
  • 9 Mission Posts

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Fri Mar 18, 2022 @ 8:01am

Civilian Sabina Haican

Name Sabina Haican

Position Retired NPC

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 14
Date of Birth 10 June 2380

Physical Appearance

Height 5'1"
Weight 98 lbs
Hair Color Reddish Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Very pretty by any standard, Sabina has the look of a young woman who is quickly growing out of childhood and into adulthood.

She keeps her hair dark and long, though sometimes, she might add a red or lavender streak to it, depending on how she feels.

Her eyes, like all Betazoids, are quite dark. Hers, unfortunately, also carry the pain of having one's family torn apart. Her mother and little brother dead, and her father struggling to keep things as they used to be.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Capt Tam Haican (38, CAG, 327th Starfighter Group "The Guardians"
Mother 1Lt Verena Haican (40 K.I.A.)
Brother(s) Revin (5 years - killed)
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Has seen too much pain for one so young. Despite this, she is still a loving, caring, empathicyoung woman. Unfortunately, she is alsoa teenager, with a rebellious streak nearly as wide as Klingon control space. She has been in her fair share of trouble over the years, though, the reasons weren't to simply be truant. She was begging for her father to see her, hear her, feel her pain as she feels it. Through it all, he only ever seemed to be disappointed in her. There was an occasional good day, but, he always seemed to choose his job over her.
Strengths & Weaknesses +highly intelligent
+high level hacking skills
+can fly a shuttle (mostly)
+mature for her age

-has committed several misdemeanors in the past
-too smart for her own good
-tends to take on more than she can fully handle
-afraid she will be alone one day
Ambitions To grow up into a woman that her father, Tam, would finally be proud of.
Hobbies & Interests Hacking, reading, swimming, singing, hanging with her friends (when she has them), boys, learning new things, boys.
Languages Betazed, Federation Standard

Service Record No Service History

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]