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Opal and Lotus

Posted on Wed Jul 28, 2021 @ 6:54am by Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Civilian Opal Oliver (Deceased) Dr
Edited on on Wed Jul 28, 2021 @ 6:55am

3,670 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: The Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD 5/1430

The Lotus Lounge was a very discreet establishment. It was tucked away in a private little corner of the Promenade that got little extraneous traffic. A beautiful lotus flower painted on darkened glass was the only signage, no name or advertising as to the function of the establishment. It existed on word of mouth references between patrons. The automatic dark glass doors led into a comfortable lobby with soft, overstuffed furniture and a long, dark wood counter. From this side of the glass one could look out on the Promenade, though it was impossible to look into the establishment from outside. The scent of the place hit one first, filling one’s senses, sending pleasure buzzing along one’s nerve endings. It was heady, arousing.

Behind the counter stood a male and a female Rowa’ni. The female had bright blue hair cascading down her back and Andorian antennae and Trill spotting, her figure voluptuous and enticing beneath her nearly sheer pale blue dress that molded to her figure, emphasizing her features. The male had pointed Vulcanoid ears and Bajoran nose ridges. His moss-soft green hair curled with delicate attractiveness at his collar. He was bare-chested, wearing only an open vest and loose, flowing pants of the same nearly sheer material in white. They stood with PADDS talking to customers, greeting regulars, and taking information from new patrons so the Lounge could best serve their desires. Fresh fruit was on offer on a tray, along with pure, clean water.

Behind the counter was a simple paper screen illustrated with beautiful flowers and birds that separated the front lobby from the main club. The screen ended a few feet before the walls to create open doorways. Near each entrance in the screen was a burly Rowa’ni male, one with Klingon features and rose pink hair, the other with Cardassian features and violet hair, though both with the fresh green skin of the Rowa’ni and dressed in the same pants and vest. Their green eyes kept a constant vigil on the patrons entering and leaving the glass doors of the Lounge.

A Rowa’ni with long, slightly curling hair in a deep rose red entered the lobby area from behind the screen. She had pointed ears and a slightly Romulan cast to her features, it seemed. She was tall, with a voluptuous body with plenty of soft, enticing curves and an innocent, angelic, youthful appearance. Her quick green eyes noted that the two front desk workers were busy with other patrons and so she approached Opal.

“Welcome to The Lotus Lounge,” she said. Or we can converse this way, if you prefer, she offered telepathically, noting Opal was Betazed. Her mental voice had the warmth of a summer sun, the smell of a spring rain, and the slight rustle of a warm breeze through leaves underlying it. I am Tianys Dalav’ni, Matron of this establishment. And how may we fulfill your desires?

Surprised, but not unpleasantly, by the telepathic approach, Opal replied in normal speech, but with a wave of empathic response to fill in the extra dimension that Humans couldn't usually share. Sending out a warm acceptance of the lovely woman's welcome, she spoke softly, understanding the aura of this place and the Rowan'i, where loud voices would not only be unnecessary, but actually inappropriate here.

"Hello, Tianys. My name is Opal Oliver. I'm sorry that my Betazoid skills are only half that with which my heritage might have bestowed me. I can only offer out empathy, but I can manage a basic understanding of what you might tell me telepathically and thus allow at least one side of our conversation to remain inaudible to many who might otherwise overhear us." A gentle wave of apologetic emotion and a positive aura accepting of her own shortcomings in the Betazoid genes she had been born with, wafted around her.

As it was, Opal didn't really mind not being fully telepathic because she recognised the training and work those abilities put onto a Betazoid child and emerging adult in order to wall off unwanted side effects and so on. She was happy with her Human side too, especially when it offered her better closeness with Caleb.

"I am here because someone called Eve told me to come and find her here. I'm afraid I've never met the lady, so I can't describe her, but I hope you might know who I mean and can direct me to find her please?" she explained.

Tianys smiled. “You are enough of a telepath to allow me to converse that way,” she assured Opal. “Rowa’ni are otherwise not able to connect that way with Humans and other non-gifted species.” She shrugged her slender shoulders. “As for this Eve,” Opal felt at the edge of her mind a soft, warm breeze, the edge of telepathic communication, but a bit more, and the young woman handed Tianys a PADD, which the woman checked. “We do not have anyone here currently registered under that name, but pseudonyms are not uncommon at the Lotus,” she said with a smile. “I can get you registered and start a tab, and then you can feel free to go and mingle. Unfortunately business has dropped off with the occupation, but a few of our regulars still come.”

Tianys tapped in what information Opal had already given, name and species. “Some of the items are a bit personal, but everything at the Lotus is confidential,” she said, handing the PADD top Opal to finish filling out. The questionnaire was designed to ascertain her pleasure preferences, including preferred intoxicants, any sexual fetishes, and preferences in attractiveness by choosing from lists of holographs of subjects she found attractive.

Opal looked at the PADD and shook her head in confusion. "I'm sorry," she said. "I seem to have been brought here on a misunderstanding. I was told to meet this Eve person here. I have not come to partake of anything you offer other than that meeting. If you haven't got anyone here of that name, then I might be able to wait for her?" It was a long shot, as this didn't seem like the kind of place where one waited for a meet up, as whatever was required was very apparently fully available without need to 'bring a friend,' as it were. Opal wondered for a second if Caleb was here, but then if she asked for him outright and he was in hiding, what sort of a disaster could that become?

Handing the PADD back politely, Opal excused herself with thanks for the hospitality and went back to the door. Perhaps she was meant to wait outside for this Eve? It seemed unlikely, and it wasn't what Opal had understood from the instructions, but clearly this wasn't what she was here for, and the hostess wasn't interested in finding her the Eve person, only enrolling her for this club, whatever it was.

Opal had a heavy heart as she walked across the reception area towards the door, her disappointment at finding this tenuous lead to be a dead end and her hopes of finding Caleb apparently as dashed as they had begun yesterday. She decided to return to Sickbay. It seemed to be the only option left to her now. With her head hung low, but not as low as her heart, she moved as if in physical pain, which was what it actually felt like to her on the inside, but she needed to find some new clues, so as she got nearer the door her resolve returned and she quickened her step. Caleb was not a prize to give up on. He was her universe. She would find him.

“I am sorry. There is no Eve currently in the Lounge, but you may wait for her, if you like,” Tianys said, though Opal was already walking away. “Please come again,” the Rowa’ni hostess said sweetly.

Then, in Opal’s mind, Stay. Eve will find you, Tianys instructed, though she had already turned her back and stopped at the front desk, ostensibly mind-talking to one of the workers.

Opal stopped walking as her mind heard the instruction to stay. She turned back and returned to the Reception. "On second thought," she said, "I would like to have a meal, after all. I am very hungry. Do you serve meals? May I see a menu?"

Tianys smiled and handed over a PADD. “We do not serve meals, but some guests do like a little snack. Some of our products give do the Humans say? The munchies.”

Most of the menu items consisted of finger foods, chips and dip, guacamole, or salsa, nachos, small pastries, and a few simple sandwiches. “That is in house. I can send to several of the Promenade restaurants for take away, if you like.”

"Yes please," Opal accepted the latter. She was very hungry and didn't really feel she wanted to be here at all, but if she must then she would prefer something substantial and preferably prepared elsewhere. This place did not feel like she could trust what might happen to her here, and she wanted to be at her best when she met the mysterious "Eve".

Completely out of her comfort zone and desperate to find out what was happening to Caleb, Opal was not only feeling vulnerable in circumstances she would not have chosen to find herself, but also frustrated that she was here to meet someone who was very elusive and secret, all under the cloud of the invading Cardassians as well. There was nothing to feel easy or comfortable about right now. It was wearing her nerves thin and making her feel very vulnerable.

"I would love a Bajoran hasperat souffle if possible, please?" she asked, “And some Terran tea, Rooibosh with milk, thank you."

“Of course,” Tianys said. “We will make arrangements. Go ahead into the lounge, Dr. Oliver.” She gestured to the openings in the bamboo wall behind reception, and the large Rowa’ni by one of them stepped aside for her with a smile.

As Opal passed close to the green-skinned aliens, their scent hit her, heavily floral and fruity. It filled her senses, making her blood run hot as it stimulated her pleasure centers, reminding of her how much she missed Caleb and his touch on her body, causing pleasurable physical reactions which in turn made her sad that she couldn't be with him. A mixed contradiction of physical pleasure and emotional pain.

The lounge beyond was dimly lit. There were several private little alcoves set up, each with its own soft lighting that could be independently controlled. They had very comfortable sink into leather chairs, holo-tables, and privacy shields. As Tianys had mentioned, clientele was low, with only a few patrons scattered about the room. Most were lounging back, lost in their own little worlds of chemically induced pleasure. A few stared in fascination at light displays from the holo-tables designed to enhance the psychedelic experience, along with soft music. Naked Rowa’ni men and women moved around the room with small trays of colored drinks and edibles, small mushrooms, mosses, and pills. A few Rowa’ni were cuddled up on couches with patrons, heavily petting. Before anything went too far, though, the alien would lead the patron up a set of stairs to the private pleasure rooms. The entire room was filled with the lust-inducing scent of the Rowa’ni.

As Opal took a seat in an alcove, the privacy shield activated, immediately dampening sound outside the booth, and a small instructional holo began showing her how to activate menu access, music, light shows, or call for an attendant or a companion. Soon after, a beautiful young naked Rowa’ni girl with purple hair streaked with pink, Bajoran nose ridges, and Vulcanoid ears arrived at Opal’s table with a tray of the colored drinks and edibles.

“Can I offer you anything?” the girl said. She couldn’t be more than sixteen, though she had the confidence of sexual maturity. “We have anything from mood enhancers to psychedelics. How long an experience do you wish? I particularly recommend the blue with the green,” she said, indicating a blue-colored shot and a green pill. “The firemoss or the purple mushroom also go well with it. Or if you like, I can help you arrange a companion,” she offered. “Some company to pass the time.” She smiled sweetly, all innocent sexuality.

"No thank you. I'll wait for my hasperat souffle, and I certainly don't want any company, thanks, unless it's a woman called Eve who has lured me here on what are now appearing to be false pretences, as far as I can tell." Opal was getting annoyed as well as frustrated. She was aching to be with Caleb, and she knew that the added intensity of her desires was being generated here even though she hadn't taken any of the chems or snacks.

"Wait, there is something you can do for me, if you would, please? I need to see this Eve person. I wonder if you'd kindly go and take a look around for her -- or keep an eye out in reception for her arrival if she's not actually here yet? That would be wonderful, thank you." Opal was feeling the temperature rising in her blood as her desperation for Caleb intensified. These strange people were hypnotic, but Opal was diverted by her feelings for Caleb, and it was just driving her nuts to be messed with in this unkind way. Unkind to her, but clearly a great deal of pleasure to most others, but that just made it feel worse to Opal.

“I am here to please,” the girl said. “I do not know your Eve, but I will have the Matriarch keep an eye out for her,” the girl said. “Just press the button if you want anything.” She indicated the table. “I will be happy to please you.” She gave a slight bow and walked off.

A few minutes passed, leaving Opal lost in her thoughts, before a blonde Bajoran woman in civilian attire slipped onto the lounging couch beside Opal and slid intimately close.

“Kiss me. You’re happy to see me,” she whispered before her lips pressed against Opal’s.

A little startled, Opal was too taken aback to argue immediately. She instinctively obeyed the instructions and then, pulling softly back a bit as if to get a better look at the apparent long lost, much loved friend, Opal beamed at the stranger and gently touched her cheek in a way that could only be construed as affectionate if observed. She murmured a few, "You look well, how have you been keeping?" nonsenses that wouldn't really be within hearing range of anyone listening without a microphone, but yet still hopefully convincing if lip-read or thought searched.

The Bajoran blonde smiled. She was attractive, with intense blue eyes. She caressed Opal’s face back. “You’re pretty good at this, Doctor,” she said. “Eve sent me. You can call me Jera. Myru Jera.”

Jera cuddled down next to Opal affectionately and looked over the sample tray that had been left by the Rowa’ni girl. She picked up the small glass of red liquid and tossed it back with a shiver. “I wish this could affect me more,” she admitted with a smile.

"What would you expect it to do, assuming it were to affect you more,?" she asked. "What is the usual effect it might have on someone?" Opal asked curiously.

The game of pretending to be long lost besties was at least a little more productive than just sitting there waiting for nothing. At least this woman had mentioned the elusive Eve, so something had finally started to turn in the right direction at least. Softly, softly, catchy monkey, she thought to herself, remembering the phrase from somewhen in her past. There was no point in scaring off the new arrival like a timid bird when she had waited so long and so impatiently for her to arrive.

“It won’t affect me at all,” Jera said. “You, it will just mellow out, slow the world down, enhance your sensory perceptions, a bit of synaesthesia, perhaps. Basically just a really good trip.” Jera smiled and indicated the blue pill. “That one will make you horny as hell for about four hours and guarantee you some excellent stamina if you went upstairs.” She nodded to the naked Rowa’ni serving the guests or just keeping them company. “Not that the Rowa’ni aren't’ good enough at that.”

Jera replaced her cup on the tray, and the red liquid was back inside of it, as if she’d never drank it. “So, business?” Jera asked, giving Opal the look of a long lost love, not the only canoodling couple -- or throuple -- in the lounge. “Eve sent you here because she knows Tianys doesn’t have security sensors around the Lounge. Barring snitches and informants, we should be safe meeting here. Safer than the Box, anyway, the only other place with no sensors.”

"That's reassuring, at least," Opal agreed. "So, Jera, who is this Eve person, and what does she want me to know or to do?" she came straight to the point.

“Lieutenant Commander Eve Three, of the USS Nemesis,” Jera said. “She is currently...observing the situation. I was able to be snuck aboard in the chaos of personnel transports between the Cardassian fleet and the station. When they’re doing a score or more transports, it’s easy to slip an unauthorized one in to get overlooked. So I’m eyes and ears on the station, helping out where I can,” the Bajoran woman said. “Right now, she wants to make sure Commander Ryan is alive and well.”

"Well, then we have that much in common, at least," Opal agreed with her whole heart. "What can I do to assist her, or you, or Caleb?" she asked, keen now to get something happening at last.

“You are Commander Ryan’s physician, are you not?” Jera asked. “Or one of them. The only one left on the station. And you are a civilian, not Starfleet. You can insist on seeing him under the humanitarian conventions. He recently received a leg wound. Your status as also his lover is not known to the Cardassians, is it?”

"I doubt it. I don't see how they would find that out whilst invading the station with hobnail boots," Opal agreed. "So yes, that's a good idea. You're happy -- Commander Three would be happy for me to do that, wade in and start making demands?" she asked. "I wouldn't want to stomp onto anything you were in the process of working out. If you're okay for me to just get in there one way or another, then I'd be happy to do that. You're saying that's okay then?"

“I am saying you have a better chance of getting permission than I do,” Jera said. “I am good at disguises, but even impersonating Gul Hucen might get noticed,” she said with a smirk. “Staying under the Cardassian radar is better for me.”

Opal laughed at the mental image of anyone trying to disguise themselves as Hucen. "I can see that particular disguise being a bit of a challenge," she agreed with a grin.

"I will do what I can without any disguise and… well, should I get back to you, or just hope you can see what I'm achieving or failing at?" she asked, wondering whether there should be any plans for a future debrief or if that was too risky a prospect.

Jera smiled. “I think it’s time you developed some...bad habits, Doctor,” she said. “A bit of...self-medication. Come to the Lotus a couple times a week. Vary it up. Tianys will get word to me, and we’ll meet to...commiserate. After all, your lover is locked away, and you have...needs.”

The Bajoran woman dug out what looked like a tricorder scanner and held it out to Opal. “Give that to Ryan when you see him,” she said. “There is an encrypted micro-communicator inside. It should have enough range to reach Commander Eve if she’s in system, and it will reach me if she isn’t.”

Opal wasn't totally convinced of the cover story, but she had to admit it was credible with a bit of acting, and hadn't she just done that this evening with an ease that had surprised herself? She nodded almost imperceptibly and took the tricorder, slipping it into her lap initially and then later, transferring it subtly into her bag. "A couple of times a week?" she muttered rhetorically, repeating her instructions. "Many people are doing and enduring so much more, it's the least I can do and if it helps, then the Spirits will be with us. Perhaps even your Prophets too, especially if it's a plan to confuse the Cardassians. Your people have suffered at their hands for far too long already, and to have it starting all over again must be hell for you?"

Myru Jera gave a wry smile. “I’ve suffered more at the hands of the Bajorans than I have the Cardassians,” she said. “Appearances aren’t always what they seem, my good doctor.” She stood up. “Wait half an hour, like you’re sobering up,” she instructed. “Then go about your day. Try and see Ryan tomorrow. I will see what I can do on my end to try and streamline your efforts.”

"I will," Opal agreed. "Thank you," she added. "Take care of yourself." She hugged the Bajoran blonde and meant her good wishes and thanks.


Dr Opal Oliver
Civilian Surgeon

Tianys Dalav’ni
The Lotus Lounge

Myru Jera
Infiltration specialist
USS Nemesis


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