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If you want a job done right

Posted on Fri Oct 30, 2020 @ 5:13am by Captain Maritza Soran

654 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Commander Soran's Office
Timeline: MD 10 1400


Yeoman Zita, and her new trainee, a young bolian called Evikan walked into Soran's office, barers of bad news.

"Ma'am. The Symbiosis Commission are on the line. They want to talk to you." Zita said, as Evikan put down a tray with coffee, cream and sugar on her desk.

Maritza put down her padd and nodded her thanks to Evikan. The reports from engineering were depressing. DS5 was coming to the end of her refit period, and it was starting to show. The predations of its last few years were significant, from war ship attacks to internal explosions, things were starting to go wrong past the point of an easy fix.

But she'd rather deal with that than the Symbiosis Committee. "What do they want?"

"They refused to say, Ma'am. Said it was personal. The Head of the Commission wants to talk to you."

She rolled her eyes. what did they want now? "Alright, patch them through."

They departed and a moment later, her screen lit up with the logo of the symbiosis committee. And then the head of the commission appared. Darag Rell was in his early sixties, hair gone silver, and spots so pale they were almost white. But his eyes were cold and sharp."

"Chairman Rell," Maritza said crisply before he could begin. "To what do I owe the honor?"

Rell looked pained at her tone, dissapointed even. "Its about the murder of Nessia Gorgain and the Zuul symbiote."

"We are investigating." Maritza pointed out. "We'll find whoever it was."

"Forgive me if I don't share your optimisim. Your people have obviously failed to catch Hex to this point, I don't hold out hope that they'll have luck now. " Rell sniffed.

Maritza's fingers curled into her palms and cut crescents shapes into her palms. The man was just unreasonable. "I have faith in my people, they might not have symbionts, but contrary to your opinion, they are all very competent."

Rell's jaw clenched, "Maritza, this is not the time to get political, a woman is dead!"

"And the only reason she's dead is becuase you are obsessed with the slugs, and went after one like a bull in a china shop. And that's Captain Soran to you.."

Rell pinched the bridge of his nose. "You are making this unnecessarily complicated. You're just being stubborn. I'm tired of having this situation with Hex running on. I'm going to take this on personally, so I'm going to be with you in a few weeks, and I'm bringing my best people with me. I'm sure Si'Man's son is adequate for your little station, but this requires speciality knowledge."


"We're coming as soon as we can. I've already been in contct with Starfleet command."

"You went over my head?" The arrogant, smug, bastard. Always assuming he knew better, was better just becuase of his worm.

"I thought it would make it easier for you."

Maritza wanted to throw something at the screen. She didn't want him on her station. And if Hex was here, she had her own reasons for not wanting him to get his hands on the blasted thing. "You thought wrong."

"I'm sorry, but its a done deal. Were going to finish this," Rell tried to strike a concilatory tone. "And I'll bring your mother with me. She misses you."

"Oh don't bring her into this." Maritza snarled. "It doesn't mean I will object any less just becuase it will be in front of her."

"Its never stopped you before, I'm not expecting it now. We'll see you in a few weeks." Rell cut the line.

Maritza slumped in her officer chair, and stared out into the stars. That was the last thing she needed. She tapped her communicator, "Zita, organise some time with Commander Ryan, and lieutenants Tessaro and Trellis, we need to discuss a VIP visit from the Symbiosis Committee,"


Captain Maritza Soran


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