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For his own good 3 - Love on the Rocks Part 13

Posted on Tue Oct 27, 2020 @ 9:47am by Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Civilian Sha'rae Astare & Lieutenant T'Lul

1,082 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Lasumas shop
Timeline: MD 9: 1500


"However, in Gevran's little show on the promenade he stated otherwise. It seems that she was willing to accept the word of a known underworld figure than someone who has done nothing but try to help her and her crew...who has stood by her...who has protected her...who..."

"Who what?" T'Lul prompted, already knowing the answer.

He had stopped in mid-sentence, surprising himself at what he had almost said. Now this Vulcan was egging him on. A smirk began forming as he contemplated what he was now admitting to himself.

T'Lul patiently waited for Geral. The knowing smirk told T'Lul that he realized the answer, but knowing and admitting to another being were two different things.

His gaze returning and he looked her again in the eye. Saying with a smile, "You're going to make me say it aren't you?"

T'Lul tilted her head slightly to the side and raised an eyebrow innocently.

His mind flashed with memories...the first time he met and cooked for her, the times on his yacht, the snow fight and falling asleep holding her at his retreat, swimming with her on the holodeck, seeing her walk into Anatole's in that dress, the forcing her off her supplements to eat a real breakfast, the dates, the near assassination, the brig time, the blood wine with her Klingon friend, laying there watching her sleep, the arguments, the making up...even getting slapped. His hand came up to face before dropping back to his desk.

He let out a deep breath. "Who...who...loves her."

"I have often marveled at how difficult those words are for non-Vulcans to say. Such an admission should be much more simple," T'Lul commented. She shrugged. "So, despite being slapped and sent out, you still have these feelings?" T'Lul asked.

There was a pause but he nodded, "yeah. I know she is working on bad information. It's getting her to realize that."

"Mr. Lasuma, or would you prefer I call you something else? Tell me, why are you associating with underworld individuals? And why do you think that the Captain is working with bad information? What do you know about the Captain and her past?"

"Well the bad information I was referring to her operating under the false narrative that this bet was to get her into bed when that was not the case at all.

"When it come to dealing with less than reputable people..." he shrugged, "...sometimes its a necessary evil. Especially when you are the new face on the block. Catering to their ego and doing them a few favors helps keep things running smoothly.

"As to her past. I know her and the Klingon Ambassador served together during the Kzinti war. I know she endured a traumatic experience during that war but...I try not to dwell in the past. She is stronger than she realizes but, in my opinion, thinks that she has to hard and guarded to appear strong.

"For a time I had managed to get inside those shields of hers; to see the real Maritza. I only hope she will let in again."

T'Lul knew much more about the Captain, so the businessman's recitation was no surprise. It just added to her understanding of what he knew and how much he did not. "Mr. Lasuma, I do not view you as the new face on the block, nor does your store indicate that you are naïve. You have a great deal of power, money, and influence. I suspect that there is much to your past that I still do not know and you try to put on your best face for people to see. Yet, someone like the Captain sees much more. Have you considered that?"

"I must not have explained myself, allow me to clarify so there are no misunderstandings. I began dealing with Gevran because at the time I was the new face on the station. We all put on a face for others to see, and in private...with those we trust...we drop the façade and can be truly open. The relationship with the Captain, while to some may be a source of rumor, speculation, or as something to undermine, is just that...our relationship.

"As a business owner I see and more than my employees realize. That fact is what brought me here in the first place. Likewise, a Captain wouldn't be worth the pips on their collar if they weren't likewise. However, I have never hidden anything from her, if she asked I answered."

"But certainly you must understand in a new relationship, everything is heightened. Lust, trust, distrust. It is often said to be the best of times of a relationship and also the worst. It will be difficult to overcome her perception. If you both wish, I would be willing to assist in bridging the relationship."

"All very true, and I would be willing. The question is would she. Truth be told I had thought that the misunderstanding created by Gevran had been cleared up. I think something new has shaken her, but what it is I do not know." He shrugged with a small gesture, "I can't clarify, explain, or make amends if I don't know what she's upset about?

"I'd bet she has or will turn to Charghwl'IH to confide in." Chuckling at the irony of his statement, "Though I better not...a bet it what started this whole mess in the first place."

"Open communication is the logical method to clear misunderstandings. Unfortunately, I find that few are logical," the Vulcan told Geral. The bigger question is whether the Captain will allow me to assist. I suspect that she hates me for forcing her to confront her emotions. Will she even trust me to broker her relationship with Geral? I will have to find a way, since this was a prevalent conversation in our first meeting, as well.

She paused to sip some tea. "You will have to be patient, Mr. Lasuma. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to counsel you both in the near future." How do I phrase this without breaching confidentiality? "As I am certain that you are aware, the Captain is not always cooperative."

Geral laughed at that. "That would have to the understatement of the year."

Geral Lasuma
Owner - Lasuma Enterpises

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor

Sha'rae Astare
Assistant/Valet to Geral Lasuma


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