed a few moments. She programmed a trajectory towards the surface, aiming to crash it down to the east of the Colony. Then she went to the transporter, and started scanning for a site. The control panel scanned, but was quick to advise that atmospheric conditions were unsafe.

A sudden jolt sent her stumbling against the bulkhead. Tractor beam she realised. "Computer, overide, beam me down, then scuttle this vehicle."

"Beaming is not advised under current atmospheric conditions." The computer replied.

She was moving backwards now. There was no overcoming the beam. "Understood. Do it anyway. Now."

For a second nothing happened. She felt the familiar fizzing sensation in her stomach as the beam began to work, and she closed her eyes, hoping she'd get to open them again.

Two seconds after that, the little craft exploded in a ball of plasma.


Captain Maritza Soran

Sha'rae Astare
NPC - Valet for Geral Lasuma

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard & Henchman
[NPC by Lasuma]


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