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Reunion (Part II)

Posted on Tue Sep 21, 2021 @ 7:47am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Captain Maritza Soran & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian Sabina Haican

1,330 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD04 1030?


They were almost in range of the colony when the sensors picked up two females, one about Sabina's age and one adult. They were heading in the direction of Bag End. "A little closer and we can land," Alanna said. Flying cloaked was one thing, using the transporter would definitely attract attention. She found a clearing with no signs of any other humanoids nearby except for the two females, and they were still several kilometers away. However, one of the females did feel familiar.


"One Betazoid and one Solarian", Jason said, reading the scan information. The layout was definitely different from a Starfleet console. "If I am reading this right. "I don't see any Cardassians near them. We better get out there in case any of the wildlife decides there has been enough excitement for one day."

"That would be Brianthe and Tam's daughter," Alanna said, finding a closer place to land. He had a good point about wild animals--especially as many would have been displaced by the fighting.

When she was in telepathic range of Brianthe, she sent her a message that they were almost there.

On the ground, Brianthe heard Alanna. "My friend is almost here," she told Sabina. "We'll meet them over here." She changed course to head to where Alanna would land.

Sabina had hesitated for a moment, her mind stretching, until she could feel a familiar touch, then she took off running, overtaking the botanist and heading for the landing ground. "My dad is this way!"

OOC: Tam isn't on the shuttle. He collapsed and was left behind.

Jason felt weird not having the bow he had practiced with for a month, but had to leave behind when he helped the Romulans. It seemed almost wrong now to have a phaser along with his staff, which he had strapped to his back in its shortened state, which made it easier to conceal. He looked to Alanna.

"Do you have a canteen or something like that?", he asked her. "It's a bit of a hike for everyone."

"I do. There should be fresh water to refill it if needed." She indicated the small pack she carried over one shoulder. "Bri and Sabina are headed this way." She'd gotten used to being on Pangaea and its temporal ripples. What she didn't expect was felt right now. It was like there's been a slight buzz in her paracortex and now it was gone.

Jason got the canteen, filled it, and said, "Come on. Let's get to them before Cardassians pick them up. One fight with them today is enough for me."

Alanna had yet to be in any fights and she wasn't looking to change that. She nodded and followed him.

As they got closer, Alanna reached out telepathically to Brianthe to let her know they were coming.

Jason pulled out his older tricorder, the one he knew was clean and scanned the area.

"We have some larger life forms in the tree-line area", Jason said. "I am not sure what they are as I haven't encountered them before."

He handed the tricorder to Alanna.

"Recognize any of the readings?", he asked.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen anything like this before, either. I wonder where they came from?" She hoped they were some form of primate and not something the Cardassians were using to track runaways. "Actually, they look more like a cross between a squirrel and a cat, but they're the size of a monkey."

'Great, a monkey-squirrel cat", Jason said as they started to walk in the direction of Brianthe and Tam's daughter. "It will fling poop at you and claw your face off."

"Could be interesting," Alanna teased. "Maybe It wants to come back with us?" In truth, she would love to learn more about whatever it was. She'd never seen a creature like it before.

"I think we should probably keep the zoo trip on the back burner for now", Jason said.

Not far away, Brianthe turned to Sabina. "My friends, Alanna and Jason, are coming. They'll take us to your father."

Sabina nodded. She could feel her father much more strongly now, he wasn't far away. Like weight was slowly falling off her.

Jason and Alanna appeared from a clump of trees. "Hi," Alanna said telepathically. "Anyone need a lift?"

Brianthe grinned. "Definitely."

When they got closer, she spoke to Sabina. "I'm Alanna and this is Jason. We can take you to your father."

"Hi", Jason said. raising his hand.

Nervously, Sabina raised a hand in greeting. It was a good sign that there were friends here, but she wouldn't be happy until she saw her dad.

As they headed back toward the shuttle, Alanna became aware of something in pain nearby. She looked at her tricorder, wondering if it was someone fleeing the battle, but the only life sign that wasn't a bird or insect was the creature she'd sensed before. It was reading like a cross between a squirrel and a cat.

"Should we?" Brianthe asked quietly. "I feel it, too."

Alanna glanced at Jason and Sabina, then responded to Bri. "Yes. It's on the way."

"What, that thing the tricorder picked up?", Jason asked, his hand going to his staff.

"Yes." Alanna put a hand on his arm. "It's wounded. We need to help it."

"Yes." Brianthe agreed. She could feel its pain and fear.

"We just need to give it some medical treatment and let it go. I don't think it lives here; I think it ran from the fighting."

Jason said, "Not so sure about this, but I will follow your lead."

Alanna wasn't so sure, either, but she'd never seen this species before and it was in pain. "Thank you," she said to Jason.

She went closer to the tree it was in, projecting calm thoughts. It seemed intelligent, but she had no idea what it would understand. "I want to help you," she said, her tone warm and soothing. "I have food and medicine."

She could fell that it was scared and angry. As she got closer, it backed away, chittering angrily. "You're going to make me do this the hard way," she said.

"No, I will," Brianthe said. She figured with the creature focusing its attention on Alanna, she had a better chance of catching it off-guard. She slowly pulled out a small phaser and stunned it.

The squirrel-cat fell sideways out of the tree, unconscious.

Alanna hurried over to it. "It's alive, but one of its back legs is injured." She carefully picked it up. "Let's get back to the shuttle before it wakes up and bites me."

She led them through the trees to where the shuttle was hidden, careful not to make any loud noises. Once inside, she replicated a cage and gently put the creature--squirrel-cat, she decided--in. Then she gave it food and water for when it woke up.

"Now that we're here, what brought you down to Pangaea?" Alanna asked.

"I'm looking for my dad." Sabina said quickly. "I think he's somewhere nearby. I can feel him."

"Tam?" Alanna asked. "And you're Sabina? Yes. He's at my cabin. We'll take you to him."

The teenager immediately felt half a ton lighter knowing her father was alive and safe "Thank you!"

"You heard the station has fallen?" Brianthe asked.

Alanna nodded. "The Marines blew the entrance to the portal complex. We don't know if they're still inside or not."

"Are you sure it's safe to stay here?" Bri asked.

"No, but I'm not leaving," Alanna said, turning to her seat. "I need to be here." She sat down and started to prep the shuttle.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer and Rabble Rouser

Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

Captain Tam "Demon" Haican
327th Starfighter Group The Guardians

Jason Haines
DS5 Resident Beach Bum

Serena Haican
Tam's Daughter
Deep Space 5


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