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Special Delivery - Love on the Rocks, Part 15 (Part 2 of 2)

Posted on Fri Oct 30, 2020 @ 10:46pm by Lieutenant T'Lul & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma

2,167 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Main Hangar Bay
Timeline: MD 10:00


"Origin's Ra yacht line transformed traditional forms of watercraft to the absolute geometry of a Tetrahedron. A three-based pyramid provides fundamental stability and enclosure. Its form produces a pure, precise, logical and mathematical platform on which the upper hull assembly rests.

"The Tetrahedronal design creates the appearance at high-speed of levitating over the water. This effect is produced by a Hydrofoil Small Waterplane Area Ship or HYSWAS hull, that is comprised of a single vertical strut onto a single submerged torpedo hull. The vessel will lift out of the water at speed on side-mounted adjustable hydrofoils. Long distance, smooth travel through rough water at high speeds will eliminate heeling and slamming in rough waters.

"The hull has two working waterlines for its operation. At low speeds, 0 to 30 kph, the craft sits gently onto three underbelly hulls. At high-speeds, 31 to 100 kph the hydrofoils rotate on the lower submerged hull, creating the effect of the vessel mysteriously raising the triangle out of the water.

"Above the waterlines this particular model is composed of 3 decks. Deck 1 houses the bridge and control systems. Deck 2 houses crew quarters, storage, and medical bay. Deck 3 houses a central communal area surrounded by 15 fully equipped cabins, with individual safety features. The cabins are encircled by a lounge area that can also serve as recreational or exercise areas. Each side is equipped with a deployable sundeck, ladder, 3 deployable shades.

"Equipment options include: sofa's, deck chairs, tables and chairs, paddle boards, individual or multi-person water craft, scuba equipment, and a variety of deck games."


"And what are the minimum requirements for operation? Expected capacity and maximum capacity?" T'Lul inquired.

"While the automation of this vessel allows for minimal and even remote operation, a crew of 5 is recommended. Contact your Origin representative for crew training. Quest quarter can accommodate up to 3 individuals comfortably, however this model can carry up to 200 standard humanoids in an emergency situation."

"And what are we supposed to DO with them here, on a space station?" Amia added another query to those T'Lul had brought up. "We don't have any lakes or seas for them to propel along on, or in, and Pangea - the only planet nearby for octants, isn't territory belonging to DS5 so we can't just acquire it to float about on at our leisure. What makes whoever sent these think we could we have any use for one luxury yacht, let alone two? There has to have been some kind of bill of dispatch or gift card, or any tiny clue as to what we're meant to make of these potential Trojan Horses".

By now the rep had boarded as well and ready to cover any questions the computer couldn't. Perfect timing to it seemed. "Are all Starfleet officers so suspicious? The only 'gift card' I have is the note I read earlier as to deployment we were under the impression that you already had facilities on the surface. Wouldn't these simply be augmenting what's already in place?"

"I have my suspicions about this gift. However, I should prefer to confirm them privately and in my own time," T'Lul told Amia. "As this seems to be a gift for the station, I believe that we should notify the Captain, do you not agree?"

Not sure exactly who the question was directed at he spoke eagerly. Surely the person in charge of so many people would see the benefit to their crew these craft could provide. "That sounds like an excellent idea."

"I think we're being too easily led to trust the sender of this Trojan Horse. I think Security first and then, if Commander Ryan is happy to clear it we might be able to risk our CO's life coming down but if it were to explode and harm her, or some other nefarious scenario, we'd never forgive ourselves" Amia folded her arms across her chest in an oddly protective way but it wasn't her own self that she was concerned about.

That was the last straw. "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! The Origin Corporation has been producing space and other craft for nearly a century. I have never encountered a more suspicious pair of officers in my entire life. Run whatever scans you want. These craft are yours to do with as you please. If you want to take them apart to ensure they are safe; have at it. Or you can accept them and use them."

Handing over his tablet. "Look for yourself. Everything is paid in full, no leans or secondary naming of anyone. Both simply, paid for and to be handed over to the medical and counseling departments of Deep Space Five....and as uptight as you two are, I would recommend you deploy them and use them for some time off."

T'Lul took the tablet. "I understand that most humans believe that Vulcans are uptight. However, I assure you that my responses are nothing but logical. Emotions have nothing to do with my decision making process." She thought for a moment and said, "Although I do not believe that this is likely some sort of attack because we mostly likely already would have triggered it by coming on board, given the suspicious nature of the gift, it would not be unwise to have specialists guarantee its safety."

She turned over to Amia and asked, "Would you prefer to call Security or should I do it?"

"If you would please" Amia replied and then addressing the frustrated Courier she added: "It makes no difference if it's paid for or not, I'm sure you can see our point about making sure it's safe before bringing our senior officers into range and possible danger. I agree totally with the Chief Counsellor, it would make no sense NOT to check it over properly, in fact it would be negligence. I don't understand why that frustrates you so much. You surely must see that and I doubt if you can deny that your Orion or Origin or whatever it is, corporation would take a similar view if some random anonymous unknown sent them an super-expensive pair of gifts un-announced and with no pre-agreed clearance or arrangements having been made?"

No longer bothering to hide his exasperation he leaned up against the wall with a gesture. "Like I said...scan away."

"Very well." T'Lul hit her commbadge and said, =^= Lieutenant Tessaro, this is Chief Counselor T'Lul. Please order a team to the docking lounge to inspect a suspicious item. =^=

As the docking area contained regular patrols, it didn't take long for Calligan and Johanson to arrive at the requested site. There they found the Counselor standing next to a private shuttle craft. "Ma'am, you called about a suspicious item?"

"Yes," T'Lul responded. "The Doctor and I received this yacht as a gift, though neither of us can recall anyone who would be desirous of giving us one. Please make certain that this is nothing more than it seems."

"Of course. We'll check it out."
While it was an odd request, checking out the yacht was fairly straightforward. Pulling out their tricorders, the pair started by scanning the outer hull.

"I'm not an expert on water based ships, but by all appearances the outer hull is at it seems. No signs of cracks or unusual materials. We'll move into the interior next."

Calligan relayed her findings as she headed towards the rear ladder of the boat.

"We appreciate your diligence," T'Lul commended the officer. "It is critical that no proverbial stone is left unturned."

"Absolutely!" Amia added, nodding at T'Lul in agreement. "Many lives could be at stake here."

Johanson waited for his partner to ascend the ladder and make a quick assessment. Upon receiving the initial all clear, he entered the boat. Calligan ran her tricorder over the various surfaces, while Johanson performed a visual inspection. While he didn't have much of a template to go off, he was focused on looking for the usual signs of tampering. As the pair moved down into the crew cabins on the lower deck, they were a bit more cautious in case someone was trying to hide out.

Finally they emerged back on the top deck, having searched the ship from bow to stern. "While we do tell people to keep any eye out for unexpected packages, in this case you should have nothing to worry about. There's no signs of booby traps, snooping devices or anything else of security concern. I'm sure if you ask around there's bound to be someone on the station who can tell you more from a nautical standpoint."

"No. That is not necessary. This gift is now clear to me. Thank you for your assistance," T'Lul told the security officer. "Now we can contact the Captain. However, I might suggest that this is something that I should handle. Doctor, we have our gift. Perhaps you could replicate some tea soon to celebrate."

Amia opened her mouth to respond but then her brows drew together a little. Had there been a message in that rather blunt dismissal of herself to go away and make the tea? Did T'Lul mean for Amia to be a little more remote in order to observe something of which the Chief Counsellor was aware, but which hadn't yet become obvious to the CMO. Amia made polite agreement noises and took herself out of sight but not out of range to find the nearest replicator station.

Having taken a seat off to the side of the bay with some of the members of the deck crew, he rose and returned to the collection of Federation officers; keeping his 'I told you so' tactful and veiled. "See I told you these jewels were nothing but what they appeared to be."

"So you did. You should be proud that your instincts led you to what turned out to be the correct conclusion on this occasion," T'Lul responded with a small snipe at the overly smug docking officer.

"I know you said you'd like to be the Liaison with the CO, Lieutenant so I'll just hand round this tea while you make the call, if that's in keeping with your schedule?" Amia asked, still wondering what the Chief Counsellor had in mind here and what she'd wanted of the CMO when she'd dispatched her to make tea.

This was getting "curiouser and curiouser" as a misquote from literature went and Amia was getting pretty fed up with the upstart 'delivery boy' and his rude summoning of Heads of Departments, impatiently expecting them to take custody of some very expensive but mysterious - even suspicious - alien technology without any questions asked.

Hemight be that incompetent, but to expect them to be so, was insulting and then he even had the cheek to be looking for gratitude and tickertape in what he was clearly expecting to be their open armed welcome of him, simply on the grounds that he was offering glittering bribes, like candy proffered by 'the Child Catcher' in more of that lovely literature that she so admired.

And as if that wasn't enough, she was still finding it rather un-nerving that her newfound Vulcan friend had publicly sent her off to play tea-boy with no explanation so she had been obliged to make and serve up refreshments to the obnoxious little irritant in the name of diplomatic relations with an unknown corporation that had sent no identification, no papers, no proper introductions nor any guarantors or references, only to have him then rub her nose in it by smugly gloating "I told you so" in those actual words!

Amia wasn't one to stand on ceremony, quite the contrary she was pretty genial, affable and slow to take umbrage but this whole incident had been handled in an insufferably high handed manner by the ill-mannered 'courier' right from the first demands he had made several hours ago to this most unsatisfactory, unresolved situation.

Taking a deep breath his put in his best smile, he was representing the corporation after all. "Ladies, my apologies for my frustration and curt behavior. You were after all only concerned with the safety of you commanding officer and also the well-being of you crewmates."

"I do not know what the motivations of those behind this gift but know that your security concerns have been addressed. We just need to know where on the planet you would like them deployed."

"For now, I would ask that you keep this here. The Doctor and I will discuss what to do with it over tea," T'Lul replied with a small nod to her friend.

Fortunately, due to the size of their current cargo, there was nothing else on their schedule. "Very well, I will let our home office know of the delay. I will see that both of you have access to the ship and cargo hold."

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor

Commander Amia Telamon
Chief Medical Officer

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterprises

Representative - Origin Starcraft Corporation
Played by Geral


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