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Reunion (Part I)

Posted on Wed Sep 15, 2021 @ 12:50am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & R'gelis Stadi & Tannis Tarkelion & Captain Maritza Soran & Captain Tam "Demon" Haican & Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian Sabina Haican

1,292 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD04 1000


Alanna was too wired to sleep. She pulled all the data she had on Pangaea to rebuild the map and look for likely locations for caves. They would need to find some suitable for long-term habitation, and they needed to have a source of clean water. She'd get a better idea when she took the shuttle out, but she wanted to have an idea of where to go first.

She felt Tam's agitation and went downstairs, hoping there wasn't another problem with his daughter. She found him pacing the common room. "Is something wrong?"

Tam seemed lost in thought and didn't hear Alanna fully. "Hmm? Oh! Sorry. I hope I didn't wake you." He stopped pacing and looked honestly regretful.

"I wasn't asleep. What's up?"

Tam looked concerned. "Remember how I felt that Sabina was about to do something really stupid? Well, as my connection to her is getting stronger, that only means one thing. She's coming down to Pangaea!" He exhaled angrily after he finished speaking.

Alanna stared at him for a moment. "Coming here? How? It's too dangerous to come here." Surely she wasn't trying to come here on her own.

Tam shook his head. "I don't know. She's still too far for us to communicate fully. All I know is that she is getting closer."

Alanna sighed. "Then there's not much we can do at this point but wait and see if--and where--she lands."

Tam shook his head, an unhappy look on his face. "No, you are correct, there is absolutely nothing I can do. But she will find that I am not very happy with her decision."

"I imagine not, but the first priority is to get her here safely--if we can. After that, feel free to be a parent."

The statement actually made Tam grin, despite his worry. Chuckling softly, he replied. "Heh. Thanks, Alanna. That actually helped, in a...weird way."

"Good." She grinned. "Do you know how she plans to get down here?"

Shaking his head, the Betazoid replied. "No. Though, I suppose the only way she could, would be to stowaway on shuttle that was heading down here to extract the civilian population."

"Then we'll need to contact someone at the colony," Alanna said. "If she'll reach out to any of them. Maybe your best bet is to contact her telepathically?"

[Somewhere north of the colony]

Do you know where your dad is?" Brianthe asked after the shuttle was gone. "My friend's place is a bit of a walk from here. If you can't contact him, I'll take you with me. I can't leave you here alone, and I can't stay very long."

Sabina took a deep breath, trying to recall all the exercises she'd been forced through by her dad. So far apart, there wouldn't be any real words to hear, just instinct and sensation. "She closed her eyes and pressed her fingers to her ears, trying to cut out the distractions of the physical world around her. "That way." She decided, pointing vaguely to the North East. "I think. I'll know once we go a little way and can feel any changes."

Brianthe stared at Sabina for a moment. "Northeast? And a distance away? I know where he is."

The teenager looked at the older woman, surprised. "You do? How?"

"Because my friend lives up there. I have no idea why your father is there, too, but we need to get closer so I can make contact with her."

"Okay." Sabina said, picking up her small bag. "Just tell me where to walk."

Brianthe took a moment to check her bearings. "This way," she said and slipped into the woods.

[Alanna's Research Cabin]

Tam suddenly felt a spike of concentration from Sabina. She was on the planet and looking for him! "Alanna, she's on the surface!" Closing his eyes, he concentrated on his little girl, trying to send her a homing beacon of sorts. While she was still just too far to hear her thoughts, he tried to focus his mind as much as he could. Dropping to his knees, a trickle of blood started to flow from his right nostril.

"Don't push. Tell her we'll come get her," Alanna said, concerned by his overexertion. "We're too far away right now."

"I'll...I'll try..." Tam grunted from the strain that he was putting on his mind. Rationally, he knew it was dangerous. However, as a parent who knew their child was in danger, rational thought left the equation.

After a few moments, the strain finally won out, causing him to collapse in a heap, opening his eyes, he tried to catch his breath, as he looked at Alanna and said, his voice weak from the exertion, "She...they...they're in the...northern fields...of the colony." Closing his eyes and swallowing , he continued. "Sabina and...and a woman of gold..." he then passed out.

"A woman of gold?" Alanna had no idea who he meant, but she knew where the fields were. There was nothing for it but to get Sabina--and whoever this woman of gold was.

She used her telepathy to make sure his mind was okay, then made Tam comfortable. "R'gelis? Can you get him to his room?" she asked.

The Romulan nodded. "Does he need a doctor?"

"No. Mental overexertion. He needs to rest. If he wakes before I return, tell him I'm getting his daughter."

"His daughter?" R'gelis asked.

"She's near the colony." Alanna ran upstairs. She'd need Jason's help for this.

Feeling the comforting thought from Alanna, Tam regained just enough consciousness to help R'gelis get him to his room. Once he was on the bed, he passed back out.

"What's going on?" Jason asked as he stirred.

Alanna quickly explained about Tam. Then she added, "I think she's headed this way, and that would mean that Brianthe is either with her, or sent her here. We have to get her--or them--before the Cardassians or Xi'Cadians do. I can take the shuttle and use the cloak. If I stay far enough north, I should manage to get close enough to land and then go after them."

"Ok", Jason said. "Let's get going."

She nodded and grabbed a bag with a small blowgun and tranquilizer darts, just in case. She'd been practicing with them lately and was getting pretty good.

"Sabina is a 14-year-old Betazoid. The shuttle should be able to pick up her life signs when we get within range. I'll recognize Brianthe when we get closer, if she's the one bringing the girl this way," Alanna said as they went back down the stairs.

She stopped on the lower floor to let R'gelis know where they were going. "Keep Tam here. He's in no condition to join us." And she was afraid he'd be too eager to get his daughter. She couldn't blame him, but right now, stealth was crucial.

"I understand," the Romulan replied. "Good fortune."

Jason nodded to R'gelis.

They were almost in range of the colony when the sensors picked up two females, one about Sabina's age and one adult. They were heading in the direction of Bag End. "A little closer and we can land," Alanna said. Flying cloaked was one thing, using the transporter would definitely attract attention. She found a clearing with no signs of any other humanoids nearby except for the two females, and they were still several kilometers away. However, one of the females did feel familiar.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

R'gelis Staadi
Romulan Scientist

Tannis Tarkelion
Romulan Temporal Scientist

Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

Captain Tam "Demon" Haican
327th Starfighter Group The Guardians

Jason Haines
Deep Space 5's Resident Beach Bum

Sabina Haican
NPC by Maritza Soran


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